Local Government TV

Monday, August 01, 2011

Crime Rises Another 3.67% In Bethlehem Thru June

Is it the casino?

It might be called Christmas City, but crime is continuing to climb in Bethlehem. Statistics maintained by the Pennsylvania State Police reveal that, in 2010, there were 6.24% more criminal offenses reported than the previous year, including violent crime.

In the first six months of 2011, there's yet another 3.67% jump. If there's any good news, it's that violent crime seems to be down.

Figures for Easton are still being tabulated. In Allentown, however, crime has dropped another 2% through June, over the same period last year.


  1. Casino not, unemployment yes and a hard economy. Robberies, buglaries, home invasions are seemingly on the rise. People are becoming desparate.

  2. Someone wrote last week after the
    Russian visitor was killed on I/78
    that these two had been at the casino prior to the accident. Who knows but the entrances to I/78 in Hellertown are confusing. It wouldn't be difficult for a tourist to turn onto the wrong roadway.

  3. Bethlehem is on its way to being another sin city whether it be the Casino, more crime, or ridiculous human rights laws and commissions that stifle free speech. Keep up the good work down there and don't forget to vote for Callahan

  4. I'm sure crime is down in Allentown, but you'd never report that.

  5. Chris, I am unaware of any teabaggers even running in the Bethlehem elections.

  6. Thanks to Mayor Callahan and City Council (Willie Reynolds as Chairman of the Finanace Committee for the last 2 years and Bob Donchez as President of City Council) Bethlehem currently has fewer police on the job. Tax increases and layoffs and higher crime is now the norm for Bethlehem. It is time to replace Reynolds and Donchez and to keep the third Callahan rubberstamp from getting on Council.

  7. "I'm sure crime is down in Allentown, but you'd never report that."

    Actually, I did. I noted crime is, in fact, down. "In Allentown, however, crime has dropped another 2% through June, over the same period last year."

    I also reported that crime was down in Allentown six months ago.

    Perhaps you need a few reading lessons.

  8. Could be the fact that police morale is so low because they are understaffed. Everyone knows that there are limited number of police patrolling at night.

  9. Allentown's crime is coming down because it was so high, it had no where else to go but down...

  10. I believe there are four police officers on patrol in Bethlehem at night.

  11. I think you are correct, the # of officers over night is very low. This is unacceptable for a city of 75,000 with a police force of over 150. This situation is only going to get worse unless the elction in the fall results in the removal of Willie Reynolds and Rechutti not being elected to City Council. These two rubber stamps for the mayor will go along with the destruction.

  12. don't forget about donchez time to oust him - he's been part of the problem for 16 years

  13. I agree with 8:34, the problem is any real alternatives in either the D or R party won't run. I asked a few and they said what is the point. When confronted with a choice the good people of Bethlehem want to know if you went to Liberty or Freedom. They need to be told for who and how to vote. Check out the school district, despite massive debt and taxes the same names get elected. Hell, they just selected a lifetime Bethlehem teacher and Principal, real change coming there. It is an old system and discourages any new ideas or people.

    So whether you like ti or not the two people you mentioned will most assuredly be elected this November. Maybe we will have two kids on council with hot girlfriends.

  14. I disagree. Two of the three republican candidates are legit and offer fiscal responsiblity and accountability and can be elected.

  15. anon 10:08, you will not see any of the Republicans running beat the D's. You will never beat Wee Willie. sorry, dude ain't gonna happen.

    Life ain't fair!

  16. I live in Easton and I know crime is down. I can walk my streets at any time and not feel threatened. a lot of extra police seem to be on the street.

  17. bethlehem cops are too busy shooting up city hall, stealing money to gamble, falsifying reports attending union meetings and sipping coffee at wawa to worry about such mundane things as doing their job.

    big gun little ----

  18. It was all so much better when Bethlehem Steel just paid for everything. I wonder if ArtsQuest will pony up some money for the extra police that will be needed on the South Side during their events.

    I feel that one or two R's are worth voting for instead of a couple of bought and paid rubberstamps for the mayor. Then again God help us all if Burnatos gets elected, he's got more hot air than Karen Dolan and a bigger ego than Wee Willie!


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