After licking his wounds, Matt has decided to take on Lamont McClure in District 3, which includes Allen Tp, Bath, Bethlehem Tp, East Allen Tp, Freemansburg, Lower Nazareth Tp, Lower Saucon Tp, Nazareth, North Catasauqua, and Northampton.
McClure is the only Council member last year to have attended no committee meetings in 2010. His combined attendance record is just 60%.
great. a tax deliquent vs an incumbent with a poor record of attendance. the voters deserve a better choice.
Matt Connolly plainly and openly talked about the tax delinquency. At the time, he had to decide whether to meet payroll or pay taxes on time. I think it shows compassion and intelligence to take the route he took. All taxes have been paid in full including penalties and interest.
Please inform yourself of the facts before posting, then post all the facts.
This was something of a red herring. These were not personal taxes, but taxes on a corporation, a distinct and separate legal entity.
"Matt Connolly plainly and openly talked about the tax delinquency. At the time, he had to decide whether to meet payroll or pay taxes on time. I think it shows compassion and intelligence to take the route he took. All taxes have been paid in full including penalties and interest.
Please inform yourself of the facts before posting, then post all the facts."
Did he pay himself or did he forego his pay before paying his taxes? If he paid himself, his argument is lost and he benefited from his corporation failing to pay its taxes. It also shows remarkable fiscal irresponsibility.
The average taxpayer pays their taxes on time and will look at this no differently than Tim Geithner not paying his taxes on time.
Last time I checked, Geithner was still employed as the country's chief financial officer.
Red herring is right.
What's his background in government? besides the racing does he have any qualifications to run?
Anonymous said...
"What's his background in government? besides the racing does he have any qualifications to run?"
Good question 2:03, but get ready for the "But he's a really nice guy" defense.
2nd is not good at the Indy 500, ask Michael and Marco Andretti!
By the way I cover the IZOD INDYCAR Series now:
Anonymous said...
What's his background in government? besides the racing does he have any qualifications to run?
2:03 PM
what qualifications are you looking for? he meets all the qualifications set upon him by state and county.
I think the "qualification" the anon seeks is Democrat, preferably Long Dem.
He is not just a race car driver. He owns the team and does work for other teams all over the country. He is a succesful small business man. We have elected people to county council from every walk of life and level of previous involvement.
... while Lamont has lost every case he;s ever tried.
I don't know Mr. Connolly but my opinion is "Anybody But McClure" (ABM) with his partisan politics, few services to real contituants, has attended few necessary County Council meetings, et al. Personal ambitions seem to be the rule in his supposed services to anybody I have been able to discern to date. I wish for all who know me to please consider my advice here but please do vote for the candidate of your choice, no matter your opinion. ABM would serve us well, I pray. McClure needs to go away.
Connolly should wax that phony McClure. Maybe at least he'll have the decency to show up for committee meetings.
Just what we need another Stoffa rubber-stamp and another Angle puppet. The clowns on County council have already done enough damage in one year to last decades.
Keep Lamont, no more puppets.
If I have a choice between standing with Stoffa or Lamont McClure, I'll take Stoffa any day of the week.
If I recall it was property taxes on his shop property and they were paid after it was published that the property could go to sherriff sale. Lou Pektor had 22 properties listed as well.
McMud will make it an issue while trying to deflect attention away from his shameful attendance record.
No more Angle puppets on Council!
Matt is a good guy. Had the chance to meet him while he was stumping for State Senator. This County Council run will be good not only for him but the people of NC.
Angle puppets? Did you not see the vote for council president? The "hand" didn't reach that far "up", if you catch my drift.
No more Angle, period.
If we're simply going to offer a candidate on the basis of being "nice" and being in the race business, I offer Mario Andretti as my candidate.
He's an outsider who says he'll actually show up and do the job. He's a sharp businessman with good ideas who is not lazy and sleazy. And Angle needs better strings on the puppets who threw him out of the president's chair. The movement begun two years ago continues in the county. It's bigger than Angle or Stoffa, despite comments from those who require boogeymen to argue politics. Can't wait to vote.
The Gracedale scandal has shaken some sleeping voters awake. the bagger extremism is now exposed and in a general election will not have the power in Northampton County it had.
this is a middle of the road traditional County and not into crazy. Your fifteen minutes are up.
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