He's been honored by the Express Times again, this time for his attempt to ingratiate himself with Gracedale's unions by complaining about asbestos infections. Here's the blast.
"He’s raising concerns about asbestos contamination at the courthouse, Gracedale and the Gov. Wolf Building, despite a lack of evidence of air-quality problems. Barron, who’s up for re-election this year, asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to intervene and called for yearly examinations for employees. County Executive John Stoffa replied that the county has conducted air tests as needed and handled any concerns through the safety committee. If the county were doing construction projects and disrupting sources of asbestos, this suspicion might have merit, but that’s not the case. Someone should investigate the regular blasts of hot air coming out of the controller’s office."
Blowhard Barren earns a much-deserved turkey from the ET. He is a disgrace to the office.
Strange, this reads like Bernie wrote the turkey. Aren't you writing for the ET?
You had to put callahan in the picture with barron. nothing but a thinly veiled attempt on your part to link the two. I can see your dislike of barren but callahan had nothing to do with his latest silly rant. You are so transparent.
Understand the union loving joke of a council person. barren and dolan deserve each other.
We need to initiate an anti-Callahan campaign so that he doesn't even consider a run for another office. His fiddling with the funds in Bethlehem pale in comparison of his sordid life. Combine this with the pro-gay legislation in the city and the reliance on gambling as a big money maker for the city and you have a disaster in the making.
Does the controller position come with any hire/fire responsibilities? That would be scarey, since he tries to destroy people who oppose his views.
Wait, wasn't all this being handled 'internally' till a blowhard councilman started yelling about it in front of reporters? Who's really pandering to the media now?
The problem with Barron is he doesn't know why the controllers office was created. He should call Steve Salveson to find out. The office was created to put in place controls that would safeguard our taxdollars BEFORE EMBEZZELMENTS OCCUR, NOT AFTERWARD. All the smokescreens in the world won't cover up the fact that this last theft of funds occured while he was the watchdog of our taxdollars. Thanks Barron.
Those tax dollars were returned and 8 warrants were issued by the Easton Police. Barron's controls saved the county from an $18,000 loss. However, it was not Barron alone. He even credits the administration.
I admire Barron for trying to handle this asbestos thing internally. Sadly, Angle has made it a public issue and that can't be good for Northampton County.
HAHAHAHA That's funny. Express Times is getting better.
Hey Bernie I'm not so sure that is Barron on the picture
"You had to put callahan in the picture with barron. nothing but a thinly veiled attempt on your part to link the two."
Actually, I had to get that kilt in another picture. It does not have anything to do with Johny Casino or Karen Dolan, although it looks like Barron is taking a swing ... and missing.
"Hey Bernie I'm not so sure that is Barron on the picture"
It's him.
"I admire Barron for trying to handle this asbestos thing internally. "
Really? Is that why he called the EPA? He attempted to get Stoffa in trouble right away, and all for a few union votes.
It amazes me that with all his concern for the unions at Gracedale, there's none for the resident.
"Really? Is that why he called the EPA? "
YES. He went to the experts for help, Ron Angle went nuts calling people names and pandering to the media.
Once Barron went to the EPA, this was no longer an "internal" matter. Once he demanded the Exec to conduct annual physical of the County workforce, this was no longer an "internal" matter. One he suggested establishment of a fund, this was no longer an "internal" matter.
Angle did the right thing, as a member of County Council, the ultimate check and balance. He blew the whistle on the Controller for exceeding the scope of his authority ... again. He correctly cast a public spotlight who seems to think he is a union agent. And the Express Times very properly tagged the Controller as a phony.
Barron makes Callahan look good and that's pretty hard to do.
As for Dolan she'll be kissing trees and hoping to keep her useless union job when she is up for re-election. Major disappointment to the community.
And such a whinny - pants. Actually makes wee willie reynolds look good at times. Makes me sad we have the same last name.
You can't prove "his sordid life"
Obviously you have a problem with gays. But they are still there and you are out of touch.
You did manage to get the fiddling right at least.
You must be a very sad person.
I like the picture Bernie. In the picture you see the next Dem. candidate for County Executive with his Director of Finance, Steve Barron and his Director of Human Services, Karen Dolan.
Ah, I can see it now. Northampton County is on the fast track.
By the way thanks for the defense of Steverino there, Mr. Controller solicitor. You are earning that goldbrick job!
Tommy Tuckus!
Olive, The legislation establishing the HRC in Bethlehem s pro-gay, as it should be. It supports pretty much every minority in Bethlehem but Republicans. Buried in the law is a provision to round them all up and send them off to Fargo.
Teletubby Barren looks like Rowdy Roddy Piper throwing a left jab at the womon in the photo. Meanwhile Johnny Casino is enjoying the smack down. What a bunch of maroons!
To quote "Caddyshack" - "that's a nice hat judge, did it come with a bowl of soup?"
