It started in January, before Restucci ever announced her candidacy. Yetter fired off a "lawyer letter" accusing her of defaming him. The funny thing about that is that, aside from him, nobody could seem to remember anyone saying anything negative about him.
Later that month, Yetter sent out a campaign solicitation to "Esteemed Members of the Bar," idiotically telling them, "Your donation is tax deductible and the committee will mail out receipts for your tax records." Gee, that sure sounds like the kind of mistake a nonlawyer would make.
Then, in a post announcing Rhonda Elias' candidacy, she was attacked because she owns no real estate. Yetter's wife, Donna, slammed both of his opponents because they have no law degree. When her comment went into a spam folder through some dictate of the Blogging Gods, I found myself attacked anonymously for deleting a comment that was actually hung up in cyber space.
Next thing I know, Restucci is attacked again, this time because her brother planted one of her campaign signs at her father's grave site as a tribute. She certainly wasn't going to get any votes doing that, but the Yetter camp tried to use it as a political tool.
But it does not stop there. Yetter actually staged a video in which a campaign worker supposedly calls him in the middle of an interview to complain about sign theft.
He should lose the race just for lousy acting.
Now, on Election Eve, he's finally gone over the edge. His takes a Shana Restucci campaign video and loads it up with all kinds of insinuations about her life as a cheerleading coach at Wilson High School. He then slams Stan Margle, her campaign manager. Stan was nice enough to donate $500 to Yetter, giving to the opposition. This is something classy lawyers do in judicial races.
Stan's check, along with his account number and signature, was posted on Youtube for the entire world to see in close-up mode.
Can you say identity theft? This is a future District Judge? It's totally irresponsible.
You can go to the best law school in the world, but that means nothing if you have no common sense. Posting all this personal information about one of his own contributors reveals that Yetter has none.
Oh yeah, Stan is also called one of Yetter's "biggest campaign doners[sic]." All that education must have really paid off.
In the course of writing this post, Yetter campaign staffer Michael Laws sent me an email about how fair he's been. I let him know, in no uncertain terms, what I thought of that last campaign video, which was accompanied by the defrocked monk music of Orff's Carmina Burana. That disgusting video was finally deleted, but only after I complained.
Both Restucci and Elias are wonderful candidates who have had the misfortune of enduring an irresponsible bully in the form of Richard Yetter. Hopefully, voters will send him back to his home in Hanover Township.
1:22 am is another happy Yetter supporter - family member.
wow. looked at some of Yetter's campaign video's on youtube. i had no interest in this race, but after viewing his campaign drivel, i wouldn't vote for this tool, ever.
Looking at the comments they sound like Yetter supporters,how SAD is that.....Also I agree 100% with all you wrote,Anger Management what is he going to do when he loses the race on Tuesday....Cut HIS THROAT, HANG HIMSELF,to late he already done that.YETTER is NOT BETTER.
All Yetter will have to do is pack his suit case and move back to his house in Hanover. All bags packed ok, thanks mom. Thats all he will have to say its not his house. lol
WOW SELF DESTRUCTION? HE FAILED THE JOB INTERVIEW WITH THE VOTERS!It is obvious he hates his opponents and would go to ANY length to win. His sick videos are so staged and fake.Yetter is NOT better.That slogan is so jouvenile he acts like he is running for class president in junior high school,certainly NOT judicial and his negative campaign proves it.
Get a life and a positive spin on things that you could be helping...I don't care who wins but Why do you just love to attack people and their family...It is SO WRONG.
You went to a great law school and look what you are doing??NOTHING!!! Except being a real jerk!!!
Try doing something good for once you may be amazed at how good you may feel. As for Shana she need to keep being fed the info like a good little secretary...that is ALL she is!!! Rhonda..good choice..no baggage.
in voting for judges, i look for evidence of good judgment.
yetter has clearly not exercised good judgment in his campaign behavior.
neither of the resumes of restucci or elias are particularly dazzling, but the syrupy patriotic song imbedded in restucci's campaign homepage is enough of an exercise in bad judgment to turn me off.
elias will probably get my vote, simply for exercising enough good judgment to not make the mistakes of other two. unless some giant skeleton comes leaping out of her closet by before Tuesday morning. in which case i will be forced to vote for Miss All-American Syrup. but that would hurt.
