"This is a friendly reminder that there will be NO Bethlehem City Recreation Summer Basketball League this season UNLESS a few more teams sign up very soon! It would be the first time in my memory that such a lack of interest would exist. The League is one of many fine City Recreation Programs. Public participation is important to maintain these programs.
"Therefore, if you, or anyone you know, has interest in this year's Recreation Summer Basketball League as a player, coach, sponsor and/or even a fan, please call the Recreation office at 610-865-7081 for full details or with any questions.
"Maybe you will use or pass this information on to others as a "last call" to save the Summer Basketball League. If this does not happen, I'm concerned the City will not attempt to form a Summer Basketball League in the future.
"Again, Recreation Phone is 610-865-7081 if you want to voice your opinion or enter a team. Contact information is available for previous year's teams who have already been contacted several time to no avail. Curious, why the lack of interest? No players, coaches, sponsors, other?"
Buy a sense of humor, 3:34. The photo is a riot.
no one really care except for kissassinger. An old has been that doesn't count anymore B O R I N G!!!!!
I care. And I imagine a few others do, too.
no one really care except for kissassinger. An old has been that doesn't count anymore B O R I N G!!!!! 5:09 PM
I'm old but know my opinion still counts and so does everybody else's! 5:09 PM has every right to anonymously opine and provide living proof there are more horses asses in the world than horses.
Bernie, Thanks for mentioning the recreation program issue that boring horses ass find boring. Guess 5:09 PM has a more interesting life going on and might even want to share with the rest of us? Fat chance, I figure.
Larry is the league for city kids only, or can kids from other towns play as well?
The Banker
Good question, Banker I know that some basketball programs have consolidated bc it is so hard getting court time at schools. This seems like a no-brainer.
Larry is the league for city kids only, or can kids from other towns play as well? The Banker 6:24 PM
City residents have priority but non-residents are eligible and must pay a $15.00 fee per person.
this picture is hilarious--i don't know where you get this stuff!
Thanks Larry, I'll spread word around as well, see if we can get some more teams out for you.
The Banker
"kissassinger" is a legend in his own mind. he is tolerated for political reasons but no one really cares what he thinks. the jokes are endless....... but youth basketball is important - at least to tall people
Asshole, Youth basketball is important bc sports keeps kids out of trouble. But go ahead and anonymously mock Kisslinger like the little pussy you are.
i am sure that somehow, someway, this is Callahan's fault...
why do you keep sucking up to this has been? You are the pussy and the biggest whore in norco. rotten angle bought you a laptop. what does this boy do for you? never mind - it's too sick to think about. I'll give you one thing - you are the king of male sluts in the county.One other thing bernie baby - I am not anonymous. I am Doug Hoppe - destined to be a nightmare for you and all your boys.
Well, I'm Moe Greene. You know who I am?
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