Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Donate to Musikfest ... or Lasso Family?

Because Musikfest is expected to lose $750,000 this year, ArtsQuest President Jeff Parks is already seeking donations. But there's another fundraising effort going on at the same time.

Freemansburg Police Officer Robert Lasso, killed on duty, is being buried today. Numerous local businesses, including WaWa and the Heights Community FCU, are collecting money for his wife and two small children.

During a recession, in which our funds are very limited, which cause sounds more worthy to you?

Jeff, right now, it makes more sense for you to seek donations for Lasso's family than a music festival.


  1. Is there an address to send donations for the police officer's family? Thank you

  2. Yes, You can send a check to the Robert Lasso Memorial Fund, 3530 Freemansburg Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18020. You can also contribute at WaWa and a few other stores.

  3. Bernie, both are good causes but obviously a family having lost their father would be the choice of all of us. It's not fair to draw the comparison in my opinion. Besides the two causes you mentioned there are so many worthy charities out there and we all need to balance what we give and to who. With the government cutting back it's going to take the rest of us who have to dig deep.


  4. Bernie -

    I think the choice is obvious, thanks for posting the info on where to donate to the officer's family.

    As to Musikfest, please explain to me why anyone would want to donate.

    Maybe I don’t remember it, but were Musikfest executives thinking of us as they raised their salaries over the years? Were they thinking of us when they started charging for headline acts? Were they thinking of us as food and beverage ticket prices skyrocketed over the years?

    I have a difficult time feeling sorry for an organization that has gouged festival attendees over the years now wanting even more. Aren’t they already being subsidized by the taxpayers of Bethlehem with the free use of public parks and other venues?

    I could be wrong, but I don't remember Musikfest giving people a break after the many years when the weather was great. Why should people give more the one year the weather was bad?

  5. Patrick, take a moment put down the tri-cornered hat of hate and just quietly give money to the slain officers family. Not everything needs a political speech.

  6. Well said ANON 2:02, well said.

  7. Jeff Parks needs to support himself. That $273,000 salary he pays himself, only goes so far people. he should be ashamed of himself, but he's a lawyer.

  8. 2:02, I don't consider Patrick's statement a speech any more than your own comment. Not everything is political, and Patrick was not trying to be political. He was making a point, and a good one.

  9. Saemus, It is completely fair to make a comparison. We are in a bad economy and our resources for good causes are very limited. Musikfest is great for the community, and has already rec'd a lot of public and private support. The TIF that was just re-negotiated is primarily for its benefit.

    At a time when ourt resources are so limited, it is very bad timing to seek donations at the very time that money is being sought for Robert Lasso's family. In fact, Jeff would earn a lot of good will if he used his formidable fund-raising abilities to pick up some dough for Lasso's widow and children, instead of screaming for $750k on top of the MILLIONs he has already received, don't uou think?

  10. I attended the beautiful ceremony this morning for the fallen officer and you put it into perspective Bernie. Musikfest and its big executives getting their "non-profit" salaries asking people to cover their mistake is horendous. No pun intended but they should have had a "rainy day" fund built up over the years. Heck it doesn't take the greatest special events manager to know that the whole budget is weather dependent.

    It was great when it started. Free music, $10 for up front seats but it has really gotten out of control.

    My vote goes to the Lasso fund.

  11. Remember that "Patrick" is just another tri-cornered hat teabag hanging right wing extremists. They have no sense of real life. they only have their crazy!

  12. Anon6:43, it seems to me that you have the market cornered when it comes to crazy.

  13. Seamus, Did Johnny write that statement for you. Another example of the bethlum spin

  14. I am sending money to both. I reject that i am forced to choose. The "i hate non profits crowd" probably wont donate to either cause. And that is their choice.

    I appreciate the fact that arts quest provided me an evening of free entertainment (performers cost money) for what amounted to an over-priced taco. I also appreciate the fact that a heroes family must now make ends meet.

    $100 are incoming to both. But i am sure bernie will judge me as horrible for my acts of charity.

  15. I certainly would never judge you as horrible for an act of charity. And it's nice that you're able to send money to both. Most of us do not have those resources. For those of us who are limited, and I think there's more of us than there is of you, I think you'd agree it makes more sense to give to the widow and children of a slain police officer. Jeff should throw his weight behind that cause, too, and get some money for them.

  16. Seriously? Stinkyfest wants money from us? Not every resident in Bethlehem agrees with this crappy excuse for a festival that serves to annoy with drunkards and noise pollution as much as it entertains. The "choice" is clear for me...

  17. Society has shown itself capable of supporting both law enforcement and the arts. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. I spent at Musikfest and just cut a check for the memorial fund. Thank you for posting the information on where to send.

    A more interesting question is why the only backup for a cop in his prime was an unarmed 71-year old? Or, how does the new Castle Doctrine play in a case where the cop was on private property without a warrant; under orders from his superior to shoot the property owner's dogs (i.e. property)? Is the new law open season on law enforcement?

