Gang of Four:

The team -- Scott Ott, Vic Mazziotti, Lisa Scheller and David Najarian -- noted that Browning's statements "contradict his actions" and "vary substantially" from actual budget figures. [Information to verify the team's statement is available from budgets and meeting minutes at the county website:
Browning's mailer, sent to likely primary-voting Republicans, said he believes "the only way to jump-start our economy" is through "lower taxes" and "less spending." Yet, as the reform team members point out, Browning was the sole Republican to vote with Democrats against a motion to eliminate the 16-percent tax hike. At that same meeting on October 27, 2010, Browning again voted with Democrats against cutting $350,000 from the spending plan. The cuts Browning voted down would have trimmed 3/10ths of one percent of the county-tax-funded portion of the budget, or about 30 cents from every $100 in spending.
As a result of Browning's votes, County Executive Don Cunningham's original budget, with its 16-percent tax hike, passed by default.
The reform team also challenged Browning's claim to have "cut spending."
Vic Mazziotti, a candidate who recently retired as Chief Financial Officer of Northampton County, said, "the spending in the part of the budget the commissioners could control actually grew by just over $11 million from 2008 to 2011, during the time Dean Browning says he was cutting spending."
Candidate David Najarian, a Lynn Township Supervisor with experience rolling back taxes, said, "when politicians say they're cutting spending, they usually mean they're reducing the projected rate of increase. But normal people know that, to actually cut spending, the budget has to be smaller when you're done cutting than it was when you started."
Lisa Scheller, president and CEO of a Tamaqua-based global manufacturing firm, said, "Browning should know better than to say such things to the primary voters; the most committed, knowledgeable Republicans. When we go to home gatherings and other campaign events, people ask us how Dean can say that stuff. I tell them that it is like the tax increase. Dean can say he voted against it, while in fact he guaranteed a 16% tax increase. Their reactions range from laughter to disgust.”
"Dean knew at least as early as 2009 that taxes would jump by double digits in 2011 unless real cuts were made," said candidate Scott Ott, who has praised Browning in public for his knowledge of the budget. "As smart as he is, his behavior on that budget vote makes no sense. I've come to understand that all of the brains in the world are no substitute for a spine. If a Republican can't fight a tax hike during the worst economic times in generations, when will he do it?"
Dean Browning:
"The Ott, Scheller, Mazziotti and Najarian team like to talk about being conservatives and they like to talk about cutting taxes and spending in an attempt to win this election,” said Browning. “But the problem is when reporters or average voters ask them what they plan to cut from county government all you get in return are blank stares and typical political pandering.”
Browning said Lehigh County residents deserve specifics, not sound bites.
“The fact of the matter is that Ott, Scheller, Mazziotti and Najarian have consistently refused to offer any specific cuts or release any detailed plan about what they would do if elected,” continued Browning. “Their entire campaign has been making vague references to ‘studying the budget’ and attacking me. Well, it’s put up or shut up time. They’ve allegedly been studying the budget since it was released last summer and have yet to make a single proposal. People are tired of politicians who are willing to say anything to get elected and refuse to be held accountable.”
Browning challenged the slate’s leader, Scott Ott, to be intellectually honest and state publicly what he’s been saying privately all along – that there was no way to avoid a property tax increase in the 2011 County Budget and that the last minute attempt to send the budget back was little more than a political gimmick meant to shift blame for the property tax increase to County Executive Don Cunningham.
"The truth voters need to hear is that Party Boss Wayne Woodman and his former employee, Scott Ott, cooked up this irresponsible scheme hoping to score political points and neither of them had – nor have – any real plan to reduce spending or lower property taxes”, charged Browning. “When I refused to play games with the county budget and give false hope to county taxpayers by going along with their last-minute gimmick, they decided to challenge me in the primary. In reality, this is all about naked political power – nothing more”.
Browning said he’s got a proven record as a fiscal conservative and is proud to run on it.
"I am a local businessman who has real world experience and a proven record of cutting $14 million in county spending, trimming the county workforce by 75 positions, and reducing the size of county government by taking on powerful public employee union bosses,” said Browning. “I haven't just talked the talk on fiscal conservatism, I’ve walked the walk.”
My Take:
1) Scott Ott claims that, unlike Browning, he has a spine. Really? It seems to me that Ott wants to get rid of Browning precisely because he voted his conscience instead of following the whims of a party boss who has bankrupted his own party.
2) By the way, since when does substantiate anything?
3) I'd like Ott to explain why he left the Lehigh County GOP high and dry, and whether he plans to bankrupt Lehigh County as well.
Mazziotti was a bullshiter in Northampton County, whats so different now.
Speaking of political whores.......
