You can tell it's election time.
Five Council members - Lamont McClure, Ann McHale, Mike Dowd, Peg Ferraro and Tom Dietrich - threw County Exec John Stoffa under the bus, adopting a meaningless resolution that tells Stoffa to drop his Gracedale appeal.
Mike Dowd is actually the very first member of Northampton County Council to suggest it's time to sell, but he has both a Republican and Democrat contender for his office. Tom Dietrich is the Council member who once said, "We're in the business of running a government. It's time for Gracedale to get rid of the County." But he has flip-flopped incessantly since then. Peg Ferraro is playing to her voter base in Nazareth. Lamont McClure and Ann McHale see this as the issue to clear Republicans out of County government.
Another group of five Council members - Lamont McClure, John Cusick, Mike Dowd, Peg Ferraro and Tom Dietrich - adopted an ordinance telling Stoffa to hire a private management firm at Gracedale. The County is in the midst of a sale, and any private manager who would come to Gracedale under those circumstances would have to be nuts. Cusick, who introduced this Ordinance, felt it was necessary now because Stoffa moves so slowly he needs as much lead time as possible.
From the peanut gallery, the Fake Rev got up and claimed he represents the people who signed the Gracedale initiative petition, which should be news to them. He several times threatened to start a recall movement against Stoffa while claiming it was not a threat. Another speaker, a 17-year Gracedale employee, suggested that Stoffa be censured.
They were lathered up over Stoffa's prediction that if the County keeps Gracedale, he'll have to scale back or close it. Stoffa did say that, but he also said that there's not a single Council member who will support the tax hike needed to keep Gracedale afloat, so he'd have no choice.
Every time Angle opened his mouth, there was mumbling and catcalls from the audience, but it was Stoffa who took most of the heat last night.
Bruce Gilbert was absent.
I was all for selling Gracedale. I didn't want the financial burden of keeping it or the possibility of a tax hike. County government should not be invovled in this type of business.
But to be honest with you, I hope the County is forced to keep it. Just for the mere fact, the County budget needs to be re-worked to take into consideration the additional operating expenses of Gracedale. Then I want to see the council members that wanted to keep Gracedale and their excuses for not raising taxes to keep Gracedale afloat. I can't wait to hear their reasonings. Then they won't have any excuse when Stoffa scales back or closes Gracedale.
I will love seeing them eat crow.
The Gracedale supporters are showing their true colors. They are a mean spirited critisizing group of inconsiderate mobsters who never learned good manners. They consistently hissed and graoned when Angle spoke but yet wanted undivided attention when they spoke. Do they care about Gracedale residents more than themselves ? Answer is obvious to me ...all about themselves,not the residents at all.
Angle again was the spoiled thuggish child who interrupted everyone. Why Cusick or other council members don't tell him to shut the Hell up and wait his turn is beyond me.
He drones on about things that never occurred over the past decade. His history lessons are worse than the fractured fairy tales from Bullwinkle and Rocky.
He keeps throwing around dollar amounts and tax increases that he and Stoffa cooked up last year to scare the people.
He can repeat this nonsense all he wants but finally more and more people as well as some county council members are seeing this for what it always was, a set-up. a set-up by Angle and his puppet Stoffa to dump Gracedale cut the employees by 40% and pocket a nice chunk of change. of course Stoffa gets his drug addict hotel for Abe, Dowd gets his health bureau and Angle gets to settle a score.
The residents of Gracedale get screwed. Of course this was never about them. this group never gave a crap about the elderly poor.
the tide is turning and people =other than the brainwashed fanatics are seeing this "con" for what it always was.
God Bless America and God Bless the Truth!!
it was amazing that wheni gracedale emplpyee got up with all the facts and figures about what really is going on at gracedale the truth came out. who is the real culprit here mr stoffa and all of county council past and now. so who really is the managment of gracedale not the administrater now as is being blamed it is very clear that everything that is done at that nursing home must first and utmost be approved threw me stoffa then presented to county council for approval so who is the real culprit here the county is they are the ones who put this nursing home in the ground by not running it effectly . lets hope now that a mangement company can come in here and turn things around so that entity makes the county money like it has in the past good luck county of northampton and it employees and i must say how many employees are more than willing to give back to their employer just to keep their jobs! great job employees of gracedale
"The Gracedale supporters are showing their true colors. They are a mean spirited critisizing group of inconsiderate mobsters who never learned good manners."
