Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Pawlowski on Mr. Ed Show

I don't watch TV, and had no idea Mr. Ed was still in showbiz. I thought he was dead. But some horse's ass named Ed apparently has some TV show on MSNBC, and is busily shilling for Obama by attacking Mitt Romney.

Mr. Ed was really worked up that Romney dared stand outside Allentown Metal Works, a failed Queen City business, despite having been injected with Obama's stimulus funds. So Mr. Ed brought in a union president and King Edwin.

Pawlowski's nose is a little longer now. He completely misled the viewing audience about Allentown.

1) "There's a lot of manufacturing still going on here." - FALSE. Manufacturing jobs have declined in the Lehigh Valley over the past 10 years, from 53,109 in 2000 to 44,496 last year. In 1970, there were 93.923 manufacturing jobs.

2) "The region as a whole is one of the fastest growing regions in Pennsylvania." - FALSE. LV unemployment in 2010 was 9.3%, above the state rate of 8.7%. Subdivision plans have declined from a high of 1,142 plans submitted in 2002 to just 409 last year. In Allentown, only 8 plans were proposed, and only 17 lots were approved. Airport traffic has declined from 1,009,951 passengers in 2004 to 838,211 last year. Even bus ridership is down.

3) "We got a new arena being built." QUESTIONABLE. - Have they broken ground?



  1. Saw it. This was a new low for MSNBC.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. Bernie -

    Neither Pawlowski or MSNBC have any concern for the truth. They must have made a perfect match.

  3. wow, Bern, I know you dislike Ed and all, but this is a reach. nothing you wrote actually refutes anything Ed said.

  4. Who used more makeup for the show, Mr Ed or Mayor.

  5. Does anyone know what Allentown's unemployment rate is (not the LV as a whole)? I'm sure it's well above the rate of the LV.....maybe Ed should be working on that instead of bashing Romney.

  6. Front page Call story tells of horrific traffic jam at South Side's 4th Fireworks Display. How event officials could not forsee this. Allentown residents wonder if this isn't a step into their city's 7th Street future too.

  7. In politics, when you are explaining, you are losing.

    Romney made Pawlowski, Obama, and MSNBC do a lot of explaining.

    Unfortunately, ratings indicate precious few saw the piece. More viewers were watching a cable access show on bass fishing and an infomercial on self removal of hemorrhoids.

    And Tuesday featured yet another murder in Ed Pawlowski's paradise...

    Hockey should cure this. Any asshole knows it.

  8. The good news is that few people have ever watched MSNBC.

    The bad news is that the Lehigh Valley, between Allentown and Bethlehem, has two of the worst mayors in the state.

    This is what happens when the voting public puts career politicians into these jobs. These guys aren't looking out for you or your neighborhood. It's just part of their continuing game for a higher office. You are a means to their end.

  9. Willlllbuuuurrrr

    Maybe Obama will allow Mr. Ed to caddy for him the next time he hits the links. He would last less than 200 yards on the loop before he was face down in the fairway. Then Secret Service could put him down as a humane gesture to Allentownians.

  10. Your refutations to points 1 and 2 are very weak. The mayor said "a lot of manufacturing is still going on" which your numbers don't belie. 44K jobs is "a lot."

    I'm not sure what unemployment and subdivisions have to do with the point that the region is growing. Look at the census, genius. I love the airport anecdote. That seals it! Bwahaahaha

  11. Bernie -

    By the way, if the photo on your post is supposed to be Pawlowski, you're showing the wrong end of the horse.

  12. 9:31, If no subdivision is taking place and unemployment is high, it is impossible to say honestly t the are is growing. The airport data is not an "anecdote," but a fact. If passenger traffic is going down, you cannot claim the region is growing, as Pawlowski falsely did.

  13. Abolish the local government. Eliminate the police department. Deliver your own mail.

    Rely on churches, the kindness of strangers and the Captains of Industry.

    Maybe Charlie Dent should run for mayor. Then there would be jobs jobs jobs jobs.

    And manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing.

    With no regulation you can dump all the toxic waste into the Lehigh.

    Oh God please make Obama a one term President.

  14. How many bills have the Republicans stifled that would actually promote job creation?

    Its not convenient for their political agenda. They dont want the economy to improve of course until after 2012.