Afer seeing the front of Wayne's home, sure looks like this photo was taken there.
that's because they aren't welcomed any where else
meanwhile on the Democratic side in his sidebar Lehigh County Commissioner race , the bottom feeder still doesn;t have the correct crew of candidates...
Don't underestimate some of the Democratic candidates..
Bernie - Why not enlighten your readers on who really was the gang of four and why these people are so unlike them?
Your now lump in the darling of your mancrush with this group with little if any hesitation on your part.
Thats ok, malign for the fun of it. Bottom feeding blogger is a bit too high up on the food chain.
How about parasitic paramecium?
Hmmm. Now there's a name that hopefully has legs even if they don't.
Turns out the county has more money than projected and 16% was not needed.
Thanks for jumping the gun to jump taxers, Dean. Your fiscal irresponsibility is a body blow to struggling tax payers who've already received their Browning Tax Increase.
Bernie -
If Browning has a spine, let him make his case for the tax hike in his mailers.
Instead, all voters get are intentionally vague statements about being a "fiscal conservative". Instead of standing up for his vote, he is counting on reaching enough primary voters that don't know what happened last October.
That's not courage, that's cheap politics.
Great point by Anon 8:24 (#2) -
Looks like the budget that couldn't be cut - the budget that Browning KNEW inside and out and better than anyone else - was wrong.
The tax hike - if needed at all - should have been significantly lower.
Thanks Dean!
Patrick, I believe Browning, when he voted his conscience instead of abiding by the wishes of a party boss, demonstrated he has a spine. That's why the Gang of Four has taken him on.
" the bottom feeder still doesn;t have the correct crew of candidates..."
I'm not really worried about that right now. There are 4 Ds and they will all be nominated. The Ds will come into play after the primary. There are only so many hours in a day and it makes no sense to cover uncontested races.
Total economic ignorance on both sides. They really believe that tax cuts increase revenue. They do not. Tax cuts deplete revenue, creating the need for even larger spending cuts than the current revenue shortfall requires.
Neither side gives any details on how they want to cut spending.
"Don't underestimate some of the Democratic candidates."
I don't. In fact, I like people like Geoff Brace.
Geeting translation: "These candidates are Republican, so I hate them all."
"Your now lump in the darling of your mancrush with this group with little if any hesitation on your part."
Maybe that's bc the concept that I have homoerotic mancrushes is inaccurate. I like Vic, but do not like how he is running or the company he is keeping. If he thinks this will get him elected, I'm willing to bet him he's wrong.
"Mazziotti was a bullshiter in Northampton County, whats so different now."
We could have used a few more bullshitters like him.
The campaign signs remind me of the signs that the Circus company would put up along the side of the road a few weeks before coming to town.
You can't argue that Wayne and Scott have not turned the Republican side of the primary into a circus!
Now Bernie, Jon Geeting is an expert in all governmental matters. After all, he's taken policy classes in school.
Got Brownings latest bull crap mailer. Typical political strategy, a few positive about himself, then the negative on the opponents, then some more. Hope he keeps it up, and I hope primary voters aren't as stupid as he thinks we are.
It's called a comparison mailer. It is an effective technique. It is negative campaigning, but stops short of being personal.
The criticism of Mazziotti is laughable. Vic by no means worked for the "liberal Democrats" in Northampon County.
But the piece is right on the money with Najarian, Scheller & Ott. Najarian is getting $506,000 of your money to preserve his farm. Scheller did ship jobs overseas. Ott is actually worse than portrayed. He bankrupted Lehigh Rs, left them high and dry, and now wants to do the same to Lehigh County.
If Vic would just do his work and keep his mouth shut i would support him. Its his mouth that gets him into trouble.You obviously have missed his rants and raves during his past campaigns.Opinions are fine but dictator style comments which are offensive to most of both parties are unnacceptable.A commissioner would have a forumn, not a good fit for him.
Bernie O'Hare said:
"He bankrupted Lehigh Rs, left them high and dry..."
So Ott - an employee - gives his notice to his employer, and Ott is the one who supposedly "bankrupted Lehigh R's".
Wow, Bernie, it looks like you might need a lesson on employer/employee authority.
In addition, the cash balance of the LCRC was likely the same at the time Ott left as when he arrived, and it's three months after Ott left that the LCRC is supposedly "bankrupt".
Way to keep the facts from getting in the way of your story.
Following your logic, why not just admit that Browning's salary as commissioner bankrupted Lehigh County to the point of needing a 16% tax hike.
Patrick, The simple difference between a Comm'r salary and the Exec Director salary is that the salary is budgeted. It was very well known that LC Rs would be unable to afford or budget for an exec director. They relied on broken promises from Woodman. As a result, Ott was basically able to wipe out the entire treasury. Now you want him to have authority over a much larger budget in Lehigh? That's insanity.