That has been my experience, and it is also obvious in their comments here and on their hate blog. Not nice people.
I'm with the first poster. Let's keep Gracedale and blow up the county budget. When the county declares bankruptcy, they'll be able to sever all union contracts, fire all union employees, and start over. The mostly blue county deserves to be forced to live with the consequences of its terrible financial decisions.
Meanwhile, Gracedale patients are packed four to a room and likely fed dog food by the likes of those who are so dishonest they would break the law in order to keep their union jobs.
"it was amazing that wheni gracedale emplpyee got up with all the facts and figures about what really is going on at gracedale the truth came out."
I must have been at a different meeting. I heard no facts or figures from employees. I heard people get up and threaten council and Stoffa with their pensions, with recalls, etc.
Dowd and Dietrich should be ashamed of themselves. They were beating the drums to sell Gracedale and now stab Stoffa in the back. I used to respect Dowd, but no more. Dietrich you can excuse. He's the Charlie Sheen of county council. But Dowd is acting like a frightened bunny. He has lost all integrity. And Martinez and his cronies loved it all. They were nearly throwing high fives after the vote. Stoffa is doing the right thing to preserve the integrity of the HRC against mob rule.
Please don't insult Charlie Sheen like that!
Apart from the recent drug issues and his overall going over the edge, Charlie Sheen was a pretty cool dude. Deitrich is much more comparable to a Screech from Saved by the Bell, or a less cool Urkel. He was the nerd from his youth who now struts around like he is hot stuff because he is a "county councilman" The guy is a complete joke.
Hey Martinez! aka "we the people" i know you're on here posting away, but you should be ashamed to call yourself a son. One day you will regret your BS speeches at council meetings which already has ample mental midgets to beg for your jobs, Your mother should be your priority and leaving her bed to use her as a political tool is a disgrace, you are less than a man for that. Stop using your mother and other ailing elderly as political tools, you tool.
I really think this coalition group is doing more harm than good to its cause for keeping Gracedale County Run.
At least the new buyer will keep the medicaid residents where they are and retain most if not all employees
The County cannot afford this anymore, but should also not afford the new west easton jail
if i bought a new home i'd make the changes i wanted , know different here if gracedale is sold there not going to keep those employee's ... have you been to any ? every employee i've spoken to in two different nursing homes tells me nobody is employed full time that way they don't give any benifits check around for yourself. selling gracedale is a mistake it hurts so very many people. john stoffa's attack on these people is an utter disgrace , i can understand someone like ohare doing this but john stoffa ?? this people elected him for heavens sake ..... shame, shame , on him.
Look who is accusing people of being "mean spirited" here. Who is running this county anyway.
Stoffa is a jelly fish..
Angle an arrogant bully
Dowd just coasting on tax dollars as he has his whole career.
You all should be ashamed of yourself.
Recall Stoffa would be great!!
The greats of this county that truly cared are gone so now we have modern day politics where each individual has an agenda..
Lets get back to basics here...raise the bar and hold these so called leaders accountable.
"...every employee i've spoken to in two different nursing homes tells me nobody is employed full time that way they don't give any benifits check around for yourself. selling gracedale is a mistake it hurts so very many people. john stoffa's attack on these people is an utter disgrace .....blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda"
No mention of patients' concerns, of course.
Anon 9:48
You ARE the problem.
Who gives a hoot about the employees demands, last time i checked the people in the home were the ones that are supposed to be harmed here. GET REAL. The bottom line is that the sniveling union is scared they're all gonna get canned. Merit based pay, not this union BS is what they need. Sell it, can the employees....SAVEGRACEDALE...thats how you save it by dumping this union and selling it to professional health care providers.
