One of my readers, who supports keeping Gracedale in County hands, and tea party member John Haligan, who would like to see the nursing home sold, both have expressed some confusion about the facts. Here;s what the Gracedale supporter says.
"I am in favor of keeping Gracedale in county hands, despite any amount of tax increase. I can afford it ... . I am in favor of having a HONEST ASSESSMENT released regarding the cost to maintain the facility. This for the public to read. Maintain the facility only. Not improvements that have not been discussed not additions not changing it what-so-ever. Simply how much will it cost per year to keep it as is. If there is roofing or other maintenance that is scheduled, that should be included. If you say you know in 5 or 6 years we might need a new furnace. That should not be put in. If you say, let's borrow and build assisted living houses or apartments; that, too, should not be included. Another objection I have is spending 1 more red cent of my taxes to do this. You have already spent my money without my approval to fight this case against me. ENOUGH. I would like to see the entire council, NOT RON ONLY, come up with a HONEST FIGURE . Publish it in the local papers without commentary. And allow the people to decide for themselves. That is all I want for the majority to rule, voting based on FACT not FICTION. I am wiped out from this never ending squabble perpetuated for no good reason. Let it be over. Either way. Let it be over."
Although I believe it would be perfectly legal for the County to spend taxpayer money for a mailer that informs them on a nonpartisan matter like this, there is no rush to spend taxpayer dollars to argue against a referendum being pushed by another group of taxpayers. That seems inherently unfair, even if legal. On the other hand, the public has a right to now the facts, and from unbiased sources. Two ideas were discussed at last night's Council meeting.
* Hire an "independent" CPA to prepare a report and present it to the public. This was proposed by Ron Angle last night, but Lamont McClure questioned the County's ability to obtain an independent CPA on such short notice. Angle's idea went nowhere.
* Chairman John Cusick suggested that Council members could express their views in op-eds, but tea party member John Haligan said he wanted facts, not the opinions of Council members.
After these two suggestions, John Cusick decided to move on with the agenda for some reason, despite Angle's insistence that the matter is by no means resolved. Here's a few additional ideas. Please feel free to add constructive suggestions.
* Contact the League of Women Voters and ask them to include a PRO and CON on the topic in their Voter Guide.
* Form a bi-partisan "truth" committee that would simply release a report to the press of the pros and cons of keeping Gracedale in County hands.
* Publicly call on each District Council member to conduct at least one Town Hall in which the Council member can share his or her views with the public. (Two District Council members support Gracedale's sale, while another two District Council members support keeping it. Angle said he is scheduling three town halls in his District.)
I am asking for constructive suggestions on informing the public, not arguments from one side or the other
I like the real numbers suggestion It could be possibly in a speadsheet format projected costs with no givebacks from unions. Posted in the newspaper and made available online on maybe WFMZ. Or local websites like this. However to rely on this and all blog format only is not viable. Due to the (and this isn't a jab) low viewership. Face it I'm in here being supported by and arguing with the same few people everyday. The valleys other blogs get very little fresh traffic as well. And there can not be comments pro or con. Like running the story opposite an op-ed by Owens explaining how bad it will be to keep it. You know product placement.
Simple numbers easy to decipher. As far as public forums and I will bite my thumb and be nice.
Those would risk the possibility from either side to be skewed by the host. Also the attendence was low for those other forums that were held. The hosts and attendees had a predetermined agenda. I saw a person I won't mention handing out flyers with a sell Gracedale content acting like a sideshow barker. I know who this person was and know who this person is friends with. Seeding an audience is possible by either side and I know the don't sell bunch would be there. I also know the sell bunch will be there. That makes 30 people per meeting. Those people already know how their voting. It will be a waste.
Media is the best format.
There BO was that civil enough?
Despite their claims, the League of Women Voters is NOT bipartisan and cannot be trusted to independently inform.
Bernie, who will give these fact sheets? If you don't believed the county Controller who knows the actual money in the county who do you want the people to believe?
The Controller, during his term, has demonstrated he can't be believed bc of his blatant pro-union activity, which ended up getting him censured.
well you still didn't tell us who we should believe!
