Local Government TV

Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Drown, Turn Around

Although Hurricane Irene has weakened, it's clear we're in for heavy rains, starting around noon on Saturday. Northampton County Emergency Management Services has issued an alert, warning about flash floods:

Be advised heavy rainfall caused by Hurricane Irene will likely cause flooding. – including flash flooding. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action. All residents should stay tuned to local media outlets for current conditions and follow instructions given by local emergency officials.

Flash floods are the #1 weather-related killer in the U.S. (Check out this link from NOAA - “Turn Around Don’t Drown

"A mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away most vehicles. This includes pickups and SUVs."


  1. Total Bullshit. We are tired of the Socialist Nanny state.

  2. Must agree. It's governing to lowest common idiotic denominator. A Darwinian approach would be better for all. Events like the pending storm (have you heard?) tend to purify our species and improve our collective intelligence quota. Notifications like the one in this post make us all dumber.

  3. Anon 7:18,

    not sure that's possible in your case.

  4. Unlike the first two commenters,who consider this post "Total Bullshit," there are numerous people who probably could have benefited from it, except they are now dead. I can think of a woman on Easton Avenue who lst her life walking through about 6 inches of water that swept her off her feet and down a drain.

    I appreciated the warning from NC emergency officials.

  5. This is some serious stuff coming our way. Please be VERY careful.
    Note that if the Governor of your State declares a state of emergency you are not allowed to be on the roads.
    If caught or need to be rescued you could be in for a big bill or even a little punishment time in JAIL.
    There are lots of rescue people risking their lives to help people .
    Please don't make it worse on them by thinking this thing coming is no big deal.

    Stay home with your families and keep everyone safe.

  6. what ever you do don't listen to wfmz's hanna. the boy wouldn't know a storm if he was standing in it. he has totally blown this prediction.

  7. You know what I think? The government has no damn business telling us what to do in a Hurricane and has usurped the role of the people in declaring a state of emergency. People will figure out how to handle this on their own. This is an infringement on my freedom and if I want to ride the high surge, that's my business and the government doesn't have a damn thing to say about it.

    I want a government so damn small that I can put it in my pocket.

  8. Ken Kraft is running for office. You can tell.

  9. not about running for office. just reposting something i saw and thought relevant to the situation...

  10. Anonymous @5:48

    I agree 1000%.

    And since you don't want the government telling you what to do, I assume that if you stay and the worst happens, you'll:

    1. not ask for/refuse all attempts at rescue.

    2. not ask for/refuse all offers of any type of assistance - federal, martial or otherwise.

    3. not make use of any charitable assistance offered by entities such as the Red Cross.

    After all - if you can ride it out on your own, you can make do after on your own, correct?

    If that's the case, then I am completely in favor of you ignoring government warnings to evacuate.


  11. "After all - if you can ride it out on your own, you can make do after on your own, correct?

    If that's the case, then I am completely in favor of you ignoring government warnings to evacuate."

    Lady, let's get something damn straight. I want a government so small that I can hold it between my index finger and my thumb and squash it like a damn bug. That means I don't want to pay any more damn taxes even if it's to rescue me. Someone will volunteer for that for free and we don't need a nanny state telling people to evacuate and calling for emergencies which can only result in more taxes. You liberals may not have faith in the American people, but I do.

    This is the Tea Party revolution you asked for and now you have it. Now shut up and enjoy your low taxes.

  12. Dude:

    Calm down - I'm on your side.

    You wanna stay - stay. I just agreed with your right to do so as I believe your principles extend to after-storm issues as well.


  13. "You wanna stay - stay. I just agreed with your right to do so as I believe your principles extend to after-storm issues as well."

    Bullspit. You're a dyed in the wool liberal who believes in big government and who wanted me to succumb myself to the stinking nanny state. I know all about the after storm issues and I don't require any help that's going to raise my damn taxes.

    What you liberals don't understand is that a line has been drawn in the damn sand. I don't want to pay anymore taxes. Not only do I not want to pay them, I want to see them cut to the damn bone. You big government types want to fund hurricane centers, states of emergencies and a bunch of other big government stuff we don't need that raises the taxes. What the hell did people do before all of this? Hell, back in the day, people got along just fine without this stuff.

    Low taxes and small government is the way to go. Hell, if I can see the government under a microscope, that's still too big for my taste.

  14. I figured that, Bernie.

    He doesn't know me from Adam's house cat (and I'd like to keep it that way...lol)

    Stay dry.


  15. Yep. So far, everything seems fine.

  16. "Stay dry."

    You may think I'm a bit "touchy", but I've long experience with the liberal element and what may appear to be an innocuous innocent little statement is actually a lurch down the road of socialism and communism.

    Let me ask you this lady, who the hell is going to pay for this "staying dry"? Those of us in the know, know that "Adams cat" means for a big government to construct a big tent for everyone to fit under and before you know it , an entire federal bureaucracy will spout up over keeping people dry while I'm forced to pay taxes for this crap. No, I'm not about to let you liberals jam that down my damn throat.

    What you don't understand is that there's a Tea Party revolution in this country and the budget battle is only the damn opening bell. Yes, there's going to be a fight over the proper role of government and by the time we're done, the damn government will be like a miniature hobby horse and free markets will rule. Yes, free markets can solve every know problem that man has, but you liberals are in the way with your socialism. We're going to deal with that.

  17. ANON 9:57, I totaly agree with you. UT is another code name for O'Hare's buddy Trish/brenda. Very, very liberal and dishonest.

  18. ANON 9:57, I totaly agree with you. UT is another code name for O'Hare's buddy Trish/brenda. Very, very liberal and dishonest.

  19. Darn. Busted.

    Bernie - you should post a map with cyber pins in it to indicate all locations of UT/Trish/Brenda/The Tooth Fairy so everyone can keep up.


  20. >>Very, very liberal and dishonest.<<

    Yes, I suspected that right at the outset. I can smell these liberals a mile away. They're lowdown and sneaky. I put them right down there with snakes and cats; two pets that you never ever want to have.

  21. Ken Kraft and the bureaucracy think we're babies. If Ken wants my vote, I'll first require my ass wiped, followed by a sponge bath.

    Expectations are usually met. Government expects the least and will usually get it from the thumb-suckers they've fostered. It makes people think they need these kinds of ridiculous pronouncements from the likes of Ken Kraft.

    And the scanner buzzes with calls for water rescues from those who didn't get the infantile memo...

  22. An anonymous troll. Quelle surprise.


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