This guy at the meeting said "what am i gonna do when i have to retire with a 93,000 dollar pension and have to live on 2k a month. HELLO GET A JOB!!!!! LOSER
Here we go its election time get ready fo more empty promises from fake politicions!!
"The Gracedale supporters are showing their true colors. They are a mean spirited critisizing group of inconsiderate mobsters who never learned good manners."
"That has been my experience, and it is also obvious in their comments here and on their hate blog. Not nice people."
I think these are unfair generalizations. I think some of the outspoken people at county meetings, and some of the more caustic commenters here, definitely deserve the scorn. But I think the vast silent majority of pro-Gracedale people are probably perfectly fine, and that some are probably scared for what the future holds for them and their families. I think to lump them all in as "inconsiderate mobsters" and "not nice people" is just as inaccurate and unfair as calling all the sell-Gracedale folks as evil and heartless. Just remember, the fake rev and some of these other outspoken people don't represent all of us...
I hope this coalition persues the recall of Stoffa!
I think they would get more valid signatures to want to get rid of stoffa then to save gracedale.
" But I think the vast silent majority of pro-Gracedale people are probably perfectly fine, and that some are probably scared for what the future holds for them and their families."
This is a fair point, but there is a very vocal and very nasty contingent out there, and I dealt w/ some of them this morning.
Bernie: You noted that the Council's Resolution was "meaningless". Does that mean Stoffa can legally continue to pursue the appeal despite this move by Council? If he can, do you know if he will? As to the resolution itself, one observation. While McClure and McHale's actions are perfectly in-character (since they have been against selling Gracedale from the beginning), Dowd, Dietrich and Ferraro have exposed themselves as flip-floppers. Where is their political courage to continue on the course that THEY SET? These folks were at the forefront of the decision to sell. Do we forget Dietrich's trips to visit other facilities? Now, when they face a boisterous opposition, they start to fall apart like a cheap suit. That's not leadership - its political pandering, at best. Didn't they expect that some folks would find this decision very unpopular? Bottom line is this: if you are for selling Gracedale (like all three of them are supposed to be) then have the guts to stand by your position. Don't throw Stoffa under the bus for executing YOUR DIRECTIVES. To be clear, this isn't about whether or not the decision to sell Gracedale is right or wrong - I contend that many of us don't have all the facts to make that call. But these people claim to have done their due diligence, analyzed all the facts & figures and have now come to the conclusion to sell. One of two things must be true today: either they didn't reach the right decision (which speaks poorly to their decision-making capacity) or they are showing political cowardice by not maintaining their course in the face of opposition. Either way, it’s not about whether or not you are for Gracedale's sale, it's that we elected these people to make tough decisions and they don't seem able to make one in this case and stand by it - sad. At this point, the entire Council should re-assess their position. Either they are for selling Gracedale or they are not. Council just needs to make a firm decision and follow through on it like they were elected to do. Waffling now only makes them appear indecisive and weak.
Ferraro flip flopping is like a drunk drinking. It's what they do. Ferraro believes in nothing but her own interests. She continues to accept compensation for a job she often fails to perform. Her attendance record is one of the worst of any elected official in the area. That's called stealing, Peg. Do the right thing and pay back the money you've taken for meetings you failed to attend. She's no better than a common thief.
"You noted that the Council's Resolution was "meaningless". Does that mean Stoffa can legally continue to pursue the appeal despite this move by Council? If he can, do you know if he will?"
Yes. Stoffa has no intention of following this meaningless resolution, which is nonbinding, and has every intention of pursuing his appeal.
"The Gracedale supporters are showing their true colors. They are a mean spirited critisizing group of inconsiderate mobsters who never learned good manners. They consistently hissed and graoned when Angle spoke but yet wanted undivided attention when they spoke. Do they care about Gracedale residents more than themselves ? Answer is obvious to me ...all about themselves,not the residents at all."
Guess they, the Gracedale supporters, have been around Angle too long. His rude behavior has rubbed off on them. Funny how his actions are always "justified" but others are not. Even though I don't think the supporters should lower themselves to others levels, it comes with the territory.