    What are they doing to create jobs by the way?

  15. This post has nothing to do with whether evil Republicans are stifling job growth. It's more basic. Can Pawlowski tell the truth? It seems to me he can't.

  16. One big difference between Pawlowski and Mr. Ed- "Mr. Ed will never talk unless he has something to say."

  17. 9:31, If no subdivision is taking place and unemployment is high, it is impossible to say honestly t the are is growing. The airport data is not an "anecdote," but a fact. If passenger traffic is going down, you cannot claim the region is growing, as Pawlowski falsely did.

    Because more people choose direct flights out of Newark or Philly, that leads you to the conclusion the area is getting smaller?

    And why do population changes have to be reflected in new subdivisions? There is plenty of excess housing from Bush's boom.

  18. Bernie, I don't watch "Ed" and am not a Pawlowski-nut, but the Valley had 821,000 people in the 2010 census. It had 740,000 people in the 2000 census. It had 595,000 people in the 1990 census. While you can say growth has slowed, the Valley is still growing, and at a faster rate than most of the state. If anything, the slowing here is impressively light, considering the national slow down in housing.

  19. He was not talking about a growing population. He was talking about a growing economy, and he misled whoever watched that broadcast.

  20. 10:44, see my comment at 11:00 am. I have not said the area is getting smaller. It is not. It is getting larger. But when Pawlowski claims that the area is growing in the context of growing economically, he is being untruthful. That was the context in which he spoke. You probably did not see the show, and i won't ask you to do so bc it is nonsense.

  21. Romney really has a lot of explaining to do about his failed numbers as Gov.

    What bill has the House passed in the last 6 months to promote job Growth?

  22. Fastest growning area or city. Some have quoted numbers for Atown, but how has the LV really faired in the recovery?

  23. Bernie, please post one of your online polls asking the following:

    Is Allentown a shit hole?

    I guarantee that most will respond in the affirmative, because they believe their eyes aren't lying and Allentown is, indeed, a shithole. Pawlowski isn't solely responsible. But he's manned the wheelbarrow quite well.

  24. I saw asshole Ed on the Mr. Ed show. I was screaming at the TV for the next liar to stand up. Everyone who pays attention knows that Allentown is going down the drain and I am not afraid to say that although the population is increasing, it is increasing from people who are "taking" and not giving. They like to live near where the benefits are handed out, if you know what I mean. Whenever I talk about Allentown, I always ask that the last person out please turn out the lights. And, p.s. as long as Ed P is mayor the city will continue to decline.

  25. MSNBC is the liberal version of Fox. Neither network is of nay use for real news!

  26. God Bless Mr. Pawlowski. You losers can sit in your trailers and attack him. I just saw him on the news helping in Haiti.

    What a wonderful act for the children. they have a playground and all the smiles were heart warming.

    He is a decent man. All your evil attacks won't change the fact he is a success and you are a failure!

  27. "2) "The region as a whole is one of the fastest growing regions in Pennsylvania." - FALSE. LV unemployment in 2010 was 9.3%, above the state rate of 8.7%. Subdivision plans have declined from a high of 1,142 plans submitted in 2002 to just 409 last year. In Allentown, only 8 plans were proposed, and only 17 lots were approved. Airport traffic has declined from 1,009,951 passengers in 2004 to 838,211 last year. Even bus ridership is down."

    Subdivision plans aren't necessarily the best barometer for commercial growth. There is a large volume of property inventory. Where before developers had to create new lots for development, they are buying existing lots and redeveloping existing inventory. Particularly in this area, brownfields are being developed. How do the number of land development plans compare?

    Its not great, but there are worse places in the state to live.

  28. I would think that Allentown's mayor should be helping in Allentown, not Haiti Allentown needs all the help it can get

  29. Just teabagger nonsense.

  30. Anon 11:52,

    You WANT four more years of Obama?


    Well, go for it, Genius!!!

  31. Bottomline folks, When Romney was Gov, he did such a poor job that Mass ranked 47 out of 50 in Job creation and he is going to have the sack to come here and talk smack? C'mon, whether you like Mayor Pawlowski or not, good for him for sticking up for the Lehigh Valley. Oh and Bernie, Pawlowski wasn't comparing now to 1970, he was comparing now to recent history and that we are in FACT starting our climb back upwards.


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