Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Any Trouble at the Polls?

One of my readers suggests a separate entry for voting irregularities.

Have you been harassed at the polls? Trouble voting? Goofy poll workers?

Report irregularities here. Please give the polling location.


  1. ron, sorry about your uncle, guess now there is no reason to sell gracedale, you can't throw him out!

  2. I did not see the gracedale ballot question anywhere on the ballot

  3. "ron, sorry about your uncle, guess now there is no reason to sell gracedale, you can't throw him out!"

    Taunting Angle over the death of an uncle. Is it any wonder i call this crew goons?

  4. "I did not see the gracedale ballot question anywhere on the ballot"

    Lots of people are going to miss it.

  5. Anonymous said...
    I did not see the gracedale ballot question anywhere on the ballot.

    I voted this morning. No problems what so ever. The Gracedale Question was at the bottom of the ballot. Sorry Bernie but, I voted Yes.

  6. notsocasualobserverMay 17, 2011 at 10:53 AM

    People in green AFSCME shirts opening the door for voters.

    here is a law aginst that 10 feet from the poll Rain or shine

  7. Voted NO on Gracedale.

    More than a few people are going to vote yes when they mean no. It is set up to dupe the lazy button pushers. Let's hope they are lazy enough to stay home today.

    No goons in sight. Just a couple of nice conversations between neighbors while we waited. Reminded me of better days gone by.

  8. "Sorry Bernie but, I voted Yes."

    That's OK. I expect to lose this battle.

  9. Not so casual,

    The law is at 25 P.S. § 3060(d): "All persons, except election officers, clerks, machine inspectors, overseers, watchers, persons in the course of voting, persons lawfully giving assistance to voters, and peace and police officers, when permitted by the provisions of this act, must remain at least ten (10) feet distant from the polling place during the progress of the voting."

    I'll be headed there in a few minutes.

  10. Just got back from voting..if you werent looking for the gracedale question,you probably wont see it,was buried all the way down at the bottom and written in such small font size you couldnt possibly read it. Wasnt that coincidental of the county to do that.

  11. people dont have to read it they know going in what they are going to vote

  12. i found the question after some time looking....i have answered questions in the past , so who decides where the question is placed ? it seems to me it was placed at the bottom where people are unable to see it deliberately....i informed several people it was on the very bottom and i to voted yes .


  14. 12:51,
    Your opinions don't count unless you go to the polls and vote. Until then you have no vote.

  15. Saw JD at the Washington Twsp building.


  17. Poll workers..kids actually..telling me 30 feet. Wet behind their ears and don't know the law. This is at the Bangor 1/4 ward poll. The position of the question at the bottom was a bit troublesome to read..had to bend over and squint. I'm not gonna kill the county on this one but they could have done better by putting it at the top of the screen.

  18. Really? Do you need a dictionary or do you want me to teach you how to use spell check? I really don't care which way people vote it's your personal opinion. It's uneducated people like you who vote uninformed whick defeats the process. I know your uninformed because you can't spell and can't form a sentence.

  19. JD is Bernie's best friend the Gracedale Goon.

  20. Didn't see a soul there... Noone outside the polls, noone voting inside except me, around 8:45.

  21. no i dint see any goonies anywhere what the rain keeping you in, all you do is when your there is preasure people to vote yes thats awlfull and you like to make fun of someone cause the spelled a word wrong wait till your my age ,is this the way you treat them at gracedale bet you so.save your thoughts and let it rest gracedale needs to be sold.

  22. no problems voting at all, just ran into some neighbors and chatted over coffee for a bit. making the best of a dreary day ,this weather is for the birds. have a nice day.

  23. Dear 1:26,
    No one is making fun of your age. I am a hospice nurse. I take care of people at the end of their life. I see first hand how getting old effects families. Gracedale is a god send to some people who's family can not give them the proper care and the cost for private nursing home is too much. Voting NO will create more elderly abuse cases, more wondering and missing older folks, medication mismanagement. You just put a nail in someone coffin to save yourself a few dollars. Where will you go and who will take care of you when you no longer can?

  24. Bernie, where is the big outcry over the location on the ballot? If the "goons" had something to do with it, you would have filed suit by now.

  25. No problems in East Allen Township (Fire House) at all. Didn't expect any. Please just give it a rest, Bernie.

  26. Ten feet from the polling place. Does this mean the building? Does this mean the front door? Does this mean workers have no "right" t stand under a shelter an pass out cards? Is the Ballot place the place where you vote "indoore". If so, the voting place is more than 40 feet from the door. What is the law Bernie

  27. Bernie.....you are just hoping for trouble, that is what you thrive on. Polls are very quiet and professional, so give it up!

  28. Ran over six goon signs while parking. Voted yes. public service unions are a disgusting affront. They've bastardized the legitimate labor movement. Can't wait unitil they're laid off. let them eat rubber rats or starve. Not a single unemployment extension for the greedy, thoughtless creeps. Yes never felt so good. The layoffs will feel even better. I love to observe public sector unions getting screwed by their own idiocy. It takes an otter.