Anonymous 2:02 a.m.
Angler demands complete silence from the public and other council members when he brays on and on but interrupts everyone else. he is the true personification of an ass.
Hey Cusick and Stoffa, why is every time the public has a question you all defer to Angle. the only thing Angle is an expert on is Angle self-promotion.
His 'history' lessons make less sense than a pig squealing.
The guy is a pox on any government he infests. The rest of County council appears weak by putting up with it. Shame on all of you.
and you moan and groan like a wounded animal when he tries to speak You are rude and coarse as sand paper
We see Angle is doing his quick snarks before going on his midnight online porn run.
Farraro was uncharacteristically boistrous Thursday night. She shouted and pouted. Postured and pontificated. Was actually pretty comical. She should go back on her meds.
governemnt should not compete with the private sector...ever
"We see Angle is doing his quick "
You'll have to try harder. Angle plays poker every Friday night, and has never used a computer.
A neighbor of mine had the courtesy of having one candidate up for re-election come to their house to get a signature for re-election. Funny, I am a registered republican and live right down the road, was home at the same time and did not get the courtesy of a door-to-door visit. After talking to other neighbors who are also registered Republicans, the candidate passed them up too. My neighbor was totally baffled by that one.
Angle only stops at the homes of people who love him. That way he has very few homes to visit.
By the way O'Hare you claim Angle doesn't use a computer. yeah right, he also hand tills the lower forty and sings in the church choir.
Credibility is a terrible thing to lose!
Anon 10:09, going back to before the Constitution was written to the present day your statement has never been in practice in this country. Would you please elaborate on how you would implement this policy.
I would love to read your paper. Your hypothesis is
"government should not compete with the private sector...ever"
Now comes the tough part. go beyond mindless pronouncements and flesh out your proposal both in theory and practice.
Teabaggers all over the world are waiting!
Benny Franklin
"By the way O'Hare you claim Angle doesn't use a computer. yeah right, he also hand tills the lower forty and sings in the church choir."
I didn't see you take the stand, swear an oath and take responsibility for what you are saying. Why not?
Could it be that you're an anonymous coward unwilling to accept responsibility for your lies?
Can someone please explain to me the rational for keeping Gracedale county run? I am sure I have read many times that the company paying $35 million will keep the place 85% medicaid.
What is wrong with a private company running this nursing home when it runs several others across the country?
When will we wake up to the economic and cultural train wrecks that are headed our way at all levels of government? Gas at over $104 per barrel. Think of all the products that contain petroleum. Look at the actions of the public sector unions in the past few weeks. That can happen here and it probably will.
Northampton County Council is a mess. If you want to recall someone let it be the likes of Dietrick, a lad who has not found his way. How about Ferraro, she who will promise her base anything to give the impression that she is a good person so re-elect her. Cusick who has not a clue as to what is going on. Shame on Dowd and all the others who were foolishh enough to introduce a very silly resolution.
No. let's go after John Stoffa who reeks of integrity and probably couln't tell a lie if he wanted too. Of course we have to go after Ron Angle. Is there anyone in the County who doesn't know all about Ron Angle. The man is not a pretender. You will know who he is within 5 minutes of your introduction to him. You will like him or hate him. He has done good things, voting against exhorbitant debt, and some not so good. We love him and we hate him. But I have yet to hear a Dowd, Ferraro, Dietrick, Cusick, or McHale best him on economic issues.
Open your eyes folks we are down to a few good men and one woman on the Gracedale issue.
SIMPLE BRENDA!......they may keep it 85% medicare but that doesn't mean they will fill it 85% medicare. Private nursing homes can and DO turn medicare people away if they can charge someone else a higher rate because they will do anything to make a higher profit along with cutting staff and corners causing care to go down. It's as simple as that!
bernie thanks for calling me a mean hearted ruthless inconsiderate gracedale employee. i spoke to county council with the utmost respect on thurs and asked very ligitamite questions. i gave the council the same respect that they gave to me. mr angle answered questions very respectly when you lump together employees please only address the employees that are mean hearted and ruthless
Nancy Kutz, You spoke respectfully on Thursday night, and my comment is not meant for EVERY Gracedale employee or EVERY person who wants to keep Gracedale county-owned. You have also shouted out during other meetings and have told Council they "have no balls." So some of the time, you have been a bit of a jerk. In recent weeks, you've been much better, but you see as well as I do that there are many people in that audience who make catcalls, curse, etc. You hear it better than I bc you choose to sit amidst these goons.
