Local Government TV

Monday, July 18, 2011

In Money Race, Dent Way Ahead of Potential Rivals

LV Congressman Charlie Dent once told me there are only two ways to run for office - hard, or unopposed. So it's no surprise that he's wasted no time gearing up for his next contender. He's raised $158,290 this quarter, and $277,872.43 over the entire cycle. He was sitting on $139,648.99 at the end of June. Pennsylvania Avenue provides an overview, and the nitty gritty details from the FEC are here.

In sharp contrast to Dent, Johnny "Casino" Callahan must be spending too much time at the Sands. He's raised no money this quarter, and has only picked up $525 the entire election cycle. His campaign treasury is down to a mere $13,973.58. You can see his FEC report here.

As bad as that is, it's still a little better than Jake "the Manchurian candidate" Towne. He's down to $1, but that's probably because he wants to return to the gold standard.


  1. and if callahan had raised substantial sums, you'd crticize him for that too.

  2. 72% of Dent's fundraising this quarter came from PACs and lobbyists. And if you look at the individual donations it's almost all senior management at various other rent-seeking firms. Pathetic. Where's the individual small-dollar donations if he's so popular?

  3. Jake for congress - I'll vote for you again

  4. You know Mayor Callahan can not raise money unless he would declare his candidacy first. I would still argue that dent is a horrid fundraiser, a sitting congressman with such low money shows how he is viewd by the party.


  5. A celebration of a career politician. Only on Lehigh Valley Ramblings!

  6. Jon
    And I just know that the Democrat candidate will never accept money from a PAC. Tis the season for PAC money. Others will be stepping forward to add to Congressman Dent's , how does Obama put it< "STASH". By the way are you attending Obama's birthday party? You can get in for a mere $38+K

  7. Q: How can you tell when Geeting is being a hypocrite?

    A: He posts a comment or opens his mouth!

  8. Interesting reoccurring $2,000 expenditures, has Millen got a friend to hang out with now? Charlie building his staff. Charlie does not do well fundraising and never has other than donations from PACs and other Republicans. It's all open records and easy to break down.


  9. Geeting's point would mean something if the candidate he supports, like Callahan and Obama, declined PAC money. They don't, but that's AOK with Jonathan. His position is hypocritical, as has been noted. I noted that last election cycle, too.

  10. "You know Mayor Callahan can not raise money unless he would declare his candidacy first"

    Actually, he can raise some money, but has not done so. Why not? Either he has no real interest this time around, or people won't give to him.

  11. LOL your funny Bernie. Yes people don't want to give to him, thats it. The law says he can only raise $5,000 as an exloritory (testing the waters)any more than that is a violation. You should know $5,000 is a slow day in fundraising.

    If or when the decision is made you will see the same big numbers as last time. The mayor can outraise Dent (a sitting congressman) and not with mostly PAC money, as you said in the other post, that should tell you something about popularity.


  12. anon 9:52, a personal attack on Mr. Geeting, again not deleted by Bernie O'Hare.

    O'Hare will protect Dent's Republican bagger friends. He allows them to post all the anonymous personal attacks they want. If anyone dares refute the many posted lies from a bagger, they are deleted. There is a word fro that, it is O'Hares middle name.


  13. 3:11 it's his blog and he can do as he wishes. I have had a few deleted throughout time and understand his motivation and reason for doing so. Bernie takes the time to do the blog and monitor it, any of us can do the same if we have a problem with it.

    If I wasn't working a fulltime job and involved in local politics I would do so.


  14. Thanks, Seamus. We may disagree about Dent, but you're a stand up guy.

  15. No problem, thank you for the outlet for discussion.


  16. Hey Seamus I responded to your post but Bernie deleted it. Point made!!

  17. I'm currently looking for a good site to guest blog at. I want to approach a few but retain my anonymity.

    I know Bernie wouldn't want my brand of politics tainting his site, but I'm sure he has the most local viewers.


  18. Seamus,

    You are certainly welcome to post your guest blogs here. I can give you posting privileges, but you'll need to set up an email account from which I can send you an invitation. This is the better way.

    You could also just email me the post and I'll put it up for you.

    I would hope that you could make inroads with the Callahan camp and get information that you could post here. Callahan refused to send me any of his news releases last election cycle, and I think that was a disservice to my readers, about half of whom probably were inclined to vote for him.

  19. Hey O'Hare much like your blown call on Mr. Barron, you are getting snookered again. "Seamus" is a Callahan insider, works very close and high up to the Mayor. They have been trying to figure out how to blunt your criticisms of Barron, Callahan and company.

    This is "Project Ass-kiss" and you are falling for it big time.

    Why can't he tell you privately who he is. He won't do that because then you would get the game.

    If you don't want another Barron I told you so moment, you may want to check out this Long Dem connection. Watch out for the camels nose Bernie.

    Someone who actually gives a shit about your already pathetic reputation.

  20. I am certainly in the Callahan Camp he is a close friend of mine as I have posted before. Bernie knows that how else would I get the insight I have. Being on first name basis with John doesn't negate my arguments and or opposing voice on some issues. It's OK for adults to disagree on issues, hell if we all agreed I would be even more frightened for our future. Not that long ago one could debate vehemently and then go have a drink or two and recognize each other’s efforts. The content and conversations does not bother me it's my employer I would have issues with revealing (and no it's not the City).


  21. Wow, I am running for school board and maybe a prestigious post on the Northampton County Democratic Committee and I, too, called PPL, Air Products, and Comcast, and they would not even give me 1% of what they all gave your bf in toto.

  22. Beware Bernie, you are being set-up by the wedding picture kilt club!

  23. "Wow, I am running for school board and maybe a prestigious post on the Northampton County Democratic Committee and I, too, called PPL, Air Products, and Comcast, and they would not even give me 1% of what they all gave your bf in toto"

    Maybe that's because you're an anonymous coward who does not sign your name.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.