  29. Hey anonymous 1:26, you better see who corrected your spelling, it happens to be bernie! not anyone from the nursing home!!

  30. anonymous 3:15! Thank you for the vote.. the "goons" and "thugs" thank you.. There will be no layoffs or terminations at the home, because we can work for a better place than we have now.. and if we are lucky in Nov. there will no longer be an Angle to deal with! So thanks again for giving us 5 years to improve our wonderful nursing home!

  31. don't worry "DJ", Bernie will make up some stories I am sure to make it sound like there was trouble

  32. Hey Bernie did you have anything to do with the question being on the bottom for people to miss. good tactic

  33. notsocasualobserversaid

    You probably saw them at THEIR headquarters!

  34. No trouble in Bethlehem polls..People are overwhelmingly voting to keep Gracedale everywhere I've been. Great day! Great victory for Gracedale!!!

  35. Can not wait until 9pm to watch 69 news and see how everything turned out.

  36. I found this posted on the Gooon's blog from last nightand thought I would share it with you.

    Well Folks...The Coalition of Alzheimer's Families completed our goal. The goal was to secure the electors of Northampton County their right to vote on the Gracedale issue, and we did. Now it's up to you to exercise your right.

    Our effort was never about winning or losing, it was about bringing awareness to the plight of the indigent and destitute.

    COAF was once told that we did not have a choice, and we found that ignorant mentality unacceptable. We can humbly tell you today that tomorrow you have a choice. Vote YES or vote NO, but whatever you do get out and vote.

    Certainly we encourage you to vote YES because we are of the opinion that it is not necessary to sell Gracedale, however, it's The Peoples decision...because you do have a choice.
    Posted by Save Gracedale at 10:05 PM

  37. Sadly, I was only number 68 at 3:20. You would think between 3 commissioner races in Bethlehem Township and the Gracedale issue that there would be a higher turn out.....hopefully a "rush" later.

    I agree with everyone, if you did not know to look for the Gracedale issue, you would have missed it. Especially since there was a lot of white space between it and the primary races (hence seemingly unnecessary to be that low) it does lend itself to encouraging a lower vote on the issue when there already is low voter turnout.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. It was at the bottom however, if my memory serves me correctly, referendums used to be either at the top of the right hand corner. I wasn't leaving until I could cast my YES vote.

  40. Retired ASD teacher here.

    There is NO question, the ballot question was difficult to find. At my polling place, one of the poll watchers told the guy setting the machine "Make sure you tell them where the ballot question is!"

    The wording of the question could also pose a problem. Many folks will enter the booth thinking the question will be "Should we sell Gracedale, or not?" They are primed for a simple YES or NO to that basic request.

    If one does not want to see Gracedale sold, they needed to vote YES. Strange.

    I voted YES. It just seems as though the county SHOULD be directly involved in taking care of its needy residents.

  41. Voted NO with two family members doing same. Watched a gaggle of green shirts get lecture on goldbricking and poor performance vs. private sector from guy voting after work in Bushkill Twp. Tax increases aren't very popular up here.

  42. Bernie, is election day the only one you see State Constables that are not arresting you? :p

  43. 5:47, Must have just missed you. I was at Bushkill's polls. The second the green T-shirts would see me, they'd start hooting and hollering. I had no idea so many know me, or that I am so loved.

  44. Retired ASD, I know you did what you thought was best, and I respect you.

  45. The ballot question is at the bottom of the ballot. For the conspiracy theorists out there, this has nothing to do with Stoffa or Angle. The Elections Comm's approves the ballot. Remember them? They are the same group that ignred Stoffa and Angle.

    In my opinion, the placement at the bottom hurts those of us who want it sold. The unions know it's there and will look for it. But the rest of us won't.

  46. "You just put a nail in someone coffin to save yourself a few dollars."

    Not much emotion here, is there?

  47. "Ten feet from the polling place. Does this mean the building?"

    It means 10' from the polling place, which I take to be the table where you sign in, which is already a good 10' inside most buildings.

  48. All's well in Lehigh County, but then again we have nothing exciting going on like Northampton Co., except that little 16% tax increase!

  49. Still at Bethlehem poll. Everyone loves my green shirt..gracedale supporters out
    In droves...god bless

  50. Join us for the victory party at the steelworker hall Bernie..

  51. Still at Bethlehem poll. Everyone loves my green shirt..gracedale supporters out
    In droves...god bless

  52. I have some video of a "save Gracedale" person holding the door open for people at a polling place in Bethlehem. I had walked in and he held the door open for me, I told him he should be ten feet back. I got into my car and caught him on video doing it again after being told.

  53. The green shirts I observed looked very well practiced at standing around doing nothing. These were pros.

  54. I really don't give a crap about your idiotic video..you are a moron..if he was doing anything illegally, I'm sure the constable would have let him know..my guess is that he was just being helpful. But you go ahead and file a complaint. They will laugh at your ignorance..oh my god. He was opening doors for people. Maybe he should be shot..I think you should post this criminals picture so we can all run when this serial door opener comes close!

  55. 7:27, Load your video to youtube and send me a link.

  56. "Join us for the victory party at the steelworker hall Bernie."

