LV Congressman Charlie Dent lashed out at President Obama:
“Certainly, I am disappointed the May employment figures reveal the economy is still struggling to recover. Sadly, I am not surprised by this news. Employers are naturally reluctant to hire new workers while the President continues to call for tax increases, stands in the way of domestic energy production and turns a blind eye to a growing list of onerous federal regulations.
“It is long past time to unleash the private sector, get serious about tax reform, open markets for American producers and stop bureaucrats from stifling job creation across the country. The anti-business agenda of this Administration must end. The President can no longer be both pro-jobs and anti-employer.”
Is Dent right? According to Politico, there may very well be "than $1 trillion in new compliance costs [tacked] onto a wide range of industries, from health care to the financial markets and energy." But early this year, Obama did sign an executive order asking federal agencies to throw out rules that just cost business. So far, there are preliminary plans for about a billion in savings.
Dent voted to kill medicare.
Vote anyone else in 2012!
Wow. A billion in savings.
Now let's see... bureaucrats get paid to implement government regulations... and Obama asked federal agencies to eliminate some of these regulations that just cost business and have no value... and a bureaucrat sits there and wonders if he eliminates any of these meaningless regulations, will he be needed or will he lose his job?... so the bureaucrat eliminates nothing in a move for self preservation.
Go figure.
This is pure pablum. There isn't any evidence for any of Dent's claims. His story about why employers aren't expanding doesn't make any sense. There's no evidence that businesses aren't hiring because of fear of future taxes. There's no evidence that overregulation is the reason businesses aren't hiring. Who is advising Charlie Dent on the economy?
Anon 2:59 -
The only ones who cut Medicare - and for current recipients - were the Democrats.
$500 Billion in Medicare cuts (that's 1/2 TRILLION) were included in the ObamaCare bill.
Jon -
You're right.
Businesses love hiring when they don't know what their tax rate will be in a couple of years; they love hiring when they don't know what a new entitlement program (ObamaCare) will cost them; and they love knowing that if Big Government determines that they're making too much in profits, those in power will will make calls to take it away. Businesses also love to see runaway government spending and knowing that sooner or later someone will be forced to pay the bill.
I agree with you - why would any of that cause uncertainty in our country and cause businesses not to hire?
There's that simplistic analysis that Mr. Geeting is known for. But since he's young, inexperienced and unable to probe beyond the surface of anything, please let me try to help out.
Let's say Jon is right, that businesses aren't hiring because of lack of demand.
What Jon consistently does is stop there. There is no follow up question, there is no probing, there is nothing but dead space.
The natural follow up question that he should ask - "Why is demand off?"
Answer, in part - because consumers have no confidence in this Administration's ability to take us through this to a stronger economy.
Some reasons for consumer sentiment being so poor involve overregulation (Obamacare, Cap/Trade, Employee Extortion Act - oops, Employee Free Choice Act, and several others) and a total belief that to pay for all the deficits Obama and his minions are racking up, we will have HUGE tax increases on every income group (not just 'the rich') in the very near future to pay for all this.
Jon, you need to significantly step up your analysis, ask questions, probe, etc. or you will continue to be a sideshow.
OK so what you’re saying Patrick is that the republicans should stop causing uncertainty and let Obama's plans have time to work. Because if they would simply embrace it people would not be worried and therefore the hiring and such could occur.
Seamus, Obama had 2 years that he could have passed virtually anything. His actions put such fear in people that it lead to a massive shift in the 2010 elections.
Please don't trot out Geeting's response - "It was only angry old white racists that voted in 2010." As far as I'm concerned, if the far left didn't give enough of a crap to show up and vote, obviously they didn't care too much about it and therefore lost their right to whine.
Why would people now embrace what they so roundly rejected?
Seamus -
Obama's plans have created the only outcome that could have come from his plans - a deteriorating economy with European-style unemployment levels.
So we've seen Obama's plan, we know what it is, and we're worried.
Come 2012, we'll correct the problem.
Patrick Patrick Patrick.....
That nutty President trying to lead from the middle when he took office. I hope he learned from his mistake much like Clinton did in his first term. In negotiations it works much better if people try for win/win, going for win or no deal is like negotiating with a child. I think we all had the hope that both sides of the isle knew the trouble we were in and would work together. I will admit Obama let me down by implementing as much as he did in the healthcare law
If you want to admit it or not the voter turnout numbers do not lie. We in the 15th for instance had the highest republican turnout in as far back as I looked. No wining we lost and thats the way it works. I do not however think that we will be saying the same in 2012. The Ryan plan was deadly for allot of R's. If the economy picks up it's a no brainer win for Obama, if not it will be interesting but I still think he wins looking at the R's current field.
Uncertainty is businesses' most hated environment This year's first quarter showed signs of life. Things have pulled back again. Demand is off because 9% of people are not working. Many more have given up altogether or are underemployed, making a fraction of their former earnings while trying to cope with $4 gas that was $1.80 when hope and change came along. It's been two and a half years and the strategy seems to have reverted to blaming the last guy again.
I'm blaming the uncertainty squarely on the current members of the house. They are creating it, they need to stray so far from their base just to try and pacify a vocal minority.
Anonymous said...
Dent voted to kill medicare.
Dent voted to SAVE Medicare. Medicare is already on its last gasp, and the $500 billion in Medicare cuts in the PPACA are the last nails in its coffin.
RE: Dent saving Medicare?
HOGWASH!Voting for the Ryan budget kills medicare as we know it and forces our elderly to shop for a private insurer with a voucher! Good luck with that! Dent just touched the 3rd rail of politics by voting against medicare. GOP= get old people.
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