Forks Supervisor Lilly Gioia assures everyone that unions have every constitutional right to terrorize little kids in their homes. What Gioia fails to point out is that she was never even elected to her position, but appointed to fill a vacancy.
Whatever their problem, the First Amendment is no license to invade someone's privacy at home. Here's what some Forks residents say at the Express Times.
"I live in this neighborhood and this kind of protest does not belong in a residential area. They were spitting on his driveway, taking pictures of his house and were very LOUD. I think there were more than 100 people and they WERE blocking the street, how could they not? No one came out of their homes and none of the kids could play outside while this was going on. They left behind trash and tons of discarded cigarettes. It's inappropriate and unfair to the tax payers in this community. Keep it at the commercial sites or business and stay out of our community. It's harassment and they get no sympathy from me. We have nothing to do with their issue, nor do we care. Our police have better things to do than babysit a bunch of union workers with an attitude problem."
* * *
"These people literally terrorized a neighborhood! Private citizens who had nothing to do with this union matter were prevented from quiet, peaceful enjoyment of their yards and community. Children could not go out and play, homeowners could not do yard work, families could not go for a walk. The union members WERE trespassing on people's property, and left behind tons of trash and cigarette butts for others to clean up. When my sister went to leave her home because my nephew was scared of the 'mean men outside'...the protesters surrounded her vehicle and shouted at her with fists raised!"
* * *
"I'm not a constitutional law scholar, but I would be willing to bet that the Framers of our Constitution did not envision a mob of union rabble-rousers with an inflatable rat protesting in an American citizen's neighborhood and frightening residents to the point where they would leave their homes."
After Tuesday, AFSCME will have a new lease on life at Gracedale. Gee I wonder if Controller Steve Barron was there. He's at every other union function.
Mea Culpa! In the original version of this post, I mistakenly stated that Lilly Gioia works for the Peter Angelos law firm. I have deleted that reference, and apologize for getting one of my facts wrong.
Barron is a pro-union, worthless piece of shit. Vote "no" on tues. and vote Barron out of office
Retire the rat!
Forks Supervisor Lilly Gioia assures everyone that unions have every constitutional right to terrorize little kids in their homes. What Gioia fails to point out is that she works with Lamont McClure at the pro-union Peter Angelos law firm. She was never elected to her position, but appointed to fill a vacancy.
This is horrible.
This is a huge story. Why has it taken a week to become public?
Is Bottom Dollar union? They're opening all over.
So far as I know, it is not.
"This is a huge story. Why has it taken a week to become public?"
Seems like some Forks Tp officials wanted to keep a lid on it, but I do not know.
Can only imagine little children seeing this huge inflated rat come down the street. The children must have been frightened.
Bernie, I believe Lily and I have met. However, she does not now, nor has she ever worked with me at PGA. Your sources badly misled you, or you just chose to make this up.
Actually, that is my mistake. I had her mixed up with Iris Linares, and will correct my error.
Bernie why is it you can give the finger in front of kids and that is ok ?
Iam sure the kids were real scared of those inflatable rats they look like character ballons. what do they do on holloween?
Actually, I don'r give the finger in front of kids, although I have given the finger to some mental midgets like D'Alessandro. As for the inflatable rat, several Forks Township mothers have different views than you. But it's nice to know you Gracedale Goons are in "solidarity" with terrorizing neighborhoods. I'm sure that "We, the People" are all for that sort of thing.
This seems to have stirred a lot of anti-union sentiment in the newspaper online comments. I wonder if a sleeping and very angry majority has been stirred? This is our Wisconsin.
"several Forks Township mothers have different views than you."
Any good parent would use this as a learning experience for their kids. It is not something to hide them from. It is a classic example of freedom of speech and the right to be heard.
Bernie that isn't what I heard from people who were at the meet and greet.Remember the little boy with cancer ??
And Iam not part of" We the people"
group, and I sure would not be a part of your group --talk about a hate group.
No you are a union hack and I believe you are Jim Schlener, who was there that night but too afraid to approach me.
"Any good parent would use this as a learning experience for their kids. It is not something to hide them from. It is a classic example of freedom of speech and the right to be heard."
Yeah I'm sure the kids really appreciated it when their car was surrounded by a union mob with raised fists and their mother was in tears.
"This seems to have stirred a lot of anti-union sentiment in the newspaper online comments"
It certainly has, and people should think about this mob rule when voting on Gracedale.
Is Verizon the company that Steve Barron threatened as the Controller?
Bernie, you are wrong again Iam not Jim .........
Guess again ??
I don't really give a rat's ass who you are.I only know you're an anonymous coward, the kind of person who terrorizes children in neighborhoods and smashes car windows.
"Is Verizon the company that Steve Barron threatened as the Controller?"
That was T-Mobile. I'll lay odds he was at this march into a residential neighborhood.
"Yeah I'm sure the kids really appreciated it when their car was surrounded by a union mob with raised fists and their mother was in tears."
I guess the police didn't see it that way. What you descride is bordering on terroristic threats. Yet there were no arrests made. Let's not make things worse than they were for a better story. Or were the police involved as well? That is quite and accusation to make Bernie.
Bernie, I guess that explains why a democrat told me Steve Barron will be the next County Executive. That is a joke, right?? God save us. Even Democrats aren't that dense.
The Coalition of Alzheimers Families was not started by the union. It was started by a group of people that had loved ones at Gracedale. Even now it is not part of the union, not one of it's members work for Gracedale or belong to the union.
Just because people can work side by side does not make them wrong.