Browning has been Attacked by the Gang of Four on WAEB Bobby Gunther Walsh. ALL Browning is Doing in his Latest Mailers Against the Gang of Four is DEFEND HIMSELF. Browning was WILLING to TAKE THE HIGH ROAD in this Election. But when Bobby and the Gang of Four just KEEP Attacking Browning and NEVER TALK ABOUT WHAT THEY WOULD DO as COMMISH'r's Browning Started Talking About ALL 4 of Them in His Mailers. Turn About is Fair Game. When Their is 9 Commish'r Try Getting ANYONE TO AGREE ON ANYTHING. Browning TOLD then 4 Years AGO the State of the Finances of Lehigh County and they IGNORED HIM. Then 3 Years, 2 Years and LAST Year Browning Told them to Cut Spending and THEY IGNORED HIM STILL. The WELL is DRY, the COOKIE JAR is EMPTY Lehigh County Taxes DO NOT CUT what the Bills Are. NOW WHAT PPL Electric Bills are UP, Gas Prices are Up for the LC Vehicles Driven. Union Contracts Negotiated Years Ago MUST STILL be PAID with RAISES that Were Negotiated 3 to 4 Years Ago. Benefit Costs are UP for LC Employees. Food Prices are UP Feeding the Criminals in the LC Prision and the Elderly in Cedarbrook. THINGS WERE CUT but SOME THINGS CAN NOT BE CUT like PRICE AND COST INCREASES. Shame on the Commish'nrs that WANTED TO SEND THE BUDGET BACK to DON at the LAST MINUTE INSTEAD of DOING THEIR JOBS on the BUDGET WHEN THEY HAD THE BUDGET AND TIME IN ADVANCE !!!
I AGREE with Posting 3:12 PM. There are Some Costs and Expenses that Can NOT be Cut. Electric Bill Increases, Gas Price Increases that WE are ALL Paying for NOW, LC Employee Union Negotiated Pay Increases in Contracts, and Employer Insurance Benefit Increases and Food Price Increases. But I was at Commish Meetings when they were discussing and Voting on Quality of Life Costs such as Allentown Art Museum, Symphony Hall and Zion Reform Church funding of $ 5,000. for Pip the Mouse and was Amazed that the 4 Dems and Percy Doughety ( Rep ) during a Recession/Depression VOTED and Said it was a Necessary and NOT to Cut them. Dean Browning was the ONLY No Vote on the Lehigh County Zoo since they did Not have a Finanace and Budget Plan for Money to be Given and Spent by Them.
One of those D candidates is not listed in your county commissioner side bar ... One of your listed candidates didn't properly file his position and is not on the ballot
So Ott - an employee - gives his notice to his employer, and Ott is the one who supposedly "bankrupted Lehigh R's".
Following your logic, why not just admit that Browning's salary as commissioner bankrupted Lehigh County to the point of needing a 16% tax hike.
TRY GETTING YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT Posting 12:47 PM when Dean Browning First Ran 5 Years Ago for LC Commissioner he Ran on a Slate of the PREVIOUS Commissioners Voted Themselves a $ 1,500 Pay Increase. Dean Browning said Vote for Me and I WILL NOT Take the Pay Increase. The Original Salary of 5 Years Ago was $ 5,500 and the Pay Increase of a $ 1,500 Raise Came to a $ 7,000 Salary. Dean was Voted In and Worked for $ 5,500 4 Years Ago. Dean Also Refused the Raise 3 Years Ago and Continued to Work for $ 5,500. 2 Years Ago and This Year Dean Browning was Voted In by His Fellow Commissioners as the Chairman and is ENTITLED to an Additional $ 1,000 Dollars as Chairman. But Once Again Dean Refused that Money when He Could have Been Making $ 8,000 Dollars as Chairman for Years 3 and 4 he Continued to Take the Original Salary of $ 5,500. So for the Past 4 Years Dean Browning has Continued to Take the Salary of 5 Years Ago as a Commissioner because he said that Commissioner's SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO VOTE THEMSELVES A PAY INCREASE YOU CAN NOT VOTE YOURSELF A PAY INCREASE AT A REGULAR JOB and HE BELIEVES the Commissioner's Should NOT be Able to Vote Themselves a Pay Increase. So DO the MATH Dean Browning Continues to Work for the Original Salary of 5 Years ago Commissioner's $ 5,500 Dollar Salary a Year for 4 Years to the TUNE of Savings of $ 1,500, $1,500, $ 2,500 and $ 2,500 for a TOTAL SAVING of $ 8,000 for a 4 Year Commissioner Term. The 4 Dems and ANDY ROMAN ( Rep ) ALL TOOK THE PAY RAISES for the PAST 4 Years ... Thanks Guys You Are ALL TRUELY Saving Lehigh County TAXPAYERS MONEY !!!!!
dean, apparently unnecessarily, raised taxes and was called a profile in courage by his new friends. he should be proud to run on his record. The tax increase was unnecessary and the Browning Tax Bills have already been mailed. thanks dean!
