Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

King Edwin For Congress, Too?

My post about LC Dem boss Rich Daugherty's decision to run for Congress has resulted in a few comments touting Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski for that race, too. Like this. "Ed Pawlowski is the most popular D in this area. He's won elections by wide margins and would win another if held today. He's certainly more electable than the other mayor who was simply embarrassing in his lame attempt. Cunningham is incredibly unpopular and could barely get out of the way of a certified nut. It's easy to understand why the haters should be very afraid of a Pawlowski run. He'd win."

Gotta' love that style, which lauds Pawlowski while trashing both Callahan and Cunningham. I guess that's how it's done in Chicago.

But an inside source tells me King Edwin has his eyes on statewide office. That's why he ran for state committee and is soliciting contributions as far away as Altoona.


  1. if eddie is the most popular d in the area u boys are in deep dodo.

  2. if eddie is the most popular d in the area u boys are in deep dodo.

  3. He'd win if he ran. He's a proven vote getter; one of the most popular Ds in the state.

  4. Anon 8:08 -

    I agree.

    He should resign as Mayor and start campaigning immediately. He is far too popular to serve as a lowly mayor.

  5. Hey, I think running for a state or federal office is a great idea! The sooner the better, I say!


    The City of Allentown

  6. There is no doubt he plans to run for Congress or Governer, one need only read the daily party line press releases to know that he is trying to establish himself as a leading Democrat in PA. If its not Bird City or Michelle Obama's vegetable cart, its some other liberal policy or cause that he promotes on a daily basis, with a full time communications staffer paid for by City tax payers. During previous elections Pawlowski generated as much as 90% of his campaign contributions from outside the Lehigh Valley.

    By creating new managment staff and raising his salary, he has completely turned the Allentown Mayor job into a ceremonial role that allows him the time and resources to more fully participate in Democratic politics and position himself for higher office. Long gome are the days when the Mayor acted more as a City Manager who's concerns were City finances, the day to day operations and overseeing provision of City services.

  7. Who the hell is commenting here. Allentown is a fucking dump and has only gotten worse with Ed. He isn't going to run for shit. If he were smart he would stay in his current seat so he doesn't end up like Callahan after he decided to take on Dent. All the bad comes out of the closet when you run for higher office. Allentown is a trash hole. A-Town could learn alot from Easton who is really the only true progressive city in the Valley. Bernie may disagree but this is the truth. A-town is a shit hole, Bethlehem has things going on but the city is broke. Easton is becoming the shining star. Why.....Because of our Mayor. He is by far the most popular Mayor this Valley has ever seen. He doesn't soak people down for donations....he just does his job and does it well. Ed for Gov is fucking joke. Cunningham couldn't even make it to the Primary. Speaking of Don - I would rank he and Mayor Panto as the two Lehigh Valley Pol Work Horses with the most popularity.

  8. Actually, I pretty much agree 100%.

  9. One of the most popular D's in the State? What are you fucking kidding me. The guy is a Penguin who would never be able to stand toe to toe with Corbett or Dent. He would get his ass handed to him badly. If he runs I will order him an extra special white flag.

  10. A contested democratic primary will kill the dems chances of getting that seat. Daughtry says strengthen it. He's an idiot if he truely thinks that.

  11. Ed needs to come down off of his high horse. Look at his record. That arean project will prove the same results for allentown as the arena did in Reading. Nothing. Go to downtown Easton at 10PM and then go to downtown Allentown. Like night and day. I think you could say they were both the same several years ago. I hope Ed runs...he can then move back to Chicago and get the hell out of the Lehigh Valley.

  12. Actually a contested primary could be a very good thing. Gets people thinking about the issues more and earlier. Easier to separate the wheat from the chaff but also build messaging. Getting a stronger candidate by refining positions is good. As long as the candidates do not beat each other up too much that is, we have to remember we are in the same party after all.


  13. Anon 12:19 said:

    "...If he were smart he would stay in his current seat so he doesn't end up like Callahan after he decided to take on Dent..."

    Anon -

    Those who frequent Allentown know what Allentown has become under Ed and agree with your assessment. We certainly don't think he's very smart, and that's why we hope he runs for another office.

    For Allentown to get better, Pawlowski has to go.

  14. "Who the hell is commenting here. Allentown is a fucking dump and has only gotten worse with Ed. He isn't going to run for shit."

    Its all a matter of public relations, politics and propaganda. Of course Allentown is a dump and Pawlowski is a terrible Mayor. However, his political skills are quite sharp and he can and will have Democrats across Pennsylvania thinking that he is a genious. Trust me on this one, Pawlowski has a plan for himself whether it is an elected or appointed postion and it involves his record of bringing in $ from non-Lehigh Valley campaign supporters and a deviously misleading record of accomplishments in Allentown. Remember, Pawlowski was one of Dan Onorato's key E. PA politcal contacts in last year's Governors race. Pawlowski nearly wrote his ticket if not for a Corbett victory.

  15. If he runs for Governor, he'll get embarrassed.

    Running on Allentown's record of growth and management will make us look awesome in comparison.


    Cities of Reading, Scranton and Harrisburg

  16. That would be great! Anything to get him the hell out of here. What could he screw up down in Washington that isn't already screwed up?

  17. like i said - if this is the most popular d in the area AND MIGHT I ADD THE BEST U CAN DO YOU BOYS ARE IN DEEP DODO.

  18. Mike Fleck has blown so much smoke up Pawloski's, he's belching steam where his brain once was. Pawlowski believes the crap that Fleck has sold him so Fleck has income. He's been fleecing the local candidates for major chunk of change and knows he can score more cha-ching with Pawloski because Ed's brain is now full of Flecks bullshit and smoke. Pawloski is posturing himself for the Governor's race, nothing else. This is what Fleck has sold him. Fleck has fleeced the unions along the way also. They haven't learned their lesson yet.

  19. Easton is a piss hole. it is turning into Allentown Jr.

    Even with the Panto tax increase, the place is going down fast.
    Bethlehem is the only successful and livable city in the area. Sorry the facts piss you off but there they are.

  20. Annon 2:24

    You are obviously smoking dope. Bethlehem's south side is a mess north of 4th and the west side neighborhoods are crumbling. They are broke. Bethlehem is doing so poorly that they can't even fund a new police dog. I have one question for you - What happened to all of the Casino money? Bethlehem has as much bad as it does good. As for the Panto Tax Increase - The Republican Mayor Phil Mitman left the City 4 million dollars in the hole. Property taxes did not go up just the EIT which is split with the school district. I don't believe Panto has taxes or fee, with that one exception since he took office. Easton is the most progressive city in the Valley. you can deny it but it is simply a fact.

  21. I'd have to agree with others about Easton and I don't even live there. Grew up there, moved to the burbs 15 years ago and only started going back in the last two years.

    What I like about Panto is that it's not about him, its about the city. Whenever I hear him speak he talks about his staff, employees and the hundreds of volunteers making Easton a better place.

    I now volunteer at the Farmers' Market and every Saturday he comes to the various booths and thanks the volunteers for giving of their time........that's class.

    Say what you want Easton is better and the ayor doesn't take all the credit - he gives it to the people.


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