One thing Barron has done is ingratiate himself with every union in a 50-mile radius. He's injected himself headfirst into the Gracedale dispute, where he sat with unions at several judicial hearings, busily passing notes to their lawyers.
Although he thought nothing of devoting his time as Controller to AFSCME, he was outraged at the activities of a County law firm specifically authorized by a County Council resolution "to facilitate and expedite all issues that will result in the alternate ownership (sale/lease) of Gracedale." You see, they talked to me. They edited my Complaint before I filed it. They even forwarded a spreadsheet the County no longer needed.
Instead of talking to anyone in the Stoffa administration, Barron immediately went to the press and union lawyers. Next thing I know, Gracedale lawyer Larry Otter starts screaming about Bonusgate, tells Channel 69 that people might be going to jail and makes at least two requests for a criminal investigation. Last, but not least, he files multiple motions for attorney fees, surcharges, injunctions and the death penalty.
Ron Angle finally confronted Barron, who made the mistake of appearing at a Finance Committee hearing.
"You want to bad mouth Mr. Stoffa? I never seen him take a nickel from anybody he shouldn't take a nickel from. But you take that money and you want to make comments to the newspapers that there's something wrong because Eckert Seamans made four telephone calls to me, to update me on the sale? Are you saying that was wrong?"
Not only did Barron have no answer, but he eventually walked away from the podium.
Having ingratiated himself with the Gracedale unions, he's apparently decided to give up being Controller and is acting as their union agent. At yesterday's Personnel Committee, Angle accused Barron of "stirring up the pot" over there. "He's now over screaming Gracedale is full of asbestos and the employees there are getting sick," said Angle who claims Barron is now a "waterboy for the unions."
Public Works Director Steve DeSalva told Council that the County takes a very "proactive" approach to asbestos complaint and has conducted between 50-100 tests. He assured Council nobody has been exposed to asbestos.
Unsatisfied wannabe union agent Barron has reportedly complained to the EPA. In fact, this supposed Controller of finances wants the County to establish a fund for sick AFSCME workers.
"Is there any truth to the accusations being made?" asked Council member Tom Dietrich.
"I don't know because I don't know what the accusations are," answered DeSalva.
When Executive John Stoffa was asked about Barron's claims, he declined to discuss it publicly, and Council conducted an Executive session.
But Angle is furious, and has called Barron "the most dangerous person in public office in the Lehigh Valley."
Gracedale: Not enough money to fund it? Tax increase? $15 million needed for capital improvement? Now asbestos contamination? Seems like one more argument to shut it down. I thought he was on the side of the workers there.
Is Ron Angle jealous that Mr. Barron has bested him in the election and continues to show him up? He proved the Angle/Stoffa numbers are wrong and his numbers are right. I guess Angle and Stoffa are angry that he knows more about county government then they do.
Angle and Stoffa must fear Mr. Barron. He is using his office to investigate the dirty secrets of this administration, Ron Angle and this county council.
This is what Mr. Barron was elected to do. Why is Angle afraid of Mr. Barron? That is the question!
Barron is an idiot. He has politicized a non-political offce almost beyond repair. A petition drive should be started to oust him. As a watch dog for county finances he has cataracts His staff carries him;he does nthing of importace to county taxpayers. What a waste !
Put the baby in ma belly!!!!
Is it true that his own staff secretly complain about the guy never being there? Nice.
Mr. Barron is just trying to direct a little business to Peter G. Angelos law firm who specializes in asbestos litigation. There are a lot of political donations that need to be rewarded. Get off his back. (Now there’s a scary image!)
Its about time someone in the County Government stands up for and represents the workers!!! Even if Barron is dangerous, he at least is trying to make sure that the workers have a voice inside the walls of the County Government Building. With more fellows like Barron, there would be no need for the Unions!! All he is asking is that the County show that the air quality in the work environment is safe. Is that too much to ask? If it is safe, why is Stoffa hiding the reports and data? Seems to me that Stoffa and Angle are hiding something and trying to snow the issue by attacking Barron when all that is being requested is some simple data that Stoffa claims he has. Produce the reports showing clean air and the issue goes away. Good grief!
Barron is a disgrace. But the residents of Northampton County, as evidenced by the massive turnout in Tuesday's elections, have proven they deserve nothing better.