Bottled Whine of ignorance,
Fortunately some of the County council is waking up to the bullshit that has been shoved down our throats by Stoffa/Angle and hacks inc..
The fact is Gracedale has and continues to serve a very important purpose in county government. This rush to judgement with a "study", paid to reinforce the "economics" peddled by Angle has been picked apart often enough to be understood by those who are not bagger fanatics.
The need for a drug addict live-in lounge that Stoffa wants to build with all county dollars has less to do with county government, than a facility for the indigent elderly sick that uses less than 5%of county dollars to operate.
The blind leading the blind.
Reality Now!
The above statement has been paid for by the Northampton County Democratic Committee, AFSCME and USW.
and also the reasoning of an idiot
Sounds more like the truth without any payment than a paid propagandist like yourself Mr. O';Hare. Real people looking at the facts and making real judgements based on logic and reason not hate and propaganda!
We The People!!
The above statement has been paid for by the Northampton County Democratic Committee, AFSCME and USW.
bernie the facts be it the county has paid for countless companys to come into gracedale over the last 21 years that i have worked their and to this day has payed millions of dollars for these surveys and i mean millions of our tax payers money to do these survery including paying mr stephen mcshane $70,000.00 every 3 months for his serves for almost 2 years to be an interum adminestater which was the most wastefull thing the county has every done and to this date i have not seen 1 recommendation that all these surveys that were done implamented to help make gracedale run better or make the county money so im very sorry that you think that we the employees of gracedale are so bad. maybe the blames need to be put in the right place we the employees are not the bad people here unfortunatly we are the people who are getting the blame for this entity losing money and im very sorry the county is losing money on this home but if they would of done at least a couple of the sugestions that the companys that came in to help direct the county in a better way to make money maybe the county wouldnt be losing so much money on this entity i dont understand why a business would spend several thousand of dollars to have an outside company come in to help them run a facilty better and not do any of the suggestions that they make so really bernie whos falt is it and i dont appreciate you lumping me as a catcaller because thats not what i do at these meetings i sit and listen very intentlly as to what the whole picture is here and you would be surprised how many times i have defended what the council has done to my other empoyees telling them they are wrong and that they need to listen to the whole picture
Nancy Kutz, I have not trashed ALL Gracedale employees. I have not even trashed people who think Gracedale should remain in County hands. I have trashed the goons who come to County Council meetings and engage in disruptive behavior, For a time, that did include you. Be honest. Yes, you are more willing to listen to others now. I don't know if this is bc you are a decent human being or bc you yourself are running for office in West Easton.
I am also a candidate for West Easton Borough Council. While I understand both sides of the Gracedale issue, I must state that I think it is very bad public policy to off load Gracedale while simultaneously expanding the prison system.
The timing of these two major changes is polarizing County government as well as most citizens in this county. Getting ones fiscal house in order is admirable, but cutting senior services while expanding jail services is an example of very poor judgement.
Then I suppose we should close the jails and let the gangbangers come live with you. Or Stoffa should do nothing about the 67% recidivism rate, which costs the County far more than Gracedale. In the end, BOTH decisions are fiscal measures that will save the County money while simultaneously ensuring that human beings are treated like human beings, whether they are the elderly or drunk drivers.
Well Bernie, thats an idea, but three hots and a cot is more than they would get in my house. I also cant give out free medicine, counseling and transportation. Seniors need this too.
I dont have all the answers, but think the timing of these two issues leaves alot to be desired.
Expanding jail services may be needed to incarcerate those that pose a threat to public safety. I am not sure if defaulted child support or DUI convictions fall into this category.
