Fazil does a lot of work for Bethlehem schools, and resident sage William Scheirer suggested that is a conflict of interest. Karen Dolan agreed with Scheier, noting that the Planning Commission will be reviewing too much work from the school district and that Fazil has been accused of having too much power in the school district itself. She called it an "obvious conflict" from a person who submits so many plans with his own name on them.
Talk about conflicts. Dolan works as a teacher in the BASD. City Council makes the decisions. Planning Commissions are advisory. Fazil is more than qualified and brings a sense of professionalism that these Boards need. Go figure.
dolan is a transparent wannabee. her best attribute is making a mockery of herself and council with her constant whining. she'll be out when she's up for reelection next year
glass ceiling? this is one bitter little chick. she may be queen bee with her kiddies at her fort on illick's mill but obviously not up to par in the real world
Interesting that Willie "my girlfriend is hot" Reynolds, rubberstamps Casino Johnny's "conflict of interest" candidate. No conflict there!
Council does not approve school budgets, thats called the school board last time I looked...
D'Huy is our own little Halliburton
As for the conflict, I actually think it might have been better to table the appointment and give both Mohammed and the admin some time to respond. There might be an answer.
Whatever you think of the appearance of a conflict, Mr. Fazil is a gentleman of the highest order.
"Whatever you think of the appearance of a conflict, Mr. Fazil is a gentleman of the highest order. "12:55 PM
Ditto. Arif is a pro and has saved BASD and many others more money and headaches than many will ever know! Solid advice with D'Huy Engineering services going back a few decades. Arif is honest as they come as far as I'm concerned. False, unfounded acusations and conspiracy theorists here need some facts before jumping to conclusions and not taking advantage of Arif's knowledge. Sad situation for Bethlehem is my opinion.
dolan looks like she french kissed an electric socket
her and wet behind the ears willy have both made fools of themselves before, definitely did last night and surly will continue to do so. both are an embarrassment to the democratic party, bethlum and to any chance of the city regaining it's integrity and status in the valley. thier actions would be funny if it wasn't so sick and sad. throw both of the losers out
anon 6:27
dolan does not work. she is a union teacher
6;50 am
just what does dolan do with her little kiddies behind closed doors in her little fort
9:13, Let's be nice. I have a high opinion of teachers, and people like Dolan do it bc she cares. Let's not paint her as though she is something she is not.
I d not think she handled the VP well, but if you want to attack her like that, you really should sign your name.
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