I don't care what side of the Gracedale debate you were on. No excuse for apathy. Pissing on the graves of those who gave all to secure and provide the right of self-governance.
Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
Dont forget to add to the list that 60 employees cost $3 million in a six month period. Damn
Sounds good. Increase that Gracedale tax to rip out and replace all the asbestos.
anybody can make accusations about anything ...doesn't make it so ...sounds like someone tying to make a few bucks ..... maybe they should check him for being full of hot air.
i wonder how many people have asbestos in there homes?this sounds like complete an utter nonsense.someone has political asspirations.
Steve Barron is a trashbox loser who cant figure out if a kilt should be worn with high heels or mens shoes. He's a union pandering nightmare who stuffs his face so far up the unions asses, I would wonder if there's a kickback.
I would love to burry Barron in a pothole on Gracedale drive, then invite 100 sick as hell , hung over , taco bell food poisoned folks to simultaneously squat and shit their brains out for hours, use the kilt as toilet paper.......
hear him screaming sssstthhhoooopp!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of irritated people here. Anonymous 2:10AM why not get the paperwork started to get the bim out.
@ 9:01 : all you have to do is vote him out, Stop being such a disgusting sick fuck.
The pothole theory is much to kind. I like the general tone of the torture process anon 9:01, but a better scenario from an engineering standpoint of EPA protection, would play out if he was stuffed inside a manhole on Washington street, with a clear manhole cover, so we could see and hear his reactions, but the unthinkable stink stench and gas would be trapped inside. Much better from an EPA standpoint.
with all of the stench trapped in the manhole, we could hold a ceremony there and O'Hare could tape it on his flip-cam.
Just wondering if everyone would be bashing Mr. Barron if he claimed the residents were being exposed to asbestoes instead of union workers.
You people are sick! Thought I would check out this blog for comments on the election and this is what I found. wow get a life
I say, go with China Buffet, those shits are the worst of all mankind
"All he is asking is that the County show that the air quality in the work environment is safe. Is that too much to ask?"
That's not accurate.
1) He has called in the EPA.
2) He wants the County to set up a "fund" for sick union workers.
3) He is demanding annual employee physicals.
4) He has falsely maintained that the County refuses to release information, when the PW Director last night indicated that there are numerous (50-100) tests. I know for a fact that they reveal the results, even without a RTKL request, bc they did that i the courthouse routinely.
Barron is pandering for union votes. He may even be trying to drum up business for Lamont McClure, who is an asbestos lawyer.
Steve Barron has abused his position as county controller by using this position to fabricate, promote and support an assclown agenda of impropriety in county finances.
Since he does not agree with the sale of Gracedale and is such an avid union supporter, he climbed in bed with AFSCME, and hailed all of their efforts to stop the sale of gracedale. In this process, he has put various county officials under unnecessary scrutiny , to create a cloud of suspicion, all orchestrated by his personal opinions and beliefs, with an outrageous disregard for taxpayers.
Anyone who falls from the helm of independant watchdog into the trenches of union thuggery , and has not learned his lesson from a previous censure, need not serve this county in any capacity.
It is my hope that NC voters will do the right thing in NOV and vote Salversen.
Don't be confused. Barron sees the handwriting on the wall. He knows he will be voted out in November. He is trying to gain support of whatever avenue he can get. He is trying to set himself up for a job after his defeat in November. Let the hot air balloon keep talking. Eventually he will talk himself into a circle and get himself into so much trouble that he will only harm himself.
what is his proof of that ? doctor reports ? anything? you can be exposed to asbestos in your home ,doctors office just about anywhere...he sounds like some kinda nut.
This seems like an all to familiar stunt when workers know that the axe is falling fast. They start drumming up disabilities, workers comp, slip and falls, and all the rest that follows.
They are looking for a golden parachute on the way out , because they realize that the door is closing on pie in the sky graceland candyland, and the door to the real world is open.
None of these workers will be able to handle private sector employment, because that means they must justify their existence and be indispensable to keep a job, at a fraction of the wages and benes.
When all else fails, find another way to be a parasite on a liberal system that supports "injured" workers.
What says it all to me is that Barron is speaking on behalf of the worker, not the residents who actually live there.