Barron is the biggest numbnuts to ever hold office in Northampton County....BAR NONE...and is actions are proving it!
let me start by saying i don't believe there ia any truth to barrons claims.the only problem i see here is this,why doesn't stoffa and his adminstration just make a public statement addressing these concerns and put it to rest. i think not informing the public is a mistake,the public would certainly understand remidiating we have all known someone or someplace thats had to have it done. i hope they address it soon otherwise the public will get convinced it's something that it isn't.
"why doesn't stoffa and his adminstration just make a public statement addressing these concerns and put it to rest."
He did. He and his admin indicated they've conducted between 50-100 tests for air quality. At no time has any County employee been exposed. When they have to remediate lead paint or asbestos, which is normal in older buildings, the area is blocked off.
The criminal division was recently moved to another are as soon as lead paint was detected.
I'd say that Stoffa has been increasingly pro-active on this topic. I don't know what you want him to do. He did make a statement, as did members of his admin.
There is a significant number of Democrats that are disenchanted with the possible run by Johnny Casino. Even some of the committee folks want no part of him/.
He will certainly get the Joe Longs of the world and he will raise more money than God but even he may have some opposition. could be interesting. some guerilla tactics within the Demo Party.
Barron kisses the right asses (unions,employees, voters) and this is what keeps a man in his job.
Doesn't make it right what he does but he does get to stay employed and carry on business as usual as he see's it.
I would rather be a dumb person who is employed then a smart unemployed person!
@ 7:52 ...But it looks good on you though.
Barron is a schlub who has lost all credibility with his staff and the public. There are some very honest, hard-working professionals in the controllers office who have to carry water for this political hack. They are embarrased working for him. If he would only do his job and audit programs to make sure money is being spent properly, and to suggest ways to improve the county's financial affairs he would earn the respect of the electorate. But he slaps the voters who supported him in the face with his granstanding for personal gain. He had to insult T-Mobile a county employer and taxpayer, then jump on the Gracedale bandwagon to cozy up to the union. And now this asbestos scare that he concocted to kiss up to the union and throw some litigation business to his lawyer pals. There has NEVER been a more politically divisive figure in that office. A controller should be apolitical, impartial, and with the highest level of integrity. Barron strikes out on all counts.
And I supported him against those who knew better.
Steve Barron is the controller of the county. He is the top fiscal authority in the county. It sounds like jealously and sour grapes on the part of Angle and Stoffa and their surrogates.
Mr. Barron is extremely knowledgeable on county operations. He cleared up all the misinformation by the county surrounding Gracedale. I have been told he gave the administration and council reports that would save millions if implemented.
I smell some desperation in the air because there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Barron!
People United!!
Did you write that with a straight face? Be honest.
Mr. O'Hare. Your disdain of Steve Barron is obvious. Why do you diminish his role in county government. The Controller is supposed to be the top fiscal official in the county. Did you know that he did all the research for the union on Gracedale. He found out the lies and distortions being circulated by Angle and Stoffa. He has also released a report on how to save Gracedale.
You are defending Angle and Stoffa so you wish to diminish Mr. Barron. I never remember you attacking Mr. Schimmel like this.
The only person with no straight face or no honesty is you in your portrayals of Mr. Barron. Is it because he is as trained in the law as you are. Or because he is as well versed in county knowledge as you, Angle and Stoffa combined?
Now who is being honest or dishonest!
"e Controller is supposed to be the top fiscal official in the county. Did you know that he did all the research for the union on Gracedale."
That's interesting bc he works for the taxpayers, not the union.
Bernie, you are invited to Steve's post election celebration at the River port in Bethlehem. I am sure you will be safe and treated with respect.
You are welcome to come and celebrate a great victory for the people. It is at around 7pm.
It's an election year and Mr. Barron just wants to make sure that some of that lovely asbestos lawyer money gets in his and/or his friends campaign coffers. Look how well Morganelli did from asbestos money!
I hate to be so rude but I know of no other way to say it. Barron is a union pandering prostitute. Like a whore he will do anything to gain the union's money. The union, like a good John, will pay for his services as long as they get exactly what they want.
There is no honesty on either part. Just the act of screwing for their own personal satisfaction.
Johnny C for North Cnty Exec, anything to get him out of the city. And Ms Karen hugging trees or smoking grass she will still probably get elected because it is shameful that a city of this size can't find Democratic challengers and everyone knows it's hard to be a republican here.
Barron is delusional.
Napoleon Barron-parte
Hey Bernie, hope to see you this Tuesday evening at Starters Riverport for the Steve Barron celebration. Rumor has it the union is presenting him with a life size chocolate statue of him.
If you are lucky you will get to see the Barron posse, Joe Long, Wee Willie Reynolds, Karen Dolan and most of the Johnny Casino crowd.
It will be a blast and you don't need to pay to attend, there is a recommended donation but not required.
Come and celebrate with Steve and the gang over his continuing success as the MAN!!
The Bethlehem Illuminati!
who needs SNL when you have dolan and reynolds on council?
hear tonights gathering is called the political slut and union goon ball
Will the rat be there to greet people ?
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