Mob rule I don't think so....
Just people that are standing up for what they believe in.
"Yet there were no arrests made. Let's not make things worse than they were for a better story. Or were the police involved as well? That is quite and accusation to make Bernie."
I'm taking EXACTLY what appears in the ET news account and in the subsequent comments.
"Jody Spera, who lives next door to Beasley in the 4100 block, said she was afraid during the protest, took her children and left the house. She said the protest, which included shouting into megaphones and people with signs displaying the union's logo, seemed immense in a small neighborhood."
"When my sister went to leave her home because my nephew was scared of the "mean men outside"...the protesters surrounded her vehicle and shouted at her with fists raised!"
The police took no action bc they are union sympathizers, as is Gioia. This should have been shut down before it ever got started.
"Mob rule I don't think so...."
Bullshit. Your spokesman, the Fake Rev, has already said, "Get used to it."
Break out the pitchforks and torches.
More of a real Rev, than the fakes who you praise.
His actions fit his title. Not like your pals.
Fake Rev, I realize English is your second or third language, but it's "the fakes whoM you praise," not the "fakes who you praise." Perhaps if you did not get your ordination papers out of a cornflakes box, you'd know that sort of thing.
I know exactly what you are, and so does the Real Jesus. "By their fruits you shall know them," He says, and your fruit is hate. All I need do is quote excerpts from your hate blog, but I don't want to take a shower until later.
We the rats in order to form a more perfect union obey no laws,respect no elected officials, and choose to intimidate any one we want.We will storm any office any area as though we own it and who is afraid of a big air filled rat anyway.We love rats ; most of us feel related and our behavior is similar to rats. We will take whatever anyone leaves behind and we will take as much as we can. we are government of the rats.
Bernie did the county just give Schmoyer thousands of dollars to preserve 20 acres of her land ? Talk about a two faced blood leach. Gotta give Stoffa credit ; he probably could have stopped it .
Yes. I will be posting about that tomorrow.
that's what unions at best at - giving rats a blow job
I detest unions and their thuggery.
The only reason they still exist is because some in management are incompetent and ruthless assholes who enrich themselves with shortsighted and, to use your word, draconian tactics.
Verizon is a shithole. Their executives are arrogant bastards that ship jobs overseas and exploit the impoverished in third world nations.
Maybe this guy deserved it. Best way to keep people from doing bad things to you and yours is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Maybe...
Schmoyers property is in mooretownship and the money comes from mooretownship taxpayers that voted to preserve the farm land in there township not from other Northampton taxpayers.
Stoffa had nothing to do with it, and Iam sure they could have got a lot more if they sold to a developer.So I wouldn't call then leaches
BO @ 848 I will take that bet.
Then tell me he was not there and explain how you know. He is at every other union function in a 50-mile radius.
"chmoyers property is in mooretownship and the money comes from mooretownship taxpayers that voted to preserve the farm land in there township not from other Northampton taxpayers."
This is bullshit. There is township, county and state money involved. I am appalled that this parasite, who is not even a farmer, would take money intended for them on a 20-acre tract.
Stoffa will use this as some type of PR bullshit like "what a great guy I am". Truth be told she was in the pipeline and if Stoffa had interfered it would have been right out there.
In defense of Stoffa. When he screws people over he does it with the skill of a surgeon, not the Angle method of using a dull hatchet.
This had nothing to do with Stoffa, he is irrelevant.
This Verizon guy should excercise his 2nd Amendment rights. He could have "open carried" in his front yard and sidewalk and had a nice discussion with the disrupters. Gov. Corbett will be signing the "Castle Doctrine" law into effect shortly. I would suggest the Verizon guy read up on it and exercise those provisions once law if the Rats show up again. This is America and one has a right to defend his/her home and property from invaders, including rats!!
this is just another example of typical union thuggery. can't get that extra 10 minutes for a coffee break at work? let's stop production, and cost people jobs! whaddya mean the comapny won't pay for kid's braces? let's go and trash the CEO's yard!
i think the family should have a few hundred eggs ready for protesters should they decide to come back, and a BB gun for the rats.
Rats and the Otter unite! Rodent Rule!
Make sure you tell the folks that the Coalition for Alzheimers was formed to protest against the County several year ago. My how times change. The union is using this group for their own monetary gains
""When my sister went to leave her home because my nephew was scared of the "mean men outside"...the protesters surrounded her vehicle and shouted at her with fists raised!""
this may be a published report,but it sounds very improbable.
Cicero, your remarks were answered but of course O'Hare deleted them. He is very protective of his Troll Patrol and mancrushes.
O'Hare deletes the truth that he doesn't like. he has tried to "delete" the fact he gave a terminally ill boy the "finger". Unfortunately for O'Hare there were plenty of witnesses.
This is a guy who sits at council meetings with his fly down and shots ill boys the bird.
hell of a fella this O'Hare is and just think, he, Angle and Stoffa run the Northampton County. god protect us.
Well, thankfully for you, the Fake Rev and Gracedale Goons are now in charge.
A relatively large jobsite/shopping center refurbishment is taking place nearby. The union rat is on display daily. My question is, In America-The land of the free, why cant an investor, or partnership, or company (i dont know who bought the center) hire whatever qulaified labor they choose to? If the union lost the bid, the partnership had their own electricians, or they chose a different reason cant they build the property without the union hassle. I am justsearching for the answer. This is a tough economy and I would imagine investors, who have capital at risk, are likely looking to price the jobs as competitively as possible. disclaimer...i have absolutely nothing to do with the project.
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