If people are allowed to live and work, we may all be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Incarcerate less and the recidivism will drop by itself.
That's the whole point of the treatment center. The idea behind it is that it will reduce the recidivism rate and result in less incarceration.
As for the timing, please tell me how County administrators are supposed to deal with that. Both the nursing home AND jails are an immense financial burden. Our economy might very well be headed towards a double dip recession, especially if gas prices continue to increase.
When times were good, the nursing home always got the short end of the stick. If it made money, the profits were sunk in other compelling county needs. Now that it is losing money, do you really think the County will sink more money into it? No, what will happen is that the quality of care will suffer, as well as other capital needs. The parking lot already looks like a Serbian minefield. The best thing for the residents would be to sell to an outfit that will take care of the lace as well as the residents.
As for the treatment center, did you know that DUIs consume the bulk of the criminal docket? Did you know that these sentences are mandatory? Did you know many of them are repeat offenders?
Whether it is BT or W Easton, Stoffa;s proposal is intended to reduce the rate of recidivism, treat people like human beings and reduce the financial drain on taxpayers.
You complain about this because of the timing? What is Stoffa supposed to do? Should he tell judges to break the law and not sentence offenders until Gracedale is settled?
These are both problems that need to be addressed, and they need to be addressed now.
Yes Bernie I see both dilemmas. Both are issues that need to be dealt with. I understand county government cannot sweep things under the rug any longer.
I also know that other states in our nation do not face the overcrowded jail problem. This is due to their individual penal codes and their methodologies for incarceration.
I understand that the dockets are full of DUI repeat offenses. What I dont understand is why the Commonwealth of PA wishes to stockpile these people into state paid rehab/treatment.
State paid rehab often results in substance relapse. The county and the state need to review their outcomes. Public funds for these problems should not be focused on punishment and mandates, but for those who demonstrate that they are willing to help themselves.
Perhaps Northampton County should keep its jail services flat for now until the issue of Gracedale is collectively resolved. Once Gracedale is resolved, funding for other projects could be examined at a later date. One at a time.
This county must determine why so many people consume alcoholic beverages then decide to drive. If they address the cause, they may be able to reduce caseload on dockets.
bernie yes i was one of those cat callers when i first started going to county council meeting. but since i have been going to them on a biweekly basis i have learned alot and have since long apologized to all the the council members for my behavior. that apologee was given long before i considered running for boro council. going to these meeting has taught me alot and made me want to ensure that some of the proper changes are done in the boro that i have lived in since i was a child. and no i do not want the REHAB center not JAIL in our boro but am going to have to live with what the present council has intact at this time especially since i can look out my windows and see everything going on their because of where i live in the boro
The drug addict lounge Stoffa wants to build will not cut prison rates. That is based on a study from the culturally homogeneous state of Maine that has as much applicability to Northampton County as a study of the Moon.
Gracedale was a done deal when Angle and Stoffa saw they had five votes on Council to dump it. Once the baggers were elected Stoffa got the green light to make it happen.
The study and the year picked to make the predictions and even the timing of the window repairs were done to facilitate a sale.
O'Hare like Joe Owens is carrying water for Stoffa.
The facts MAY support selling Gracedale at some future date. As of today they do not. You have both Angle and Stoffa who have plans for the quick $35 million(less all the give backs to the company).
Mr. Stoffa wants both a public health department and his drug addict lounge. Mr. Anlge wants to terminate 35% of the county workforce.
The residents of Gracedale are collateral damage to these folks. If you believe anything in this war of words, do not believe the propaganda that either of these characters(Angle/Stoffa) give a tinker's damn about the residents of Gracedale.
O'Hare keeps telling their fabulous tale of the wonders of single room, full-time nurse, hardwood floored private facilities that love the elderly poor. They don't exist but that is the bullshit much like the infamous and much discredited $18,000 study that is being thrown out there.
Don't give an inch to these people. They demand courtesy, all the while Angle berates and demagogues. All the while Stoffa uses the tactics and facts of an underworld crime boss.