So downsize even further. If 60 employees getting cut equals a savings of $3million , how many employees getting laid off will pay for rip and replace of asbestos?
Admit it O'Hare. Stoffa and Angle are emitting the smell of fear. Mr. Barron is telling them to put up or shut up.
He has Angle shaking in his boots. What does Ron Angle have to hide. Mr.Barron as Controller has the right to demand answers of Stoffa and Angle.
That is his job. so many jealous and fearful people.
Hey Steve,
stop pandering to your own cause. No one is shaking and no one is scared except the gracedale lunatics who know the end is near, and are crying asbestos.
Now crawl back into your union bed and do what you do best
Where is that baby? Put that baby in ma belly!!!
Bernie and Barron have more Chins than a Chinese phonebook. And Brenda you should run for controller. I sort of remember you stating that Salvo was already on the gov't pension welfare gravy train and he's just double dipping. Both of the guys are terrible and these are our choices. Says alot for NC. And Bern I say that to you in jest, I like you.
Wow how totally frightening that you are cataloging my comments anon 12:25.
While I am a strong opponent to double dipping the public till, I can see that Barron is way too foolish and immature to hold the office of controller. With no other choices, it would be Slaversen as a default, because anyone who stands erect and eats with utensils has Barron beat in a NY minute.
Spell his fucking name right too.
It has nothing to do with sounding like an ass anon 12:48. To be quite honest, had Barron not fucked up his reputation to an unrepairable pile of tin made in Taiwan, now sitting unwanted in a salvage yard, he may have been able to hold some clout in November.
His antics and his behavior are not fit for any public office whatsoever. In fact, if he were up against a philadelphia flaming liberal labor rights dog, I'd hate to cast a vote, but it would not be for Barron.
He has failed 100% in his abilities to separate personal agenda from public service, and has reduced himself to a whining little girl throwing a tantrum.
Wow Gracedale has overpaid unions and asbestos? That 35 million dollar price tag is going to start looking better and better a few months from now. With all the problems, and infrastructure issues, maybe we should close it? I mean, we don't want the employees to get sick. Also, it is funny that rather than asserting that patients or residents could get sick or be put in harms way, the first thing they are worried about is the employees. I think I am starting to see a trend here...
The asbestos issue is a trumped up scare tactic to force the buyer out of the picture
Business referrals for McClure
Does anyone care about the residents of Gracedale? Why is Gracedale bigger than Cedarbrook according to Jenna Whats-her-face's article in the Call today when Norco has less people than Lehigh?
If you have a house that is older than 40 years you probably have asbestos. You live in it 16 hours a day and breathe the air. These maintenance guys go into one area with asbestos for an hour a month and they go crying to their waterboy Barren. Everyone knows that as long as asbestos is undisturbed it causes NO health risks. It is only when it becomes fragmented or removed that asbestos particles enter the air space an COULD be inhaled. Even then it would take millions of microns of fibres to do any damage. Some of these workers probably smoke, or go to bars where people smoke, or have wood stoves, or by other means breathe in far more dangerous inhalents than asbestos. The workers have likely been trained in how to work around asbestos and there have been hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars already spent by the county on air quality testing and remediation. But that won't satisfy workers who hate their jobs, who have a vendetta against management, and have a sniveling weasel like Barren to fan their fire. The workers should do their jobs. No one is asking them to hang off of gutters to repair a window, or to crawl into a 10 foot trench without safety apparatus. The miniscule exposure they MAY have had to encapsulated asbestos isn't worth the expense and aggravation this has already casued the county and in turn the taxpayers who have had to pay the bill. Now, the lawyers will get rich on a frivelous lawsuit. Barren has the nerve to suggest that he is trying to protect the county from serious liability claims and costs yet it has been HIM who has created this monster. He is a two-faced fraud who disgracefully uses his office for personal political gain.
And then there's that insufferable, effeminate lisp.
I'm confused now about the role of the Controller. What is he supposed to be doing? He reminds me of Ralph Nader picking random pet issues all over hte board and getting lots of press. Shouldn't he be interested in paying for Gracedale? helping the Administration find the money?
