Local Government TV

Monday, August 01, 2011

Where's Scott Ott These Days?

Lehigh County's Home Rule Charter is pretty clear. If you want to be a Commissioner, you must both have resided and voted there "for at least one year immediately preceding his or her election ... ." If you pack up and move into the People's Republic of Northampton County or, worse yet, Bucks County, you've automatically disqualified yourself. Given these stringent residency requirements, I'd like to know whether Gang of Four candidate Scott Ott still lives in Lehigh County.
According to his post primary report, filed with Voter Registration, Ott was living at 3414 West Union Street in South Whitehall Township. But just like Jonathan Geeting, I've been told the home is vacant and is currently being offered for sale. Before writing about it, I decided to check it out for myself. I stopped by yesterday. The property is vacant, and the owner has listed it for sale with Patt, White Real Estate.

I dove into a few garbage cans, like a good bottom-feeding blogger, but all I saw were a few 8"x10" glossies.

According to Ott's Facebook page, he's a resident of Macungie. And in a July 27 interview at PJTV, where Ott poses as a condescending expert on the debt ceiling, he's identified again as a Macungie resident. He recently had a "surprise" birthday party attended by, among other people, Lehigh County Party Boss Wayne Woodman (he brought ostrich breasts) and former Gang of Four candidate Dave Najarian (llama breasts). If Ott were really living in Bucks County, as Geeting and I have both been told, I am pretty sure that at least Najarian would be bothered.

Since continued residence within the County for a full year is required by the Home Rule Charter, exactly where Ott lives is a fair question. Ott promotes himself -n Facebook two or three times every day, so I messaged him there around noon on Sunday, asking him to "confirm your current address so I can either exonerate you or string you up."

I've heard nothing from Ott as of the time of this post. When I do, I suspect I'll be provided with a Macungie, and not a Palisades, address.
Updated 1:38 P.M. - OTT MOVED to MACUNGIE. - I just heard from Scott Ott, and he confirms that he is in Macungie. "Hi, Bernie. We live in Macungie. The voter registration office knows that, since they sent us a notice recently to the new address."

So now we know Scott Ott is in compliance with the Charter. He has not moved to Bucks County, as thought by some.


  1. It isn't right that you post a picture of someones home just because you hate that person. Not very classy!

  2. It's not his home. It's empty. And the reason for the picture is to show I was there.

  3. It's funny you should write this. Someone just mentioned Ott a week ago as falling off the face of the
    Valley. Someone else said he's now in California. You raise a valid point.

  4. Anonymous said...
    It isn't right that you post a picture of someones home just because you hate that person. Not very classy!

    1:44 AM

    Didn't Bernie say the home is vacant!

  5. Probably taking a well deserved vacation from working so hard. LMAO - I just about peed my pants from laughing so hard!!

  6. 100 people were at Scotts home for his birthday party and unless we went through a wormhole we were all in Macungie. Speaking of worms, this is truly a pathetic display of behavior. Geeting makes up a story based on an unethical act on the part of a government employee at the voters registrar office and O'Hare lends it credibility by publishing it before speaking to Ott. You two make the News of the World look like an ethical operation. Bernie, isnt it a more interesting story to pursue the County employee who surely violated rules by communicating a private correspondence to a citizen for some political purpose? What and/or who motivated him? This is more reason for everyone to get involved in the Commissioners election in November. More than increasing taxes has to be reformed down at the Government Center.

  7. It's remarkable that this guy pretty much destroyed the statewide political plans of Don Cunningham. Many were touting Cunningham for guv. Ott ended all that. is he that popular or Don that hated?

  8. My post makes quite clear that I believe Ott is in Macungie, but we all have a right to know where he is bc he must be a continuous LC resident for a year. I mentioned the birthday party as well. I did contact Ott, and have yet to hear back from from him. He posts on F/B around 40x per day, but I did not hear back from him. Should he choose not to answer, then the next question is whether you want to elect an official who is unwilling to be transparent with the public.

    No, I do not like Ott, whom I consider a phony. But I am trying to be fair to him and give him an opportunity to tell us where he is.

    Please advise his address so I can confirm it.

    What privileged information are you talking about? I spoke to somebody who drove by his old house, saw the "for sale" sign, and then spoke to the owner.

    That's another story.

  9. "It's remarkable that this guy pretty much destroyed the statewide political plans of Don Cunningham"

    Don had made his choice NOT to run for Governor before the Ott campaign, but if it makes you feel good to tout that message, go ahead. Even if it is true, it is no defense to the legal requirement that Ott remain a continuous LC resident for a year before the election. I believe he is a Macungie resident, and all I am asking is that it be confirmed.

  10. Not a fan of Ott, but even less of a fan of Cunningham. I too think Scott Ott is a fraud.

    Anybody who doesn't believe that ridiculously close election between the two men ended Don's chance at the Governor's chair is naive.

    Cunningham barely beat a nobody in his own backyard. In a county race. Where he was an incumbent. In a bad year for Republicans. With a distinct voter registration advantage.

    It was embarrassing.

    Cunningham and Ott have something in common besides that race. Without politics, political office, and running for political office, these two guys wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

    We're so lucky to have them.

