Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heavy Turnout in West Easton

According to Tricia Mezzacappa, who's running for West Easton Borough Council, turnout as over 200 at 6 PM, which is nearly what it was during last year's mid-terms. She believes the heated magisterial three-way among Yetter, Restucci and Elias is the reason.


  1. is she giving free massages?

  2. It's easy to make accusations against a woman, especially when you can do it behind a fake name.

  3. One can only hope heavy turnout is bad for Yetter. He is a fool and will make a horrible judge. He'll make Matos-Gonzales look competent.

  4. Didn't this Magisterial race have Fleck rumored to be interested a few months back? Guess a Constable arrest ruins those plans.

  5. Brenda, I mean Tricia, is not doing too well. That is Karma baby, right back at ya!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  9. she stole my wallet

  10. gracedale 1 bernie a big fat zero, hope u ghad fun wastin ya time, oh wait u do nothing!

  11. What now Bernie?? Go YETTER!!

  12. didn't make an accusation. asked a question and that is my name

  13. how dare anybody say anything about me and my daughter who the hell do you think you are i guess you have to hide behind your anonymous names but i guess the best people won didnt they and as far as my supersize daughters as you say we have more class than any of you people and you all need to grow up you can say anything you want about me but how dare you say anything about my kids i dont talk bad about you people so what give you the right to say anything about my girls

  14. Nancy, I was on the road much of the night, going to different campaigns, ad missed the comment. I will delete it. But let me remind you that you actually told a County Council they "have no balls." That is inappropriate behavior, just as the comment is inappropriate.

  15. I know I am heavy but how dare anyone that does not know me say anything about me. If you have something to say and cant say it to my face at least you can put your name down and not be a coward and hide behind a web site. That just shows the true class people have to say stuff about other people. YETTER IS BETTER!!!

  16. bernie and as you know i have apolizied to council for my inapproiate comment in the past and you dont have to keep threwing that up in my face and thank you for deleting the comment because to attack my daughter and accuse me of stealing a wallet which NEVER happened is uncalled for i really do appreciate you acknodgement of an inappropriate comments thank you very much

  17. bernie the comment that is most hurtful to my daughters is being accused of super sized

  18. I saw the stealing wallet comment but did not know whether it was directed at you or Tricia. I let it go.

  19. By all means let Ron Angle harass, insult and berate people from his vultures perch on county Council but heaven forbid a private citizen say something "inappropriate" to such an august body.

    Why BO by any other name is still a hypocrite!

  20. Wow, what an interesting set of comments... I was also surprised by the turnout at West Easton... I was more surprised when i found out the turnout was not there for the support of Restucci who lives in West Easton, but for Yetter! As for the comments about a young lady like that... i saw that you had commented you were going to take the comment down... but i can still see them..Shame on you for letting something like that stay up on your blog!

  21. 8:41, I don't know what you're talking about. I removed the supersize comment in about 5 hours. I was on the road much of last night or it would have been removed sooner. The other comment, concerning the wallet, would be removed if I knew it was directed at a specific person. But it is vague, and that's why I let it stay, and I said I would let it go.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry about your loss Brenda. You wanted a happy ending but it never came.

  24. Bernie.....allowing a post to stay up that is defamatory to someone's child is outrageous! If someone made a derogatory comment about your grandson, how would you feel. Just goes to show your morals and just how bias this blog is!!!!!

  25. Actually, DJ, I think defamatory would be to include her suspected pants size, with a picture of her GIANT ass blocking the door to the polls.

    I think its only defamatory if it includes lies. I see no lies in that post. When you run with goons expect a good old fashion personal attack in return, from an anon.

  26. I dont really see this as a win for the unions. They refused, rat style, to give back the requested 6 million last november, causing plans for a sale.

    But like rabbid dogs, they went leaps and bounds to prevent the sale, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars along the way. Now they will be asked for the same 6 million giveback. If they do not, their membership dwindles.

    I dont see how this is a win for the unions, and I think most of their members already realize that.

    It is more like a lesson learned that public sector unions can be given an ass-kicking. They are not negotiating with pansies here.

  27. anonymous 6:29pm IT IS AIMED AT SOMEONE'S CHILD! Are you kidding me. Pathetic people you are

  28. i have to say someone that goes after someones size is a horrible person. who care what they look like.it makes me sick to see something that people are saying about this girl. i hope wo ever this anonymous person is that started this burns in hell.

  29. i have to say thak you to DJ, 7:40,and my MOM for sticking up for me it means a lot and shows me that there are still people out there that dont care about the size of people so THANK YOU.

  30. sorry missed the first n in thank you above sorry about that

  31. DJ, Mehgan, etc.,

    I removed the offensive comment as soon as I saw it. I am on the receiving end of many anonymous slurs and so are members of my family, and I removed the comment as soon as it was called to my attention on a very busy day.

    Attempting to blame me for what someone said anonymously is just more histrionics.

  32. bernie were not blaming you all we are aking yo is to remove the first post about my supersize daughters and for the correct facts we did NOT block any doors to the polls as we were told we had to stay out of the yellow lines infront of the doors and an fyi my daughters were not at the polls supporting gracedale they were their supporting ricky yetter who won the district magistrate race in our area so to call my daughters part of the gracedale goons is uncalled for

  33. Hey Nancy, get over it already. I have seen much worse name calling on this blog directed at the blog administrator, angle, stoffa and many more.

    Funny how some who do so much dishing out are the ones who cant take any back

  34. keep your kids out of politics and they wont be called names, simple.

  35. Nancy,

    I don't understand your latest. I removed the offending comment last night, as soon as I became aware of it. I would have removed it sooner but was on the road. Now you are asking me to remove something I already removed.

    Incidentally, this is the 6th comment by you or your daughter, drawing attention to the very topic you ant deleted.

    I agree that there's no reason to make fun of someone's child ... for any reason. I suggest you drop the matter already.

  36. bernie look at 7:45p.m. and then tell me that you took the comment off.

  37. I apologize. I deleted the insulting comment. I deleted another last night, and thought that was the only one.

  38. Hey anon 9:47, go puck yourself. Angle/Stoffa and O'Hare are county officials. if they can't take the heat they should leave, please!!!


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