I can't begin to tell you how disappointing Yetter has been as a candidate, from his contrived videos to his endless attacks. Either Restucci or Elias is far superior. I would much rather be saying that all three are deserving, but they simply aren't.
"Why do you just love to attack people and their family...It is SO WRONG."
I attacked Yetter's qualification as a judge. He likes to tell everyone he is certified bc he is a lawyer, but his campaign is replete with evidence of his poor judgment, from defamation threats to "reality show" videos. He is perhaps the poorest judicial candidate I've ever seen.
Yetter's videos are the stupidest videos known to mankind. Worse than Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle's videos. Just for that, he loses my vote and the votes of my family.
Bernie you got this one right on. Yetter needs some therapy. I'm sure the first comment posted was from him. I really hope he doesn't go into double digits in the polls.
Your last ditch effort to stir crap up and smear Rick Yetter. You are a class act for sure Bernie..go steal from more clients again..oh that's right you can't have clients as a disbarred attorney. Go ahead and remove this post because you are a crybaby and can't take it.
Mr. Yetter has dug his own grave time and again. He is a lousy candidate and a lousy person, if he even qualifies as a person. He looks like a corpse who died a brutal death. Scarey pale face! Get a tan.
Bernie, at first I thought you were talking about Ron Angle! Why is it he can act as he does, do scandalist things that he does and NOTHING is written about him. You and your blog are a waste and after election you will have nothing to do and post about.
Yet another dissapointment for Bernie. What no laptop or sex? Yetter must be crushed and sleepless over your non - endorsement. Either that or laughing all the way to election because a drunken has been lawyer norco hall walker won't endorse him. You are making the has been kissassinger look important, bo.
"Bernie, at first I thought you were talking about Ron Angle!"
Angle has never tried to run for judge. If he did, I would not support him.
Yetter is NOT better. Beat up your wife lately Rick? Was it a sucker punch this time?
Elias ran the cleanest race and deserved to win! But congrats to Yetter, good thing restucci didn't win.
And to the blogger at 1:43 AM you are right Elias = no baggage.
Talk to you all later, see you in November
Glad the voter's saw the crap and under handed way Restucci ran her campaign and voted for a real genuine and competent candidate. Congratulations JUDGE YETTER! Yetter is BETTER!
Elias was a solid and fine candidate. Keep your head up high Ms. Elias you ran an excellent campaign and should have easily beaten Restucci.
I sat back and watched this race unfold and have honestly been baffled at your inability to see that you were played like a fiddle by Restucci and her "people", from the very beginning. It's sad to me that you have been spoon-fed inaccurate information by the Restucci camp and you bought it, hook, line, and sinker. They used you, your blog, and your pretty obvious chauvinism, to defend and inflate the candidacy of a cute, little young woman, who clearly demonstrated to everyone else that she could give as good as she got...and then some. You have got to be more careful about the people you're trusting, Bernie.
They've made you look a fool.
Anon 9:55...Bernie doesn't need anyone to make him look like a fool, he does that himself.
It must be a funny feeling to know your the laughing stock of the courthouse everyday when you walk in.
9:55, As I indicated, I would have been happy to see either Restucci or Elias win that race. I certainly was by no means played by anyone.
Did Restucci write a letter threatening herself w/ defamation. Did she tell lawyers their contributions were tax deductible? Did she make "reality how" videos permeated by bad acting? Did she prepare a video with a blow up of a Stan Margle check, which an invitation to identity theft?
I also have seen Yetter in action, and consider him very sub par as a lawyer, just on an intellectual level. It is little wonder to me that he was looking for something else to do, but he has inflicted himself on the rest of us in yet another legal position.
But you don't have to believe me. You'll discover all this on your own if you live in that district and have to use that office.
I'm really kind of sad for you. I thought you were a bit more savvy. Their hysteria really pulled you in.
I am savvy enough to know that 794 people chose an idiot to judge them, and the will now get what they asked for.
Crap and underhandedness=Yetter and "his people". I hope he feels proud of being shady and snake-like to win. He and "his people" couldn't even follow the rules at the polls. They latched on to the older folk there for Gracedale and yapped in their ear all the way to the door--clearly past the 10 foot mark.
and I'll bet you didn't report that supposed "violation" to the Judge of Elections at that poll. If you did and there is a record of it, you have a gripe. If you didn't..I'll assume you are continuing the dishonesty of the candidate and her "people". She was trounced. A couple of old folks at a polling place didn't swing that election.
