I've met a few of them over the years. They come into the Courthouse, knocking people over with their body odor and then file all kinds of judgments against judges, DAs, or anybody else that pisses them off. This would be Sam Rohrer's base.
Well, according to National Journal Sam Rohrer is now Exec Director of "Americans for Prosperity," and is pressuring LV Congressman Charlie Dent to get tough with President Obama's proposed budget.
In addition to a radio ad campaign and webpage aimed directly at Dent, these "Americans for Prosperity" will rally outside what they call the "Lehigh Valley Courthouse" on Tuesday, 11:30 AM.
Now there is no Lehigh Valley Courthouse, but this is obviously one group that won't let facts get in its way.
There will be free lunch - roasted squirrel and other assorted roadkill.
Making fun of guns and religion is very black of you.
Bernie -
You're once again (as with your original post in 2007, which I read today for the first time) stretching to link Rohrer with extremist groups.
I've heard the current radio ads asking people to add their names to a petition on government spending, and the ads hardly seem extremist.
The radio campaign is a fine example of our political process - make your case to the people, win their support, and take it to your elected representative. That's the way the system is supposed to work.
I find it highly offensive that you would try to label Rohrer, the radio campaign, and those who support lower goverment spending as some sort of extremists.
The smears you're making against those who want our government to live within its means are beneath you. You're better than that.
This was Funny Bernie.. To the other 2 posters to date, C'mon, cant you see the humor? Also, you do hav eto understand where this is coming from, When it comes to Bernie, ANY questioning, pushing, or perceived critizing of Congressman Dent will be dealt with harshly. (Abit humorously in this instance)
Radio ads and a petition = pressure?
Nah, here's pressure:
so citizens are urging Dent to "get tough with President Obama's proposed budget".
DO you disagree with getting tough on the budget?
Or do you favor federal funding of "Cowboy poetry slams" and other similar BS?
I heard the commercial this morning. It's very respectful and somewhat supportive of Charlie. The tenor and tone is the kind of political civility I thought you strongly endorsed, Bernie.
"You're once again (as with your original post in 2007, which I read today for the first time) stretching to link Rohrer with extremist groups."
Yeah, silly me. Nothing wrong with writing a judge and telling her the Vehicle Code does not require a driver to be licensed. No extremism there.
Come on! The guy's a whack job.
"so citizens are urging Dent to 'get tough with President Obama's proposed budget'"
No. Some citizens want Dent to get tough with the budget. Some citizens want more. Some citizens want cuts to cowboy poetry slams, but not to missile systems. Some people want cuts to missile systems, but not to cowboy poetry slams.
It's a big country with lots of special interests, from Americans for Propsperity to Move On.
Most of them think they are experts on everything. The reality is that most of us are very poorly informed about budgetary matters, and often have simplistic answers. Charlie Dent is one of the few elected officials I know who does his homework, reaches out and gets input from his community and then makes decisions. I prefer his approach to government to a blind ideology unwilling to admit to compromise based on different factual situations.
Clem, I'd agree that death threats is over the top.
"Making fun of guns and religion is very black of you."
Actually, I was making fun of Sam Rohrer, although I do make fun of guns and religion, too.
And we're all black, baby. It's all in the DNA.
Bernie, you threaten your credibility when you call Rohrer and extremist and lump everyone who agrees with him as such. Perhaps when reading your blog one must consider the source.
I threaten my credibility when I refine what I want to say, based on what others might think. You will get my honest opinion, and are free to disagree. Sometimes I piss off liberals, and other days I piss off conservatives.
Any person who subscribes to the sovereign citizen principle that one needs no driver's license is an extremist, and when someone like Rohrer takes it upon himself to lecture a judge about it, he is a nutty extremist. Rohrer is also one of the midnight payjackers who voted himself a hefty raise. So all his complaints about spending are a lie. He is not just an extremist, but a nutty and dishonest extremist.
As for his followers, it is very difficult for me to view them differently than they way I view him, although I concede that I may be inaccurate there.
The tone of the commercial is whatever is opposite of the tone expressed here. That's what blogs do to anyone along the political spectrum when they attempt to "change the tone." A softer, civil tone is a sleeping pill to the blogosphere. Bernie often defends Ron Angle from exactly what he's perpetrated here. Disappointing, but indicative of hitting a rather sensitive spot. Any candidate's most biting criticism comes from his or her own side of the aisle.
"A softer, civil tone is a sleeping pill to the blogosphere"
It did not put me to sleep and you know as well as I that these extremists are just setting Dent up for another run from the right.
Bernie O'Hare said...
"...you know as well as I that these extremists are just setting Dent up for another run from the right."
