Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AFSCME Fails to Report Election Eve Ads

If you read The Express Times or get any of the small area weeklies, you'll see that AFSCME has taken out ads in nearly all of them, urging readers to support the Gracedale Initiative being decided by voters today. But they've filed no reports with the elections office, listing these expenses, according to my own investigation there on Monday afternoon.

According to the Campaign Expense Reporting Law, 25 P.S. § 3248, any independent expenditure of $500 or more after the final pre-election/pre-primary report has been filed, must be reported to the Elections Registrar within 24 hours.

AFSCME is ending this process just as it started it, by thumbing its nose at elections laws.


  1. Whahhhh, How about some fries with your whaaaah burger.

  2. Then do something about it Bernie...no one else cares.

  3. rather have a sister in a whore house than a brother in a union

  4. Dear 8:23

    I've heard your sister is in a whorehouse..No surprise..Apparently morals and brains don't run rampant in your gene pool.

  5. What does morals have to do with genes? Morals are learned or forced not part of your dna idiot!

  6. Gracedale tax is coming.

  7. check the laws..

  8. FYI They also published in the MC a half page ad yesterday. Serious bucks there.

  9. 10:05, Here's what the law says, word for word.

    "§ 3248. Late contributions and independent expenditures

    Any candidate or political committee, authorized by a candidate and created solely for the purpose of influencing an election on behalf of that candidate, which receives any contribution or pledge of five hundred dollars ($500) or more, and any person making an independent expenditure, as defined by this act, of five hundred dollars ($500) or more after the final pre-election report has been deemed completed shall report such contribution, pledge or expenditure to the appropriate supervisor. Such report shall be sent by the candidate, chairman or treasurer of the political committee within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the contribution. It shall be the duty of the supervisor to confirm the substance of such report. The report shall be made by telegram, mailgram, overnight mail or facsimile transmission. Any candidate in his own behalf, or chairman, treasurer or candidate in behalf of the political committee may also comply with this section by appearing personally before such supervisor and reporting such late contributions or pledges."

    Independent expenditures vastly in excess of $500 have been made by AFSCME, and have not been reported.

  10. Who cares if they spent over $500.00. It wasn't tax payer money.

  11. The whole point is that taxpayers have a right to know WHO is spending money to influence an election, and how much.

  12. Bernie, I give you credit for your knowledge of the laws. You should be a Lawyer.

  13. all union thugs should be sterilized so they can breed any more crybabies

  14. "all union thugs should be sterilized so they can breed any more crybabies"

    Let me guess you have a job that you hate, because your benefits suck, the boss takes advantage of you, and your wage is horrible. Sounds like jealousy to me.

  15. all gracedale union people are incestuous whores

    they give the rats they blow a bad name

  16. "all gracedale union people are incestuous whores

    they give the rats they blow a bad name"

    Yes, but our Gracedale will not be sold!!!!

  17. Please help me settle an argument .How much do you make a year.They say crime doesnt pay but if you get even a $1.00 a year guess that saying isnt true!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a real job if any one would hire what should be an ex-con.


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