Stay on course and stay focused. They want to shove this sale down the people's throat and dump Gracedale. We will fight them in the courts and at the polls. We are the people, we are the truth!!
God Bless America!!!!
The above statement has been paid for by the Northampton County Democratic Committee, AFSCME and USW.
Pretty much complete disinformation designed to inflame passions against a county obligation to house inmates, together with an attempt to politicize and the usual "God Bless America."
" i have learned alot and have since long apologized to all the the council members for my behavior."
Then good for you, and I mean it.
People who become second and third DUI offenders have not learned the basic premise of personal responsibility.
Personal responsibility is taught and learned from birth to 18 yrs old and beyond through parental effort and in the classrooms of our expensive public education system.
When both of these efforts fail, we need to look at why they are failing, instead of doling out more public dollars to "rehabilitate" those who dont help themselves.
Can some of these offenders be sentenced to a year in elementary school?
County gov't has no authority to do any of these things. The state decides, and in many cases, the judges MUST impose a sentence. But the County has to pay. 66 cents of ever real estate tax dollar pays for the back end of crime. It makes sense (and cents) that John Stoffa would want to introduce something to reduce those costs.
County gov't has no authority to do any of these things. The state decides, and in many cases, the judges MUST impose a sentence. But the County has to pay. 66 cents of ever real estate tax dollar pays for the back end of crime. It makes sense (and cents) that John Stoffa would want to introduce something to reduce those costs.
I dont think business as usual is working anymore, on a number of levels. 1 year of per pupil cost is a fraction of 1 year of incarceration. I understand these are state, not county issues, and hands are tied.
Corbett's budget address is scheduled to air this Tuesday. SInce his entire career has been in public safety, I am wondering what direction PA will be taking as it relates to incarceration. Hopefully, it will be smarter for severity of crimes committed. Perhaps NC should wait this one out before committing funds to spend on DUI offenses.
If someone has a DUI (even repeat) that caused no harm to persons or property, I do not feel that the penalties should include incarceration. We have plenty of free classroom space at the now vacant Allentown State Hospital. No need for more in West Easton. Some judges do break laws, dont they?
O'Hare pushes Stoffa's drug addict lounge because Stoffa owes it to Atiyah. The judges decide were people go as O'Hare states. They may or may not let these scumbags go to the lounge. If not Stoffa will use it as an overflow prison, lucky you west easton.
No evidence it will reduce costs. The only sure thing is that they want to dump Gracedale. Keep you eye on the ball. You are dealing with some major league sleazebags in Stoffa, Angle and O'Hare.
Paid for by honest hardworking citizens in the county not intimidated by the county thugs currently in power!
The above statement has been paid for by the Northampton County Democratic Committee, AFSCME, SEIU, etc., etc. and political hacks looking for jobs everywhere.
"If someone has a DUI (even repeat) that caused no harm to persons or property, I do not feel that the penalties should include incarceration."
You're gonna' have to do better than that. What you "feel" is irrelevant. The laws passed by our state legislature, however, are another story.
I can do better than that. The ALzheimers Coalition was unfortunately ruined by those that committed election fraud, and now their entire cause is falling flat on its face.
I do not think that this group deserves a second punch when Gracedale is sold, and DUI center opens. County should reach across the isle to this group. Take the savings from Gracedale sale and reintroduce that money to community services for the elderly indigent. Dont give it all away to the DUI cause.
In a wrestling match, the winner and loser shake hands at the end. I have not seen the winner sucker punch the opponent and then leave the mat.
Amazing what trying to curry favor with O'Hare can do. The coalition has committed no fraud as determined by a real judge using real law, not pretend law with pretend lawyers.
Notice how O'Hare has a new pitch.
He knows the dump Gracedale movement is running out of steam. The 15-18% tax increase is bullshit based on propped up information put together by the Stoffa hacks.
Saving Gracedale is the only thing the coalition is concerned with. O'Hare is concerned with pedaling the Angle/Stoffa party line of dump Gracedale, build a drug addict center and cut union jobs.