Bernie -
I don't think it's extreme not to want to pass a huge government debt on to our children or grandchildren. That's what we're doing now, because we are to selfish and undisciplined to say no to ourselves.
If anyone is setting Charlie Dent up for another run from the right, it's Charlie himself. Some of his spending votes thus far have been disappointing and perplexing.
I hope Charlie can be persuaded and see the light. Cutting federal spending to what we can afford might not be politically popular, but it's what the country needs right now.
And before you label me as an "extremist", I say all this as someone who has voted for Charlie every time he has run (primary and general). But the reality is that if Charlie doesn't see the problem with out-of-control spending and start doing something about it, I'll take a good, hard look at those who want to replace him.
"Lee" -
Why don't you take your off-topic personal attack somewhere that it is welcome.
Why not one driver's license for life exception being if you change your address you must reapply for a license. Oh I know it's all about the bucks but let's face it all the bucks have allowed our politicians to spend money to the point where they are well beyond the proverbial drunken sailor
Lee I deleted you, not for your criticism, but bc of your link to a blog that is not permitted here. Please feel free to make your ad hominem attack aimed at me, but no links, please. You at least have the courage ti identify yourself.
Bernie said in art.
Both of these groups make that argument, too. And they're all nutZ.
I've met a few of them over the years. They come into the Courthouse, knocking people over with their body odor and then file all kinds of judgments against judges,
There will be free lunch - roasted squirrel and other assorted roadkill
Berine I thought a little right back at you was in order! After the remarks you made. I'm cool with the post take down but you should watch what you sling the wind can blow it back in you face.
Charlie is a moderate/liberal R and should expect a challenge from his right in the primary, and his left in
the general. That's how the system should work. God Bless America.
Also, is that photo of Peg Ferraro's at-one-time-questionably-zoned trailer?
Let's see... the Feds go into more debt at approximately the rate of 4 billion dollars a day. The Dem plan is to cut 4.7 billion out of the budget, paying for a little over one day of our debt. The R's want to cut 57 billion, or the equivalent of 12 days of our debt. Either amount is just swallowed up in our constant spending of money we don't have.
I'll be there with the people who voted for Dent and expect him to at least at a minimum to go with the Republican plan of debt reduction and not go the Arlen Specter route with us.
And I'll make sure they know what Dent's most prolific blogging spokesman says about them since they are Sam Rohrer's base... "nutz".
Wayne, If I have the time, I'll let them know myself.
"you should watch what you sling the wind can blow it back in you face."
Lee, it happens to me all the time.
Here is a wacko idea proposed by Sam Rohrer. If the state imposes a mandate, it must be 100% funded by the state. If the funding for the mandate goes away, then the mandate goes away. Does that sound extremist to you, or a damn good idea???
Sam Rohrer, is this the same Sam Rohrer who voted for a 50% increase in his state pension? Is this the same Sam Rohrer who voted for the state legislative midnight payraise? Is this the same Sam Rohrer who is on the Koch Brothers payroll at Americans For Prosperity?
Naaaa, it couldn't be, nobody could be that two faced.
"If the funding for the mandate goes away, then the mandate goes away. Does that sound extremist to you, or a damn good idea???"
It sounds extremist bc it is simplistic and unworkable. Look at our county jails. They are paid for by the counties, who keep a tight rein on the spending. Under Rohrer, they would be funded by the state. Counties would be relieved of the expense but the state would pick it up and it would be less efficient. I can go on.
I don't like unfunded mandates, but Rohrer's solution is unworkable. It's why he was roundly rejected by his own party.
Yeah, that system is serving NorCo very well. Lots of efficiency.
Have to agree. Dent is way toward the middle and is touching on the left. Wishing he would be little tougher on immigration, spending, unions, and foreign aid.
Observe the facts
This is what the rally is about, from the website:
Drop by the Lehigh Valley Courthouse to sign the “Stand Strong Charlie” petition encouraging Congressman Charlie Dent to oppose President Obama’s Budget and support the House Conservative’s Plan.
It's pretty simple, encouraging our congressman to stand with his own party and not to cave into the pressure from the left. Is it radical or "nutz" to expect your congressman to stick with, and not be swayed against, a bill he has already voted for?
Observe the spin
Is any of this what this post and many of the comments are about? No, it's a demonization campaign to taint the rally with the perceived failings of it's organizer and to associate anyone who might attend with the Posse Comitatus.
It's also called defamation, a false claim that Sam Rohrer's base is nutz and they "come into the Courthouse, knocking people over with their body odor and then file all kinds of judgments against judges, DAs, or anybody else that pisses them off." A claim made to cast a negative image on the simple fact that Charlie Dent's constituents want him to stand firm on a vote he has already cast!