  11. Wouldn't you just be able to check his voter registration status at the county voter reg office, or his driver license records at Penndot to see if he was a LC resident continuously for at least one year?
    Last I heard he was living in Bungalow Park near Dorney.

  12. No. He would only need to change his registration about a month or so before the election. Also, he need not change his vehicle registration right away.

  13. This was a bullshit slam piece by O'Hare. Where was the in depth reporting and pictures when Stoffa violated the Hatch Act when he ran for county Council in 2001 and Mazziotti, when he ran for county commissioner.

    You are an agent of transparency when the person isn't a man crush.

    Still a bullshit and yellow journalism move on your part. It will garner Scott Ott even more votes. Face it O'Hare, he will be elected this November and he is the odds on choice of being the next Lehigh County Executive.

    Why the hell should he answer your "tweets" anyway, who the hell are you but a disgraced former attorney.

  14. "This was a bullshit slam piece by O'Hare. Where was the in depth reporting and pictures when Stoffa violated the Hatch Act when he ran for county Council in 2001 and Mazziotti, when he ran for county commissioner."

    In 2001, I had no blog. The question concerning Mazziotti was addressed on this blog, and before he announced his candidacy. If you feel he violated the Hatch Act, please make a complaint instead of an anonymous accusation on a blog. That's a real bullshit slam.

    As for Ott, I have little regard for him. That's no secret. But the purpose of this post was not to trash him, but to discover whether he is still a county resident, as required by the HRC. It turns out that he is, and that point has been noted.

    Absent this post, all we would have is rumor and innuendo. The purpose of this post was to exonerate or string him up.

  15. Hey Bernie

    Get your facts straight. I don't raise llamas anymore! They taste like ship.

  16. Hey Bernie, is the Ron Angle will for his father still not the legal will. Please give us an update, we need to know this.

    the people want to know!

  17. You don't want an update. You're just a flame thrower, not "the people."

  18. Here's a question for Mr. Ott.
    Does he own or rent, and if he is renting, is it a sweetheart deal like the last two?
    Free housing at Victory Valley, and then a rental. Now another.
    The guy has lived in three houses in the last 18 months. Some people would observe it's the kind of behavior you see from somebody one step ahead of the bill collector.
    I think Donny C had a good point about Ott not having the best of roots in the Valley.
    Maybe Scott could give us his resume for why he is qualified to be a County Commissioner. I would like a little more than "I almost beat Don Cunningham!"
    I would like to know his work history for one. What do you say Scott, how about posting your resume, going back to your days in Lewiston. I would be fascinated to hear YOUR Version of your life. I believe candidate Ott needs to be forthcoming with his work history, and show why he is qualified. Right now I don't see it

  19. Just the fact that you felt the need to commit a blog post to finding out where Scott Ott has moved to is lame, to say the least, you need to find a real job and stop meddling in other peoples lives hoping to stir up trouble. The home he rented was sold out from under him....do a little research and stop being the fly that most would love to squish

  20. Scott Ott has more integrity in his little finger than everyone put together in Bernie's little mafia , that's the only thing that makes Bernie post such crap

  21. This post had nothing to do with the amount of integrity in Scott Ott's little finger. It had to do with where he lives. Because he is legally required to live within the County, it is more than fair to ask him about it when he suddenly moves. As I indicated in my lame post, I felt that Ott probably was in Macungie, but there was a a nasty rumor floating out there, and I wanted to debunk it or verify it.

    The best way of doing that is with this post.

  22. There is a strong rumor that Stoffa and Attiyah have already cut a secret deal on Bechtel, Wolf and Gracedale. This is conjunction with a 20 year sweetheart deal on the drug addict lounge.

    Lets have a post on that one Bernie. I mean it is more than a rumor, as Mr. Attiyah conformed to councilwoman McHale he and Stoffa were discussing the deal.

    So lets have the post? Debunk it or verify it. And that does not mean just ask your buddy Stoffa. Let the post get to the heart of the matter. Northampton County taxpayers who will pay for this for generations have a right to know!

    Trust but verify!

  23. It isn't about whether Scott Ott will win, but if your reasoning for him ignoring requests to prove his worthiness is he is a shoo-in, then that is troubling.
    And stating that Ott's home was sold out from under him is ludicrous. That would be true if someone is waiting to move in.
    The owner is asking 239K for a property that has propane heat and a questionable sewer and water hook-up that needs an upgrade. They don't have a buyer or an offer. Good luck with that.

  24. Laugh all you want. Scott Ott and company will clean up Lehigh County. Some of the fake jobs will have to go away.

  25. As a registered republican voter in Lehigh County, I'd be interested in Ott's attendance and voting records from his current term on Republican State Committee. This could be an indicator of the type of service to expect from him as a Lehigh Commissioner. I could not find anything at the republican website. People have told me he rarely attends these meetings that we elected him to attend. Anyone on here have this information?

  26. Yes registered "Republican", he is great on the committee. I am sure you can find "Republicans" who tell you what you want to hear.

    Say hello to Donnie for me.

  27. Bernie,

    Your man crush Browning lost - get over it.

  28. Robespierre, your entire party has just disintegrated. You won't get over it.


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