Local Government TV

Friday, August 26, 2011

George of the Sinkhole Back Home

On Monday afternoon and evening, rescue workers from all over the Lehigh Valley converged on a small Bethlehem Township property to save the life of a 16-year old Chocolate Lab named George. When he was finally pulled out at 10 PM, George was on a stretcher, but I could see his head looking around, as if to ask, "What the hell is going on?"

I finally caught up with George on Thursday afternoon. He's back home.

"He looked like a dirty, old furry bear when they pulled him out," laughed owner Dan Kerry.

Kenny noted that Dr. Cummings, who spent hours waiting for George beside the sinkhole, refused to charge for his house call. "For that I am very grateful, and so is George."

He also called George a "reluctant hero." You see, the Kerrys' grandchildren, ages 2-16, will be visiting next week, and it could have been one of them who slipped into a sinkhole.

"George unknowingly made everything safe for everyone."

But he will likely be treading lightly in the back yard for the next few days.


  1. Labrador retrivers are showing the region and the nation this week why they're the most beloved breed in America

    Chocolate George is a reluctant hero, and a beautiful black lab named Hawkeye stayed with HIS hero and owner, a fallen SEAL, refusing to leave his casket at his funeral:


    Makes me appreciate our beautiful black lab/rottweiler mix even more.

  2. Thanks for sharing that story, Donna. What an amazing story!

  3. I hope the rescuers and Dr. Cummings get an ET trophy this week. They deserve more than that, but it's a good start. Glad to see George is home and doing well!

  4. Welcome Home George! We're loving ya back where you belong. Good job protecting those grandkids too.
    As for the Doc Cummings, only kisses.

  5. Way to go Doc Cummings, whoever you are..Your actions are so freaking rare in our society. You neeed to be applauded!

  6. The Doc rocks, as do all the volunteers. They restore my faith that there's a lot more good than bad out there. Dogs have a uncanny ability to bring out the best traits in humans. Nice coverage, Bernie.

  7. Dogs give their love "unconditionally". It's a shame we as humans can't learn from them. What a better world it would be.

  8. Risking all those live for a dog? WTF? What would you all be saying if that hole would have collapsed on a rescuer? What? While a nice story and with a feel good ending, many lives were put in harms way because of this. What these volunteer guys did was extremely dangerous at best. If it were a human being it would have been one thing, but for a dog. Enough.

  9. It very easily could have been a human being. It could easily have been one of the Kenny grandchildren. The time spent saving this dog provides training for the next time, when it could be someone you love. In closing, these are volunteers and don't need you permission or approval.

  10. Bernie, are you sure that dog is 16 years old? Most dogs that size don't live that long. He sure is in good shape.

  11. Yep, George is 16. He looks very good, better than me. But he moves pretty slowly.

  12. Fahy bridge un-walkable - no worries - johnning casiono has a 2 million dollar 1.2 mile greenway for you. we're so proud. at least george has a place to crap

  13. Fahy bridge un-walkable - no worries - johnning casiono has a 2 million dollar 1.2 mile greenway for you. we're so proud. at least george has a place to crap

  14. Anonymous... to Mr. WTF!
    It could have been you or one of your kids! It just so happened it was George! I'm glad it was a happy ending. Thanks to Dr. Cummings for doing something so rare in our society today.
    What a heartwarming story!
    Thank you BO!
    The story about Hawkeye the black lab who did not want to leave his owners casket at his funeral!

    Wow, what a story! If anyone can't say that an animal won't give unconditional love, they are wrong. Just look at that situation. If you treat them well, they will give you ALL THE LOVE they have!
    I know!!


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