What Otter does not know is that I've been dodging creditors my entire life, and that's on legitimate bills. I learned long ago to put all my money in offshore accounts, like Muammar Gaddafi.
Unlike Larry Otter, I'm no election law expert. But I do know that, once I appealed Judge Baratta's Gracedale decision, he lost jurisdiction over these kinds of goofy claims.
But to be on the safe side, I cheated and looked at the law. I found this 2008 case that went through the Commonwealth Court, up to the Supremes and back down to the Commonwealth Court again. The entire bench spent six weeks reviewing a matter that should have lasted ten days. Nights and weekends were shot.
Needless to say, the judges were pissed, especially since the candidate trying to get on the ballot, and his lawyer, were not showing up. They were castigated for their ir “cumulative disingenuousness” and were both slammed with hefty layer's bill.
Although the Election Code makes no provision for attorney fees, these guys are judges, and found a loophole in the Judicial Code under which they could sanction this candidate and his lawyer for "dilatory, obdurate and vexatious conduct."
And they did.
The poor lawyer who ended up on the short end of the stick was none other than election law expert Larry Otter. Now I don't know if he actually ever read that case because he lived it and everything, but the judges clearly say that the Election Code makes no provision for attorney fees.
So what does Larry do? He sues me for attorney fees under the Election Code. In a case that's under appeal. In a case where the Judge has already thrown out 2,700 signatures.
Because the law is so clearly against him, Larry will probably win.
Maybe I can wash his car and cut his grass for the next hundred years.
Or do legal research.
Why not just have Stoffa and Angle pass you the cash like always. Whats the big deal.
You can laugh about Otter all you want but he won adn you lost.
Good Morning
I want to wake up, with the poster that never sleeps.
Find myself King of the Hill, top of the heap.
Your little town blues, ain't washing away. maybe you should make a brand new start of it in old........
What is the penalty for planting or attempting to plant
"pre-emptive evidence exculpare"?
You know that the people I refer to aren't dummies.
Sorry about your troubles. But you brought them on yourself. I'm sure they are not amused.
i thought your assets were all in vintage precious moments figurines?
Obviously that computer of your could be levied?
Got to love SLAPP type law suits!! Keeps people in line.
To 6:32 AM
Obviously, you don't know BO. He's so poor, he doesn't own a computer. He uses the computers in the County Courthouse's law library. He knows how to scam free internet like the best of them. Try again.
Moves like Otter's are commonplace.
They are the reason contempt for lawyers is commonplace.
GO Otter GO!!!!!!!
"You can laugh about Otter all you want but he won adn you lost."
It ain't over 'till it's over.
"He uses the computers in the County Courthouse's law library. He knows how to scam free internet like the best of them." I make n use of any courthouse facility that is not available to the public at large, and no, there is no Internet on law library computers except for the county web page and West law.
"Sorry about your troubles. But you brought them on yourself. I'm sure they are not amused."
Don't be. I'm not, nor am I intimidated. This is just Larry's way of saying he misses me.
This is a mere pittance compared to what the Harrisburg attorneys are charging the county taxpayers to continue to fight against the very taxpayers who are paying their fees.
Reality Now
If Otter wins you get to send him the Hermann Goering pics :):):)
here was noting amusing about the pictures of dead bodies sent to me by Henry Schaadt.
poor baby. We have to look at your picture when we come on this blog.
Henry is too cowardly to sign his name now.
I don't have to sign my name to that one about Hermann, I know you would know who sent it. And learn how to spell please!! RIVER AKA Henry Schaadt
River, aka Henry Schaadt, does not like to sign his name anymore bc when he does, I ask him to explain this:
1) Asset Acceptance LLC v. Henry Schaadt, 2010-C-13305, filed 2/2/11, for $3,648.31.
2) Easton City v. Henry C Schaadt, 2010-ML-12090, filed 10/25/10, for $855.13.
He's a sick fuck who sends pictures of dead Nazis to me. A typical Gracedale Goon.
so you admit you hate the people at Gracedale? Thanks Henry
No, I have never said that, but you are one sick fuck who sends pictures of dead Nazis when you get angry. You're a little pussy who does not have the guts to confront me face to face, so you post slimy anonymous comments and send pictures of dead guys to try to intimidate others. It is people like you - an obvious product of inbreeding - that make people stay away from the LV. Next time you want to slime me, try doing it to my face, pussy.
And pay your bills, deadbeat.
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