Local Government TV

Monday, May 09, 2011

Simmons Sets All Hail Marcellus Shale Meeting For June 2

State Rep. Justin Simmons will host a free Marcellus Shale informational meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 2, at the Southern Lehigh Public Library, 3200 Preston Lane in Center Valley.

According to Simmons, "Marcellus Shale drilling in Pennsylvania has the potential to be a tremendous boon for our Commonwealth in the form of sustainable revenue and jobs." But even this conservative Republican warns of the need to be "as informed as possible regarding not only the benefits, but also any possible associated safety and environmental impacts."

Simmons hopes to have several Marcellus Shale experts on hand.

You can register by contacting my office at (610) 861-5201 or online here. Light refreshments will be served at this event.



  1. Yeah right....as long as you don't care about your drinking water!

  2. This has the potential to become an economic windfall if done correctly, and an environmental cataclysm if not done correctly. Either way, the gas industry is here to stay.

  3. Simmons--you must mean Corbett's puppet. Remember it was Corbett and his goons (young Justin is one of them) that doesn't want to tax the shale while education is cut to draconian levels. Let's see if young Justin is capable of forming an independent thought or decision that doesn't fall along party lines.


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