It's safe to say he's no zionist.
Jacobucci has included me in a mass email promoting an anti-Israeli rally this Saturday, 5 PM, in Allentown (7th & Hamilton). Whoever shows up will protest Israel's interdiction of a peaceful flotilla to Gaza. "The atrocities being committed in Gaza must seize[sic]!!!!"
Although encouraging everyone to be there, Jacobucci denies he's involved in the event. That's odd because the politics section of Allentown's Criaglist, to which he links, is full of his truther rants.
I received the same email invite. I don’t know the guy and wonder why he thought I might be interested. He can go straight to Hell.
Scott Armstrong
the flotilla from turkey was not peaceful, the israeli soldiers were attacked when they landed on the ship's deck to enforce the embargo. that issue aside, the notice that israel was responsible for the attack on 9/11 is anti-semitic. anti-israel is the new anti-semitism.
That means God is going to kill more Midwesterners with tornadoes now. That's how it works.
MM, though there may be many anti-zionists who are anti-semitic (especially including ones who think 9/11 is a Jewish conspiracy), you know perfectly well that anti Israel dies not mean anti Jew. You are quick to decry others who accuse you of racism for your political stances, yet here you are doing the same.
I agree with Scott.
The Banker
capri, i have spent much time looking at sites devoted to purported israeli injustice toward palestinians. take for instance the flotilla issue, where israeli soldiers were submitted to a pre-planned attack. take israeli response to gaza, after enduring hundreds of missiles. what does anti-zionist mean? that israel does not have the right to exist? that lack of recognition is the core problem and issue between israel and the palestinians. the notion that the rest of the arab world really cares about the palestinians per se is a pretext for hostility based on other reasons. i call that reason anti-semitism.- you may call it what you wish.
We will be watching .
but MM! what about the poor innocent Palestinians!
Yeah, I'm with the anon - lets instead excuse and condone violence against civilians - those arabs definitely deserve no human rights.
Doesn't this asshole have a suicide bombing to attend? Doesn't he have a previous engagement to participate in the stoning of an 11-year old girl who was raped by one of Gaza's best? Doesn't he have to buy some lube for those 72 virgins he gets for killing an infidel?
I'm showing up with pigs blood.
Let me see. First the palistinians wanted land so Isreal gave them some land. Then they wanted self governance so Yasser Arafat became their leader. Government by corruption didn't work so well so the palistinioans waited until Yasser left the stage and gave us Abbas who can't govern a territory smaller than Delaware.
Take Hamas and throw in Lebanon and Syria who keep giving them guns and missles and we have a populace who has demonstrated that they can govern themselves peacfully. Take Israel and let it revest back to a barren desert and the palistinians will have noone to blame for their abject poverty and misery.
I guess Saudi Arabia would rather keep them barefoot and pregnant, so to speak, rather than give them a leg up on becoming a modern nation like....hold it ......hold it....hold it ISRAEL.
So to question Israeli domestic and foreign policy is to be anti-semitic. Wow, who knew!
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