Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Though Unopposed, Barron Spends $500 For Robo Calls

CPEC, a robo call center just for Democrats, just received $518 from Controller Steve Barron, according to a 24-hour report he filed with the elections office on Monday.

Since Barron is running unopposed in the primary, why would he want to spend $500 of his $5,812 treasury for robo calls?

Can you say Gracedale?


  1. so what the the call say?

  2. Yesterday, much to my chagrin, there were several robo call messages on my voice mail. Don't you know the very first was Mr. Barron.
    Seriously, is this guy running for union president? Listening to a man whom I should hope would be impartial in his views regarding anything finacial, gave me heartburn. Sadly, that is clearly not the case. His involvement in union thugocracy and political machinations has left me quite in doubt as to the integrity of anything the man is involved in, especially his job performance. Or should I say, implied performance.
    It makes me ill to see folks of this county keep voting these charlitans into office.

  3. Barron exercised freedom of speech and reported his expense appropriately. While I hate RoBo calls like anyone else so what.

  4. Did the call begin with the Teletubby theme song?

  5. "Barron exercised freedom of speech and reported his expense appropriately. While I hate RoBo calls like anyone else so what."

    Actually, he did not need to do a 24-hour report. That would apply to him only if he received a contribution.

  6. So he was extra careful to do it right. Good for Barron.

  7. His wasting money doesn't speak well to his abilities to properly manage it. And then there's that effeminate lisp. Oh my.

  8. yet another incestuous union whore

  9. Barren is a weasel. A friend of the union rat and the pesky otter.

    Rodents Rule!

  10. "yet another incestuous union whore"

    Yet another jealous punk that wishes he had a better job with better benefits, and better pay, but is not qualified for any of the above. So he chooses to hide behind his computer and name call. What a sad and sorry life you must lead. Go find the highest tower, and take a leap.

  11. Stop being such a union douche. Don't you have a residential area to terrorise?

  12. Hey wissen here, Mr. Bawwon iss the bessst Contwoller the counnty ever had. Wissen to him, pweeeze!

  13. Why you wasscall!

  14. Barren is a sneaky, coniving trouble-maker who cannot be trusted. He is a disgrace to the office of controller. He is a whore to the unions and is not serving those who elected him to an office that should be totally non-political and unbiased. If he is not defeated in the fall he should be impeached.

  15. Steve Barron is a honest man
    husband, and father.
    You people making these remarks
    probably wouldn't make a pimple on his behind.
    Get a life

  16. anon 11:28, Oh my where to start. You really opened the door.

    "You people making these remarks
    probably wouldn't make a pimple on his behind"

    An African elephant couldn't make a pimple on that boys behind. Is that Mt. Everest or just a pimple on Barron's behind.etc.

    Remember, Barron fan, you brought up the "pimple on the behind", bad example, very bad.

    The entire continental Congress would not make a pimple on that behind.

    Far to easy,I am done.

    Thank you. I will be here all week.


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