Local Government TV

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Day to Remember Our Military

LV Congressman Charlie Dent has always had a high regard for this nation's military, their families and their veterans. It's no surprise to read that Dent would join State Rep. Bob Freeman, another class act, in honoring an 89 year old Hellertown vet who has performed 2,650 renditions of taps.

Below is Congressman Dent's Memorial Day statement.

“Each year, on the final Monday in May, Americans gather to observe Memorial Day – a holiday in which we pay tribute to the many courageous members of our Armed Forces who gave their lives defending our freedom. Started in 1868 as a means for a still fragile nation to honor the countless troops lost during the Civil War, today we recognize all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice serving our country.

“While only a single day on the calendar is devoted to commemorating these brave heroes, we must honor their sacrifices at all times by embracing the freedoms they died defending. In life, our soldiers, sailors and marines personify American patriotism – risking life and limb fighting for the country they love. In death, they remind us that the protection of our values and ideals often comes at a great cost.

“As we honor our fallen men and women this Memorial Day, we must also express our gratitude to the country’s many veterans, who fought to protect the American people, and active duty service members, who are currently fighting to ensure our security.”


  1. It would be nice if all the Brother's could be remembered.

  2. it would be nice if those who send out political statements, probably written by someone on their staff, actually served.

    Thank you to all that did!!!!!

  3. It's a shame he just voted down the hazard pay for our soldiers last week, the extra $100 per serviceman in harms way was too much I guess.

  4. He speaks a good speech, but he does not support ANY veteran legislation and constantly vote no

  5. "It's a shame he just voted down the hazard pay for our soldiers last week, the extra $100 per serviceman in harms way was too much I guess."

    Last week, Congress voted to increase military pay 1.6% across the board. It also voted to add $52.5 billion to the military's TRICARE health program. Charlie Dent voted for this.

    After just agreeing to these increases, Dems were angry and anted to embarrass Rs. So they pushed yet another raise, and Dent refused to go along.

    That way you get to post misleading comments like the one you splattered here like bird shit.

  6. I remembered the military today, I burned the American flag. Thanks to the men and women fighting over seas this country in the mean time has gone to sh$t. At least I have the freedom of free speech.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IRZ2scu40c

  8. anon 10:17

    and you never paid for that freedom did you asshole?

  9. If Dent had been around at the time of this Nation's founding, this nation never would have been founded.

    He would have tried to get along, keep his powder dry, and get himself a title and some land.

    Stop with the grandstanding Chuck. Actually doing something would be a much greater "Thank you" than your empty suit statements. We didn't fight every war so you could be comfy in DC.

  10. 11:05,

    You fought every war? How old are you?

  11. You know what the statement means. And, your nitpicking simply avoids the substance of the comment, which is that Charlie Dent is of the mushy middle who would never have had the balls to do what was necessary back then.

    Ever seen "The Patriot"? Charlie would have been that guy who ended up throwing the torch on the church roof.

  12. No, I don't know what that statement means. It either means that you've fought in every war or that you presume to be able to speak for those who did. You don't. Charlie Dent has probably been on more front lines than you.

  13. Charlie not only voted against raises for our military he also voted to end medicare.

    That is his record he will run on in 2012.

  14. As I just stated, Dent voted for an increase in military pay last week. Don't let the facts get in the way. Here is a link.


  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. It is one thing to disagree. It is another to blatantly disinform. In spite of a link to the news account showing that Dent in fact voted for a wage hike for the military, somebody insisted on repeating a claim that he did not. I deleted the comment.

  17. Trudie Rowkowski said...
    and you never paid for that freedom did you asshole?

    10:34 PM

    While I did not pay with my life; I paid in wasted tax dollars, for I'am a tax payer who tried to save lives asswhole.

  18. There are numerous ways to serve our country and be patriotic. You don't have to give your life in service to, or serve four years as an enlistee in the armed forces to be a loyal patriotic American Citizen. Show me your colors by volunteering in your community. Show me your colors by volunteering for various charities. Show me your colors by giving back to this great Country through serving as a volunteer on numerous commissions, various boards, and authorities in your Municipalities Counties and State. Wrap yourself in the American Flag
    in any manner you want. Just do all the above while serving with no compensation (except for the military) and you have made this Country a better place to live. These are the rue PATRIOTS. Don't give Public Speeches and serve in paid positions and call yourself a patriot. You're a magate and a leech.

  19. Sorry....a magnet and a sucker

  20. Oh shit, you know what I mean

  21. hmm...I think it was my post that was removed. I don't think anyone said he did not vote for the 1.6% raise. The statement is that 1.6% is nowhere near the standard of living. We are talking apples and Oranges anyway..what Dent did vote against was an additional $100 per month hazard pay increase for our soldiers in iminent danger. I can not find the link to it, but it was in the Morning call on sunday in the section that shows how your representatives voted.

  22. I did delete your comment. It was disinformation that failed to tell the whole story, which appears in the link I provide.

  23. It's your blog, and your right to do so but I thought you only deleted posts attacking others. If you deleted misleading, or mistaken posts you will be spending allot of time moderating here.

  24. I reserve the right to be inconsistent.

    Look, I usually let this stiff slide, but this was obvious disinformation. If you are going to post that Dent voted against a combat pay increase, you really should note that he simultaneously voted for a payraise and to increase medical benefits. It was one-sided and unfair to Dent, who really does care about our troops and vets.

    It was so obviously unfair that I deleted it.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.