Wayne, I've explained why Rohrer is nuts. There is a factual basis. He is also dishonest and two-faced and I have explained that. There is no spin. The person spinning is actally you. You defend him bc you share the ideology. I was critical of Rohrer long before this. It has nothing to do w/ Dent and everything to do with a wing nut.
Ans even posse comitatus is a fair question. He subscribes to many of their principles.
Bernie O'Hare said...
You defend him bc you share the ideology.
You're very skillful Bernie. Nowhere here have I defended him, but it benefits you to sidetrack like that. I'm just pointing out how you cleverly taint this event with guilt by association. Take it as a compliment if you wish.
"support the House Conservative’s Plan."
What plan is this? Have the "Conservatives" released a budget for 2012 yet? I havent been able to find the text of this plan online. Is Rohrer and his group now saying that Dent should support a bill without even reading it or having it go through any process? That is how we got Obamacare.
Anonymous said...
What plan is this?
"You're very skillful Bernie. Nowhere here have I defended him,"
Let's see. Wayne states, "I'll be there [at the Rohrer jamboree] with the people who voted for Dent" and follows that with "I'll make sure they know what Dent's most prolific blogging spokesman says about them since they are Sam Rohrer's base... 'nutz'"
I referred to Rohrer as well as the posse comitatus and the sovereign citizens' movement as being nuts bc they are nuts. Look at what I wrote, not how you've twisted it.
The attack aimed at me is necessarily a defense of Rohrer.
If you wanted Charlie Dent to stand fast with his party, as you claim, why on earth would you send one of the most extremist right wing elements from the R party to do that? No, you do not want him to stand fast, you want him to turn right. The problem with people who make nothing but right or left turns is that they are bound never to get anywhere.
Dent is a good Congressman who has served the LV well. He does his homework and makes up his own mind on issues. These nonsensical rallies from extremists, whether it it's Rohrer's militia or MoveOn, always backfire. You are much better off calling his office and asking to speak to him. Nine times out of ten, you'll get an answer from the Congressman himself.
Wayne, You are not linking to any plan by House conservatives. HR 1 is just a continuing resolution. It allows the government to operate even though it has yet to a budget for 2010. The real cuts are in the budget, which is in other areas.
@ Wayne, CONGRESSMAN Dent's job is NOT to "stick with his party" but rather to vote in the best interest of THE PEOPLE. The sooner EVERYONE gets on that page, the better this country will be.
Bernie O'Hare said...
"These nonsensical rallies from extremists..."
Well, there it is. It's nonsensical to stand for a slender shred of fiscal sanity. And about this "extremist" plan...
The plan linked to at the website is the plan set forth by Paul Ryan the ranking Republican and Chairman of the House Budget Committee not some plan by wild eyed, Sam Rohrer following, foul smelling, Posse Comitatus radicals as you would like everyone to believe. I linked to HR1 because that is the present form that any budget cuts has taken so far - it is the only thing to "stand firm" on right now.
If you and anonymous feel Charlie should lead and vote for what he feels is best -fine- that's what's done in the amendment and bill creation process. We can all judge his record on that and also on how he votes on the finished products, whether they are continuing resolutions or complete budgets.
" not some plan by wild eyed, Sam Rohrer following, foul smelling, Posse Comitatus radicals as you would like everyone to believe."
Wayne, who is rallying outside the "Lehigh Valley"(?) Courthouse? Not Ryan, but Sam Rohrer. Why is it even necessarily to pressure Dent on something he has spoken about and voted for several times? This really is nonsense. And the simple fact is that Bob Jones University grad Rohrer should scare the shit out of you. At a Freedom Action National Conference this Winter, Rohrer teamed up with sovereign citizen movement leader Richard Mack , who stated at that conference, “The sheriff is the one who determines what is and is not enforced in his county. … Your sheriff is the only person who can call up the militia or call up the posse."
Rohrer, a former GOP candidate for Governor, stated, “There is a time to pray and a time to fight. And I think the time has come to fight.”
Rohrer and many of his followers are cracked. This is no spin.
They have every right to be here and I have every right to point out what they are. This is NOT just a case of die-hard conservatives urging Dent to do the right thing, as though he needs their pressure.
Doubt me? Read this report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/winter/-willing-to-kill-in-gatherings-over-t
I guess they're spinning, too.
Obviously your problem is with Bob Jones University.
I do have a problem w/ Bob Jones University, which has been noted for its anti-Catholicism. But what I really have a problem with is Bob Jones grad Sam Rohrer, who really is from the fringe right.
Have you seen the anti-Catholicism at Notre Dame? It's rampant there! Catholics get a better shake at Bob Jones.
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