Local Government TV

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little League World Series Competition Underway

It's that time of year. School's out, and for most 11 and 12 year-olds, it's time to relax at the pool or beach. But some families have put off their vacations while their boys spend hot afternoons dodging giant gnats and other critters that thrive on baseball fields at this time of year. As beads of sweat roll from their foreheads, they wear a hat to keep the sun out of their eyes. Instead of swimming trunks and flip flops, their uniform is long pants and cleats. Instead of diving into an inviting pool of water, they slide in a cloud of dust. At the hottest time of year, their hands are covered by batting or fielding gloves. And one of them, thankfully just one, must wear a suit of armor to fend off wild pitches.

Why do these kids torture themselves? Because the 65th Little League World Series is underway, and on August 28, one will emerge as this year's champion.

My grandson plays for Northwest Bethlehem, one of the fifteen leagues in District 20. It's double elimination, and that's a good thing because they lost their first game to Pennridge, 5-4. Last night's 12-1 drubbing of Bethlehem's Southside was a different story, and included a grand slam by Alex Laudenslager.

Northwest's big rival is Lehigh Little League. Most of those kids go to school and play in other sports together. They even combine forces for a traveling team. But at this time of the year, they duke it out. Lehigh usually comes out on top.

But just like Northwest, Lehigh fell to Pennridge, 8-0. That's really no surprise. Pennridge is last year's district champ.

Like Northwest, Lehigh made up for that loss by punishing and eliminating Hellertown last night, 18-5.

Friday, Northwest will face Northcentral Bethlehem's Bombers. Lehigh will be up against the combined resources of Fountain Hill and East side Allentown.

Will Lehigh and Northwest meet? If they continue to win.

In the meantime, Pennridge is off until July 9.

The District 20 champ will go on to Sectionals. From there, it is state, region and then the World Series.

Could it be a team from the Lehigh Valley? Stay tuned.

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