None of those issues are our concern. We are here to protect the vulnerable elderly sick of this county. Sadly that is not the agenda of the baggers and their cohorts in County government
At the last meeting Ron Angle lied about most of the history of Gracedale and who spent what. You will never learn of that on this blog but he just flat out lied. Of course that has been the pattern of his infamous public career.
God Bless America and God Bless Northampton County!!!!
Anon 6:36
I am sure I read that an appeal was sent to the Commonwealth Court in this matter. It is no longer about who lied and who is doing favors for whom.
When the courts decide matters, there is a winner and a loser. From what I have read, regardless of the ballot issue, major changes will effect Gracedale, even if voters prevail.
I was suggesting damage control, not trying to curry favors
There has been blatant election fraud in the Gracedale petition drive. Some of it was exposed with Judge Baratta. He did not invalidate 2,700 signatures bc he liked the color of my suit. Some of it only became apparent in response to a RTKL request, in which it as revealed that 2 members of the petition committee deceptively signed more than one petition. That is election fraud, both by Mary Ann Schmoyer and by Loretta Mammana.
It also became apparent during Friday's hearing that, whatever they may think, the Coalition of Alzheimer families have been patsies for the unions. Unions did not want to be identified publicly as behind the petition drive. We now know that, not only did they circulate most of the petitions, they also paid the lion's share of Otter's fee.
Ah, "intent" would be counselor, "intent". Did the parties intend to sign two different petitions or did they forget or were confused or just made a mistake. The onus of proving "intent" is on you oh disbarred one.
Numerous petitions by various candidates have duplicate signatures. When that happens and it is detected one of the signatures is invalidated.
The statement that there is proof of "election fraud", is as silly as claiming Ron Angle cares about the truth.
The fact is you can make all the statements you want but you have not proved nor do I believe you can prove intent to deceive by the parties mentioned.
Now if we want to prove intent to defame the same said parties by you and your patron Ron Angle, that could be easier to prove.
Stop trying to spook these good people. They have had real lawyers and Gracedale operational and financial experts explaining the numerous bluffs, exaggerations and outright threats by you and your bagger goon Stoffa/Angle hate brigade. They are aware of your attempts to scare them and they realize you and the hacks are all air and no substance. Much like the entire Stoffa record.
God Bless America!
Look, you phony, I am talking about duplicates signed by members of the committee and people who circulated the petitions. They damn well knew what they were doing. But to be sure his wife is not prosecuted, Mammana was sure to drop some sugar on Morganelli.
OH BERNIE PLEASE.....they signed twice! Seriously.....you make it sound like they signed a hundred times. You really are pathetic. You either need to get a REAL job or at least a life!
Anon 3:40, O'Hare does have a job. he works for Stoffa and Angle spreading propaganda and their spoon fed bullshit.
give the guy a break. He is only doing what they pay him to do.
The Gracedale gang break election law and hide behind the patients at Gracedale like the residents are human shields. Shame on you. You aren`t that senile that you can`t remember that you signed more than one petition. and you have a man of God as your leader. Some leader...maybe God should petition to have him relieved of duty.
A man of God vs. Satan's representative on Earth, Angle. sounds about right.
There would be no unions (let the working people go back to 60 hour work weeks at regular rates, no vacations, no sick time, no holiday pay, hell maybe even forget about child labor laws!)
No one could socialize with any political figure (except Ron Angle).
Ron Angle would run the county as HE see's fit, to hell with everyone else.
Bernie would win every lawsuit regardless of what is lawful.
The only politian that could participate in "pay to play" would be Ron of course!
There would not be allowed a "People's Voice" in the running of government. (similiar to a dictatorship)
Everyone would be subjected to Ron Angle's bullying and be called goons, thugs or kooks if they stand up to him or at the very least be subjected to Bernie's famous "Flip Cam" and not be allowed to shove it where the sun does not shine!
Mr. Stoffa could say whatever he wants and continue to deny that he said it and not be called on it.
Stoffa, Angle and O'Hare (3 stooges) would be ordained the 3 kings of Northampton County!~
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