Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Casey, Dent Unbeatable

From LV Poliblog:

"Charles W. Dent perfectly defines the average Demographic of the Lehigh Valley Voter. He is fiscally conservative but compassionate about social concerns. In all honesty, he and Senator Bob Casey are damn near identical in basic ideology."

That's pretty much the way it is. Dent, and Casey statewide, are both unbeatable. They are centrists who veer away from the extremes in their own party.

If the entire Congress were made up of Dent and Casey, there would be no gridlock and we might actually have some bipartisanship instead of extremist rhetoric.


  1. Casey = status quo = more of the same spending policies = disaster for our country.

  2. What is the maxim? in politics perception is reality. What you have stated is the general "perception", and thus the reality for most voters in the privacy of voting-- unless, of course, something damning were to change those perceptions in the future. Casey is perceived as center-left. Dent is perceived as center-right. What they have in the common perception of the General electorate is "center".

    I voted for both, and I would estimate that in the course of nearly three decades of voting (one of those "super voters" who votes in every primary and every General/municipal)roughly 90% of my Republican-leaning, but split ticket votes have won the election. The Center governs, as that is were the majority is. When it doesn't, you get gridlock.

    This "perception" you wrote of, coupled with the magical name, all works for Casey. While the national GOP has to secretly be praying the Tea Party purists loose a little influence, Dent to date does not appear to have a local viable threat from the "RINO" name-callers. So far he has escaped from the rigidity that is currently crippling the national GOP--who might win a few battles, but lose the larger war if it doesn't put the inflated importance of the Tea Party in perspective and re-embrace center-right politics.

  3. Make sure you give your bf Charlie a super long kiss tonight for the good news!!! YAY!

  4. LORD REP said....

    Dent=status quo=more of the same spending policies=disaster for our country.

    (your foolishness is only equaled by your ignorance and lack of originality) More tea please!

  5. notsocasualobserverJuly 20, 2011 at 5:15 AM

    Casey is a puppet for the left wing of the Democratic Party. His father is spining in his rave on social issues (he is deep in the pocket of Planned Parenthood) and he votes for ever spending bill he can. He is not what he appears to be. He says one thing and does as he is told by Harry Reid.

  6. Gridlock = the system works while controversial issues are hashed out.

    Casey = trust fund kid with worst dentures in country.

  7. Bernie,

    Last night Dent voted for the"cut, cap and balance" bill. While the "moderate" tag is nice, he has once again voted with the far right wing for economically unsound policies. But why let reality get in the way of a good story.


  8. Bernie, I'd like Publius, or any one of your readers, to justify borrowing $137 billion PER MONTH to continue to feed this beast. I'm no tea partier, but I know WRONG when I see it

  9. Wow, our centrist dent signed a bill that is touted by republicans as "proof of their commitment to conservative principles". Interesting. Vote after Vote He is digging the hole deeper. This bill has no chance to make it through the Senate anyway but I'm sure the republican leadership told Charlie to be a good soldier after all you have to eat your vegetables is what Boehner told him point blank on camera.


  10. I believe that Charlie Dent listens more to his constituents then he does to the Republican bosses. If anything he tends to go with those who speak the loudest on the issue. If the conservatives call and see him at TownHall meetings expressing their view he will listen likewise with those more liberal. And while he drives me a bit crazy on somethings I like the fact that he listens, hold Town Hall meetings and is readily accessible to his constituents. Heck I got a call on my cellphone from the guy on my way to work. As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am a hard conservative and Charlie scares the hell out of me from time to time. I call his office, express my points and go on from there. Obviously I don't win all the time but the ability to express myself is what I or any citizen can get and we need to do this everytime we have an issue that needs to be dealt with by the populace

  11. Chris....that’s his job its called constituent services.

    As to his town halls he does them in his strongholds without announcing them ahead of time. Last one he got lambasted with the debt ceiling and Medicare issues, yet voted the way he has. Where was the listening? I'm not a crazy Leftist or anything but your perception is just not factual, look at his voting record.



  12. Spending $137 Billion a month to feed two unfunded wars is just plain folly. who were we intending to pay for those wars. oh sorry I forgot, our kids.

    Hey I have an idea, lets stop sending those pesky social security checks and helping seniors with healthcare.

  13. anon 3:08, why am I, and not you, responsible for taking care of your elderly mother?

  14. Anon 3:20

    You can toss insults and "blah, blah" all you want, but Casey is the status quo. If you like it the way it is, then keep it.

  15. Why do my federal taxes go mainly to the old confederacy. I am tired of my federal taxes going to the bagger strongholds.

    I agree stop sending the federal taxes to the states that piss and moan the most.

    Why am I paying for cotton subsidies and southern roads

  16. Hey Lady Rep, that is exactly my feeling about Dent.

  17. I stand by my observation that the two men are locks. I also know both serve their constituency well. Casey will win the governorship in 2018, and Dent his Senate seat the same year if he wants it. Any takers on that bet?
    I think Not

  18. I stand by my observation that the two men are locks. I also know both serve their constituency well. Casey will win the governorship in 2018, and Dent his Senate seat the same year if he wants it. Any takers on that bet?
    I think Not

  19. Cut, Cap & Balance is not the status quo. Whether this ultimately passes or not, it is on record. Gee, no solutions in Casey world. Has he gone on record for any spending cuts recently?

  20. Sorry, presume you watch the news.

  21. Chris - I am not convinced Dent will make it out of a Senate primary with some equals - he would win if the establishment clears the way for him and he gets an extremist opponent - but he will have to spend a lot of money to win the nomination. Casey's dream is to be Governor but DC has a way of sucking people in. They are both Charisma challenged which often works in PA


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