The only people who mattered didn't agree with you, Bernie. That's on your candidate. She had plenty of opportunity to prove her worthiness. She couldn't do it. That's how elections work.
5:05....and you know what it means to assume.... Time will tell, my friend. What goes around, eventually comes around.
5:08, She was not "my" candidate. I liked both Shana and Rhonda. I did not like Yetter bc he is crazy, but the people have spoken and got what they deserve.
Anyone who was at either the Strausser Community Center, or the West Easton location to vote saw the "show" that was put on to intimidate voters by Shana Restucci's clan. They had about 15 or more people at a time crowding the sidewalk at the community center location, barely allowing people to walk through to vote. Elias and Yetter and their supporters where actually hanging out together, sharing food and treating each other with class and respect. Neither of them wanted anything to do with the circus show Restucci was putting on, in order to try and intimidate people. Restucci's clan actually tried latching on to the gracedale people, by handing voters a "Vote Restucci" nail file along with a Gracedale hand-out.
West Easton's location seemed fairly quiet during the day, and once again the supporters of Elias and Yetter were standing under a tent together, nowhere near the door. At this location during the day they even invited Restucci's people under the tent with them. Later in the day, as voting was busy though, it became another scene...Restucci's people were about 10 deep, wearing signs around their neck of Restucci and her kids, and barely letting people through the parking lot to the polling entrance. At one point Restucci even had her kids standing in the rain in line with her...and other small children wearing her signs at other, less populated polling sites.
What Bernie won't say, is that he was absolutely partial to Restucci winning..and why? Scroll back a few months and check out the picture of Bernie with Ron Angle and two blonde haired women, who he wanted to remain nameless. Those two women were Restucci's campaign coordinator and her cmapaign event coordinator., and are known for their smear tactics in ANY campaign they are a part of...Pat Sportelli and Angela Sortino. And do NOT lump Elias in with Restucci in any way, because she and Yetter were the ONLY class acts in this election. Most of Bernie's "facts" were from his two gal pals, who obviously were not truthful. Glad to see that all of the crap Restucci pulled in this election didn't work, and that she was beat by a LANDSLIDE!! Good job Elias for running a clean campaign and congratulations to Yetter on such a big win!!
If I wanted to hide Pat Sportelli, I certainly would not have posted a pic of me with her on this blog. And as it happens, I never even knew she was managing Restucci's campaign until an anon (probably you) posted that fact on this blog. I did not know Michael Laws was doing his little dirty deeds until he sent me an email himself, and I got to see his video handiwork.
I started off trying to like Yetter, despite my low opinion of him as a lawyer. That changed as I saw how goofy he was behaving. What cinched it was when his wife posted a comment on my blog that went into my spam folder and then she or he accused me of deleting it anonymously. Not only was I judged without the facts, but Yetter was deceptive about it.
He's elected now, and the people who have the misfortune of living in his district will see firsthand that he was a terrible choice.
LOVED how her people paraded around that Express times pic of her and her kids pasted to card board and walking around with it. I guess that should get votes.
Bernie, I find it REALLY hard to believe that with your attention of looking into everything and being in everyone's business that you had NO IDEA that the "2 blondes" were in any way NOT related to Retucci's campaign?
Her lousy campaign staff, her attitude and her past is what got her to lose this election. Trust I've had more people complain about Restucci and her past then anything bad about Yetter.
You cannot even compare the type of character Rick has to Restucci's lack thereof.
I guess back to Judge Smith to work another 19yrs as a secretary..legal assistant...legal staff or paralegal as she called herself towards the end handling all those court cases, right?
Mike Laws has more integrity than you will ever have. He disagrees with you on one race and now he perpetrates "dirty tricks"? You know better.
I'm sure Mike and I would disagree on several things. But it is not mere disagreement, which is healthy. It is what he did that I found very offensive. His election eve video was so disgusting that he himself ended up taking it down. Not only did it launch a vicious personal attack against one of the candidates, but it needlessly exposed the personal banking information of a prominent local attorney. What were he and his boss thinking?
Then the "reality show" video, where Yetter pretends to receive a cell hone call from Nancy Kutz in the middle of a supposed interview, is ridiculous. It is so contrived and phony. It portrays Yetter as a paranoid lawyer, who is willing to deceive the public by putting on a show about sign theft, which happens all the time.