Teletubby Barron has become persona non gratis in the courthouse. You used to see him wandering the hallways, glad-handing everyone, kissing up to Stoffa, council members and the judges. He has alienated so many people with his back-stabbing, self-serving antics that he has become radioactive to other elected officials. They just don't trust him. He has lost the respect of his office and should be shown the door in November. No one takes him or this asbestos crusade seriously. He has lost all gravitas and is now regarded to be a pathetic buffoon in a kilt.
Mr. Barron is the chief fiscal man in the county. He is the expert on what money the county has and how things are operated. You will not stop him from doing his job with your threats.
Since The Stoffa Administration and Ron Angle's county council will not do their jobs, Mr. Barron is doing the heavy lifting for the people.
He is now the most respected man in county government.
Barron is going to ruin for the County Executive job.
@ 6:27 You are joking ...right?
Tricia, Brenda, Bernie is now a county council regular. Change the picture, you aren't fooling anyone!
@3:25 pm well said..... bravo and kudos to you for telling it like it is .
brenda is just upset that barron didn't climb in bed with her - or is it he - or is it it.
ihate to say but the fact of asbestos contamination is true why do you think they had to remodle and close down all the floors in the old building . when they were removing asbesos at gracedale al;l they did was put up plastic tapes to floors and walls and put soigns up on the plastic telling you that they were doing asbestos removal,. i went as far as taking one of those signs out of the garbage when they were remodeling a couple years ago and placed it in my safe so if i would ever get sick would have proof to the pudding. they are doing asbestos removal in the basement right now in they therapy sectionof the building so unfortunalty for you me barron is correct
Anon 6:27 don't hide behind that kilt!
The only thing that Barren is an "expert" at is how to make a fool of himself.
Then why the Hell didn't you let Stoffa sell the place. One day and already the union is pissing and moaning.
Please pin your hopes on tele-Barron. That will practically ensure a Republican victory. I know people who will gladly fund the extortion video Barron starred in and have it run during his campaign. As a Republican I will contribute to his campaign to run as the Dem for county executive. A republican dream candidate
He is a joke. Even some high end Dem's are embarrassed by the guy.
10:17, Asbestos removal and lead paint is common in older buildings, even the courthouse. And a firm makes sure nobody is contaminated. But keep that sign.
Put da baby in ma belly!
You all have the right to your opinions about Barron. Prehaps he is wrong to get involved. You have your opinion state it without namecalling
I don't think making comments on his speaking disorder or accusing him of being gay is appropriate.
You all are complete jerks when you would use the asbestos issue to make comments that the people who work at the place deserve to be exposed to that carcinogen.
Coming from the valley which has higher then average percentages of cancers, ALL OF YOU probably know someone, family, loved one, or friend that has succumbed to or is currently fighting this insidious desease.
Think about it, the suffering someone you know endured and now go as far as to say things that the workers deserve to be exposed.
Really? so you lost the vote, does that mean, you lost your minds.
I wouldn't wish ill health or exposure to dangerous substances, to anyone. Save certain individuals in this world who don't conform to civilized behavior.
You should be ashamed of your comments.
Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause scar tissue (fibrosis) to form inside the lung. Scarred lung tissue does not expand and contract normally, and cannot perform gas exchange.
The severity of the disease depends on how long the person was exposed to asbestos and the amount inhaled. Often, symptoms and lung fibrosis do not occur and are not noticed for a period of 20 years or more after the asbestos exposure.
Asbestos fibers were commonly used in construction before 1975. Asbestos exposure occured in asbestos mining and milling industries, construction, fireproofing, and other industries. In families of asbestos workers, exposure can also occur from particles brought home on the worker's clothing.
Asbestos-related disease includes pleural plaques (calcification), malignant mesothelioma, and pleural effusion. Mesotheliomas may develop 20 - 40 years after exposure. Workers today are less likely to develop asbestos-related disease because of government regulations.
Cigarette smoking increases the risk of developing the disease.
U picked an excellent photo for Barron (mini skirt and sneakers). He backs away from a good fight with Ron Angle everytime they confront each other. Now that he's wearing the mini-skirt and sneakers he can shit and run at the same time.
Have a nice day
I'm still watin. Put da baby ion ma belly. Where is da baby. Put da baby in ma belly!!!
He reminds me of a fat chick I kissed in 5th grade. Amazing but they could be twins. Yes, I admit it, I am ashamed but I was only 10.
Embarrassed in Wind Gap
Barron is infected with dumbass
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