Well there is the entire problem in a nutshell Mr. O'Hare, you don't trust the Controller and most of the public doesn't trust Angle or the Stoffa Administration.
So what we have is another attempt to skew the information with a so-called "independent" spreadsheet of the "real" expenses.
Sorry, the only way this will be resolved is for both sides of the issues to make their cases and let the people decide.
Once the vote is in and the people say keep Gracedale, Mr. Stoffa must then create a Gracedale Advisory Board of private citizens who understand these things(not just his pals like the election deal in 06) and have them review the plans and offer independent opinions.
That in my opinion is the only legitimate way to move ahead with this until trust is earned by all sides.
The Harry
C'mon folks, the referendum will NOT be decided on facts, debates, blogs, newspapers, opinion pieces, letters to the editor, radio, TV, word of mouth or any other such promotion.
Simple bumper stickers and/or yard signs with clever message or basic "Vote Yes Gracedale" or "Vote No Gracedale" depending on person/group point of view will prevail. He, she or they with the most stickers/signs in best locations will rule day and win the vote, sorry to say but is my opinion.
Info overload. Enough already. If you don't have an opinion by now..you've been out of the country/county for nearly a year! Time to put your cash on the table. No taxpayer money should be spent on this by the county as the primary is only a month away. Call the vote!
Gracedale won`t be sold, taxes will sky rocket and the supporters will be nowhere to be found...most will be collecting 5 more years of bloated salaries, benefits and then retirement payments with medical beefits paid for by tax payers.Get the check book out .
The courts have spoken and now the people will decide. Whichever way it goes and Ron said this himself..he and the county will have to abide by what they say come election/primary day. It will be incumbent upon them to find a way to make it work w/o selling it off if that is their decision. Democracy is the worst form of government until you try to think of one that's better.Power to the people...
This won't even be a close vote. The petition signers bloc is 20K plus already and the grey panthers vote en masse on primary day as they realize what a civic duty truly is and who died for their right to vote and their freedom to do so! Can you say LANDSLIDE?
I am not interested in predictions or the latest slams at Angle and Stoffa. I have asked for constructive suggestions about how to inform the public concerning this matter. This has NOT been a case of overload. Although there have been numerous news stories, there has been very few pieces that lay out all the facts, both pro and con. My question is how to do this.
Time is short now. The county has already presented their side of the issue in all four districts of the empire. Enough taxpayer money has been spent fighting the will of the petition signers. Enough is enough. The facts are subjective and they only seem to muddy the waters anyway. It has now become an emotional issue. Do the facts really matter when we go to the polls? It's about gut feelings. Trusting your instincts. Full page spreads in the paper from now til election day will sway how many people at this point? A two horse race and we're coming around the final turn..
According to the Owens person, the Express is offering up op-ed space. I imagine they will counter any keep Gracedale editorials with a 20 page thesis spewing their spin on why we should vote to sell. Mighty nice of them.
Former Easton Express Subscriber
Or maybe it's a newspaper interested in presenting two sides.
Or maybe it's a newspaper interested in presenting two sides.
I want the 2 sides presented
one by the save Gracedale brigade
and one by the sell Gracedale bunch
I don't think a entity with unlimited resources (column space)
should weigh in with their opinion
Owens has written extensively over the last months with YOUR reason to sell. I spoke to him and he was not aware of most of the issues. He has only YOUR SIDE.
I would hope the real cost and numbers are going to come out from Stoffa this week . That will either shut ME TFU or YOU.
Owens is still spewing,without question the 18% tax increase nonsense. The big problem with the Easton Express and Owens is that they will print whatever Stoffa wants them to print.
Since both Stoffa sand Angle have been the only ones getting press they have a free hand to just give any crap to Owens and he will print it. The paper has done zero independent research or investigative reporting on the issue of Gracedale. With a public policy question as big as the Gracedale issue, it is shameful they just print whatever press release Stoffa or Angle hands them.
Some wonder why young people don't read the rags anymore. Now they are even losing the old folks.
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