Kingdom Life Family Center is trying to make a difference in inner-city Allentown, and who can't be happy about 200 bags of groceries and 500 articles of clothing? It's Saturday, from noon to 9PM, at Franklin Park (14th & Turner Sts, Allentown):
"My name is Angelo “LARO” Maldonado, I represent Kingdom Life Family Center in Orefield, PA as well as Takeover Ministries. Our Mission and desire is to change lives in the inner city of Allentown and Other Inner cities by offering alternative options to the music they listen to in The Form Of Christian Rap, RnB and Other Urban Music. We Are also Planning to Start an FM Gospel Urban Radio Station In The Lehigh Valley & Surrounding Area’s.
"These Kid’s and Young adult’s Need Positive Influences We are Here to Offer That. Poverty, teen suicide, teen pregnancy, Drug Abuse and Gang violence, These are Some Of the Issue’s We See In The Inner Cities Of Allentown, Easton, Reading etc, We want To Change all of That. With Our First Outreach Titled “Fun at Franklin” On July 2nd 2011, We are Focusing on The Park’s In Allentown’s Inner City, We Have Over 200 Bag’s Of Grocery’s, Over 500 pieces Of Clothing, Shoes & sneakers For Babies to Adults.
"We Will Also Have a Rig Set Up With BBQ Pits and We Will Be Giving Out Over 1500 Hot dog’s & Drink’s all donated from Various Companies In The lehigh valley to the Community For Free. We will also Have Table’s With Info On HIV, Childhood & Teen Obesity, Depression, etc. We will have Experienced Counselors On Hand Ready For just about any situation, Prepared to offer a Way Out. This Is an outreach Like NO OTHER! We Would Be Honored To Have You all Participate and Spread The word About This Movement.
"We Need all The help we Can get. We Are also Very Proud To Announce Allentown City Councilman Mike Schlossberg will Be a Guest Speaker at “Fun at Franklin”. When he Heard Our Passion For The Inner City He Jumped Right On Board and We are extremely grateful. I thank You For taking the Time to Read My email and Forgive Me, this Is The First Time I am Addressing The Media, But I’m sure I’ll Pick up quick ....Sincerely Yours, Angelo “LARO” Maldonado"
Bernie, thanks for posting this. Angelo is a really good guy and we need more like him helping Allentown.
This is noble work. Mr. Maldonado is to be commended. However, giving stuff away isn't necessarily the way to go.
Give a man a fish... Teach a man to fish...
Having said that, I will donate to Angelos ministry's if he will pledge to learn correct usage of the apostrophe.
The above was written as it is to illustrate the absurdity of dumbing down. Instead of trying put nice clothes on the hiphop lifestyle with "Christian Rap" teach that personal aggressiveness (a hallmark of hiphop) is wrong. Model humility and personal responsibility and communicate clearly that nothing less is expected in return for the good deeds being done unto them. Do not accept half-hearted effort at assimilation and respect for others.
Or, lower the bar and play by their rules. Look at how well that has worked in the public schools.
I respect Your "Somewhat Well Thought out" Comment Mr Nameless, but just by the way you ExPlained your feelings on "What should Be done for The Inner City" Furthur shows me that 1. You don't even Live in Allentown 2. Are Not a Fan Of Hip-Hop Music and Can not Offer any Valid Wisdom on The Very essence Of This genre. 3. You Probably Could Care Less about The Inner City and The issues with Poverty, depression, gang Violence, the list goes on, but I do. While your sitting on your comfortable Chair, in your Central air-conditioning Asking your Wife to Pass the Grey Poupon, there are Kids killing each other, Because there not being reached in a way that they can relate to. It's easy to showcase your Grammer, and show us all how eloquent you Write, But What are YOU doing for society rather than Attempt to educate us on What YOU perceive to be the Answer. If you knew the Bible at All, you would know that God Is Love. Living a Life For Christ is all about Giving and Not expecting ANYTHING, in return. God wants us to Show The Lost another way to Live the Life that there currently Living so What I offered was Christian Rap, What were promoting is Positive, life Changing Rap that will Not promote Gang violence, Drugs etc. We showcased Christian RnB, Minus the Perversion and whatnot. We also gave Free clothing, Free food, Over 1500 hot Dogs, This community struggles just to get by so When u offer them This Kind of..No Strings attached Love, they receive it Happily with Open arms. We had gang member there,
kids ages 8-15 B-Boy Dancing and Giving there Lives to The Lord, Women Wanting to Kill Themselves Because of Various reasons, we in The heart of the inner City, Making a difference, not just offering an opinion. There will always be People who will "Have a better way" but if that's the case, join me and my Team, let's put our heads together and Clean up The streets of Allentown.
Cause talk is Cheap..
I like Hip Hop, do not consider it necessarily violent or sexist and understand your attempt to present Christian rap. Christian rock has been very successful, too.
I appreciate what you are doing very much. I know a lot of the kids in Allentown, and most of them are very good kids, even if they must do without a lot of things other kids take for granted.
I suspect you are bilingual, so I do not wish to attack your grammar or spelling bc I could not write in Spanish to save my life.
Keep doing what you're doing. People like you make a difference.
If you have something you want out there and give me permission to edit it, I'll be happy to do that for you.
Hey Bernie, First Off thank u for Posting The event, and Forgive me if My Grammer or Spelling isn't Up to Par With You Pro's, lol But It's the Best I Can Do after Waking at at 430 am and Working ALL day To Make a Difference in Our Community.
I am also an American. I was Born In New York City, My name is Angelo, Did my Spelling give you some sort of Impression That I was Latin? I'll leave that alone :-) But thank u for The Offer to Step up My Writing Skills,
Hey by the way, if u or anyone you Know wants to Learn how to Sing or Play an Instrument, I'd be Willing to Help also..:-) it's only right since you Offerd your services lol
I play the violin. The last time I did so, 28 people died. It was very sad.
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