    Heh heh. Is that an invitation? I have no beef with Gerry Green.

  57. There is no question the placement of the "question" was engineered by the Angle/Stoffa regime. There was no need to put it all the way at the bottom.

    The election office did that and I have to believe they had a helpful solicitor "encouraging" them. The same solicitor who had the Gracedale hired gun lawyers, tell him how to advise the Board.

    The Board approved the question and wording, after that Angle/Stoffa worked their magic.

    Despite all your game playing and all the nonsense O'Hare, this thing will pass by a wide margin.

    People just didn't buy the bullshit you boys were selling. Maybe changing your story and numbers every week was a tip off. Super majority of voters asked, "who's dumb idea it was to sell". They wanted to know who to vote against.

    They were advised and this in District four. Good Times!!

  58. As stated, the ballot was approved by the Elections Comm'n and was never seen by Angle or Stoffa. As stated, its placement will hurt pro-sale advocates more than the Gracedale Goons. They will look for it, while the rest of us have other things to do.

  59. I just walked in the door, it took me all day to vote early and often.

    I lost count but was just shy of 100 votes around 6'ish...

    Funny how not a single polling place staffer asked me for any ID?

  60. Yes..please stop by the steel hall..I'm sure Jerry would be glad to see you..I will personally introduce you to the serial door opener. I was told he even opened doors for the handicapped and elderly folks there. Maybe he should be beheaded or at least be handed,lol. Then he'll never open doors again..

  61. I'll be happy to stop by. But I have to invited officially, not anonymously. I am going to a few places and will log in to see if there is a real invite. But I'll be happy to educate all of you on the error of your ways.

  62. Yes , definitely behand the serial door opener..No more door opening for that thug, lol....Are you people really serious? Taking videos of a poll worker opening the door for voters? That guy seriously needs to get a life.
    Can't wait to see the video..Don't forget to forward it to the DA so he can prosecute the thug...Yes, your honor, this thug dared to open the doors for voters at a poll in Bethlehem..Please send him right to jail with all the other serial door openers..Oh my God..Are yyou people pathetic, or what???

  63. "I told him he should be ten feet back. I got into my car and caught him on video doing it again after being told."

    It was already established that he had to be ten feet back from the table where you sign in. Take the video, and put it with your NO vote, because they both mean nothing. The people have spoken!!!!

  64. "7:27, Load your video to youtube and send me a link."

    Send me a link also. I will call Obama and see if we can't get Seal Team Six on this asshole. How dare he open a door for someone!!!! Who is to say he wasn't there to vote, and happened to be wearing a shirt.

  65. I was stalked by a cigar wielding short stubby man with a mustache, with poor English, and pronunciation. He was wearing suspenders, and had a rather large disbarred mans head up his ass. They were followed by a rather old fellow lacking some fingers,who was muttering something like payback is a bitch....

    They were both complaining about election fraud, and something about goons, and thugs.

    I just ignored them and proceeded to the booth, and voted YES.

    I couldn't believe they were there, but I went about my business, and did what was right.

  66. @ 8:12 False flag.

  67. Hopefully council sees this overwhelming mandate to pay to fund gracedale. If they don't they will be swept away in the next election. Gilbert, theory, and the. Other republicans need too see this as a message to fund gracedale. If they refuse to ackknowledge that they can forget ever ever the idea of ever being reelected. The numbers showed that people of all parties and persuasions want gracedalle saved. Stop being stubborn and do what needs to be done and fund it already

  68. Angle made more of an ass of himself on Channel 69 tonight. He denied the county is sitting on 60million dollars and stated there must be a tax increase or a union giveback. I am sure his bobble-heads will nod in agreement. Or they could grow up, grow a pair and include two million in one of the four or five budget amendments county council does every year.

    Does Angle ever tire of playing the drama queen? Tell him Bernie, there is only room for one queen at the courthouse and you are already there!

    Tuscan Son!

  69. God Bless the Garcedale Guardians. Now please protect us from Angle,Ohare,Stoffa and their council of bobble-heads!

  70. You can all laugh it up at someone being called out for holding a door open, but the law is the law. And as a Judge of Elections I know for a fact that the law specifically states ten feet from the entrance, not the table, not the machines, the ENTRANCE.

    This means that man was purposefully violating election laws since he'd been told to stand away from the door. I'm sure you're okay with that now but if it was someone wearing a Tea Party shirt you'd freak out and call Morganelli or Schlener.

  71. As I said, let's get Seal Team Six to do away with him at once!!

  72. You can't. Disney has copyrighted them. Sorry.

  73. Dear 3:22,

    Maybe he was just being polite?

    Please get a life..If I had to guess, i'd say he's been woking polls before the time you were born. My guess is that the wise ass punk who thinks this person should have been ten foot from the door and who took the video actually thinks that he had some authority to tell someone where to stand and actually though this person cared what he thought..Obviously he didnt..And I also think that people coming to this poll weren't ignorant and decided to vote their conscience and not vote yes because someone was nice enough to open the door for them..However, whoever this jerk is that has the tape can certainly turn it over to the DA for prosecution..best of luck with that/


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.