  18. Anon 9:47, It's very nice that you have been able to find the money for a contribution to both. Although I only go every few years, I consider Musikfest a wonderful event. But for those of us with limited resources, this is a no-brainer. You summed it up well.

    As for the Castle Doctrine, I suspect this will be a test case. I sure hope it does not result in open season on law enforcement.

  19. If EPD is any example, they are terrified of the Castle Doctrine law as it is amended. They wont even get out of their cruisers without a warrant these days.

  20. Bernie -

    A few points about the Castle Doctrine:

    1) I don't know if it is even in effect yet, as I think it was to take effect 60 days after signing (I don't think we're there yet).

    2) Even if it were in effect, it does not allow homeowners to open fire on police officers acting in performance of his or her official duties

    I think that much of the misinformation about the law is probably coming from those who are against gun (owner) rights.

  21. Morning Bernie, I am off the subject of Musikfest or the loss in the Lasso family, but FYI. This weekend is the New Approach Show at the Bangor Middle School. I don't know if you are familiar with it or not, but this will be the 41st year. It started with the cancer death of Tim Caracio and has been raising money for cancer yearly. The music and choreography are great. Originally, the money went to cancer research at the University of Pitt, it now goes to the cancer center at Pocono Hospital. NO ONE GETS PAID, IT IS ALL VOLUNTEER.

  22. It is comforting to know that the government has made some provision for benefits to be paid to the family of Officer Lasso. For an officer fallen in the line of duty: The benefit amount for fiscal year 2011-2012 is $115,046.97.


    Let's hope there is not much red tape delaying the payments.

  23. It's a nice benefit, but sadly, it is limited to just one year. His children are very young.

  24. Have any of you attended a ball game lately? Eight dollar beers, 60 dollar (and up) seats, a football game at Penn State or some other major college (65 dollars a seat and twenty dollar parking and that doesn't include a mandatory donation to the college to be eligible for those seats). Nothing is free today and if you don't like it, don't attend it. Same with Musikfest. If you don't want to pay the freight for the food, eat at home before you go. Food prices in restaurants is very high not to mention the $3.25 to $3.75 you pay in a restaurant for a bottle of beer. Musikfest is good for Bethlehem so stop your whining and belly aching. Musikfest is not for skinflints looking for handouts. It is for music lovers who enjoy a diverse field of music at no cost.

  25. Jeff Parks making $273,000 is the sticking point in most of this. He is raping the non-profit for his own profit. No way around it!

  26. The mayor is too busy to write my statements.


  27. I agree Parks is very arrogant and does what he pleases. If he worried more about the long-term viability of the festival instead of paying himself more than $200,000 this wouldn't have happened. He's not a businessman and as such shouldn't receive our money. If you want to donate money, buy local. I've never seen a business beg for money before. There are a lot of Mom and Pop stores that could use the money.

  28. seamus, what's he screwing up now?

  29. The mayor IS very busy. Hey Seamus, where is the Mayor the busiest, Apollo or Edge. Just curious.

  30. where ever dolan is busy

  31. Bernie, I will be honest I do not feel compelled in any way to donate to Officer Lasso's family. I am sure they will receive a healthy inusurance payout and the children are now eligible for Social Security. The wife also is likely entitled to his pension if he was vested.

    This may sound cold, but when you take a job as a police officer, you accept the inherant risks of that job as well. While I am saddened by their loss, I feel no obligation to support them.

    Comparing them to MusikFest is truly an apples to oranges example, and yet I feel more compelled to support ArtsQuest;I must be an evil person.

  32. You certainly are insensitive. Aside from a one-time payment and some insurance, there is little coverage for this family. You state Lasso chose to be an officer. That's true, and he paid the price. His kids did not choose to be born. You want them and his wife to suffer bc he gave his life protecting asswipes like you.

    As for Musikfest, Jeff Parks chose to run it without a rainy day fund. He accepted the inherent risks associated with that stupid decision. While I am saddened by his loss, I feel no obligation to support him.

  33. It is a shame you even have to put that as a question, "Donate to Lasso or Musikfest". It is a shame that our Lehigh Valley has become the place where the mighty dollar of profit tries to, and almost always does rise above the welfare, support, and love of our neighbors. Lasso family, my roots are here, and I know what I was taught by my family as a child growing up in Bethlehem Township..people come first, especially in times of need. The people in my family who have passed, who have seen the Lehigh Valley for many, many years previous to what it is now, are crying in their graves at the thought of the "Musikfest vs Lasso" choice. What has happened to our community? God Bless you Lasso family. Know that you are in the heart of many that will help you however we can. Moneyfest...I mean Musikfest..disgusting!

  34. Where is it documented that Parks makes $273K?


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