I Too have been Listening to WAEB and Bobby Gunther Walsh and the Gang of 4 and ALL THEY CAN DO is TRASH and PICK on Dean Browning for 10 Minutes BUT CAN NOT SAY and TELL US of ANYTHING that they are Running for on Their Platform and What they Would Do for the Lehigh County TAXPAYERS. But for the LAST MINUTE of the Broadcast they say they are Running on Transparency and Accountability ... How SAD SAME OLD SAME OLD POLITICAL BULLSHIT ... ALL TALK AND NO PLANS OR ACTIONS OF WHAT TO DO TO HELP THE TAXPAYERS ... RE-ELECT DEAN BROWNING a MAN WITH A PLAN AND IDEAS for LEHIGH COUNTY !!!!!! Remember Dean is Accounting and Finance and KNOWS BUDGETS ... If ONLY He Could Get Through to the OTHER Commissioners
Rather than THANKING Dean Browning for the Lehigh County SURPLUS I Would Like to THANK Allentown Mayor Ed Paw Lousy for what He Wanted 40 % Earned Income Tax in Allentown but Allentown City Council Voted to APPROVE 35 % Earned Income Tax Increase in Allentown RATHER than Mayor Paw Lousy's 40 % Earned Income Tax in Allentown which ALSO Came from EX Mayor ROY " Take the Money and RUN " Afflerbach for giving the Allentown POLICE and FIREMAN the HUGE Retirement PACKAGE. I CHOOSE NOT to LIVE in ALLENTOWN but SINCE THE COMPANY I WORK FOR IS IN ALLENTOWN I Get to Pay for the HUGE MISTAKE that Mayor Ed Lousy and EX Mayor ROY LOUSER Afflerbach Gave to Me I NOW get to Pay Either $ 175 OR $ 350 Depending On What I Make this Year as an Earned Income Tax to Allentown. At Least I LIVE in Lehigh County and Will ONLY PAY $ 80 to $ 100 Dollors More Rather than $ 175 to $ 350 MORE for a TOWN that I DO NOT LIVE IN but Work in Allentown and HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR SCREW UP ... Then DO NOT GET ME STARTED to PA and GOVERNMENT POLITICS !!!!!!
Thanks for the tax increase, Dean! I guess the rumors about you being a courageous tax whiz were complete bullshit. Again, thanks for the tax increase, Dean. Very courageous.
As a Lehigh County Republican Committeeperson I am disgusted at recent email I received "begging" for money so that the LCRC could stay afloat. What happened to Wayne Woodman and Scott Ott raising all kinds of cash for the LCRC - I though these two were our saviors. What a bunch of malarkey. In fact, I find them to be fiscally irresponsible. Why, in fact, would they hire a replacement for Scott Ott just two months ago when they knew funds wouldn't be available to keep him in the job? IF there were funds available a few months ago were did the funds go - perhaps we should call for a full audit of the LCRC finances. IF funds were limited, or unavailable, why hire Ott's replacement - how fair was that to Steve Ramos? Not very responsible - and these are the people that want to run Lehigh County? God help us...
Sign your name "committeeperson."
And congratulations for running a hell of a success for the past several years.
Anon 7:27 - Why should I sign my name? I'm just one of many who think the same thing. WW and now SO have done nothng but cause a giant chasm within the ranks of the committee Those of us who attended the last meeting ans heard the rantings ofs the Libertarian and Tea Party committee members know a split exits. The LiberTEArians in the LCRC don't want to moderate even within the republican ranks - they want full take over. We've seen the same thing happen with the Liberal/Progressive democrats - the outcome wasn't so favorable. Perhaps I hit on a nerve with my earlier comment and a full audit of the LCRC DOES to take place to be sure there have been no fiscal improprieties.
Bobby guber Walsh is a joke. No one really take shim seriously. He is known as the Glenn Beck of the LV.
He and his buddy Brinson are do far off the sane reservation, few are listening anymore.
Walsh is an anachronism. he is a disc jockey who knows crazy talk is big now. jhe d9oes it to fund his "racing hobby". the guy has been racing for years and is still known as the worst guy on the track. he has tons of money and sponsors and guys with a few bucks and talent make him look like a money in a car.
Don't worry about what Walsh says. Even his so-called friends will tell you he is a few oars short in his row boat.
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