If this is integrity, then I'm glad I have none.
" I find it REALLY hard to believe that with your attention of looking into everything and being in everyone's business that you had NO IDEA that the "2 blondes" were in any way NOT related to Retucci's campaign?"
The two blondes in question came to court to watch the Gracedale proceedings, and that is what uppermost on my mind at that time. I was giving little thought to magisterial races (sorry) until an anonymous poster here (probably you) observed that Pat Sportelli was Shana's campaign manager.
The sun does not rise and set on Wilson Boro magisterial races. As interested as I am in local politics, I did not give it much thought at that time.
yetter has broken so many rules
it is very sad that the poeple in WILSON still voted for him,the nerve of him to call Shana ex- to get so dirt on her.her ex- told yetter she is the mother of my children and you are a true ASSHOLE!!Some one here posted that yetter ia paranoid pale face corpse,let me clue you in he likes his coke that why he acts the way he does!!!!!!!!! He also you"s gracedale residents for votes!!! So low to take full advantage of the elder people.Know doubt in my mind he told them to vote for him so they had a place to stayed,Shana Restucci and her family are very honest people ran a clean campaign if WILSON VOTERS ONLY KNEW WHAT HE PUT SHANA RESTUCCI through,they say only the best liar wins!!!!!!
I would love to see a list of dirty tactics that Shana resorted too during her campaign. I believe Bernie has listed Yetter's dirty tactics a number of times.
For the gullable people who bought into his crap and actually voted for Yetter, i have a bridge i'd like to sell you. It spans from Easton to P-burg. I'll sell it to you for real cheap!!
I noticed the green sign has been removed from "his home" in wilson. does that mean he is packing up and heading back to Hanover???
I believe the saying goes "cheaters never win", idiot. You spell and speak like one of her obnoxious derelict supporters. Do you need a dictionary for that word.
Ha!!! Anon 12:49....From reading your post it seems like your the one doing coke.
Why don't we ask Restucci who the guy she has an interest in named "Black" in NCP is?
She has so many skeletons in her closet she had to move them to a cemetery!
Her background, dirty tactics of trespassing and stealing signs backfired on her. Also...the voters don't want some candidate who is thinking of taking a test to get certified in June, they want a QUALIFIED and CERTIFIED attorney who is a FAMILY man and respected member of his community. What do you think these voters who came out to let Rick win by a landslide did so by accident? Nope, they couldn't stand the chance of letting Restucci and her hoodlum clan get into office and let crime run amuck in their community.
Just sayin!
Anon 1:25...he took the sign down because he WON!! No more need to smear dog shit in her face.
It is nice to know all the idiots that supported her and spent money on her and the 1000 people at the bar who said they would vote for her but were too lazy to get off their bar stool to do it.
Guess the "Vote for Shana for Free Beer" T-shirts worked for the free beer only. LOL
People just let it go, some people just don't when to stop, IT'S OVER, enought is enought.
This is Monday morning quarterbacking, I know. I was wondering yesterday, if anyone thought Restucci may have been better off not changing her party affiliation? I was considering it and thought she may have made it on the ballot for November if she had remained a Republican. She could have focused on solidifying her Republican support during Primary season and then focused on convincing Democrats in the five month leading up to the general. I think her downfall was the party switch. Once her opponent brought her recent party switch, and lack of voting record since, to the attention of Democrat primary voters, she had an uphill battle ahead of her to convince them she was worthy of their support. You don't have to support Yetter to know that it was a perfectly legitimate thing to bring up in a primary, and a good move on his part. We all know who votes in primaries. They are hard-core, partisan supervoters, on both sides. I really think she could have won the Republican side. I'm really not interested in the personality disorders of these candidates as much as the strategy of campaigns. Has anyone else been thinking about this?
Just for the record...
Yetter is NOT CERTIFIED at this particular time to be DJ. He needs to take his training course in order to get certified.
Ha ha where did you hear this? He can start IMMEDIATELY he is an ATTORNEY!! He does not need the kangaroo law course the state gives.
Again he can start today if he had to..you better check your facts!
Not true. Being an attorney exempts him from taking the 4-week course and the test, however, it does not exempt him from taking the training couse needed to actually certify him. He will be taking that in June. He is NOT certified at this moment. Check YOUR facts, please.
Being an attorney exempts him from taking the 4-week course and the test
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