Local Government TV

Thursday, February 03, 2011

In The Belly of the Beast

I was inside Gracedale yesterday to serve several witnesses with subpoenas for our hearing tomorrow. I thought it would be more polite than pounding on their doors at home. I waited in a conference room and quietly served these papers.

The Fake Rev spotted me coming into and leaving the building, and posted this Christian comment:
"We received a report that the EX-CHAIRS [sic] goon was on the prowl at Gracedale yesterday. He was there apparently to terrorize his pray [sic].

We The People [sic] don't have to take this anymore."
Advocates of mob rule don't like being questioned in Court, I guess.


  1. I heard your junk was out again, next time maybe they should call the police.

  2. The rev should do the right thing and return to taxpayers the money that was clearly wasted attempting to educate him. My third grader has a better grasp of the Queen's English. Good grief.

  3. @ Anonymous 4:06

    This debate is officially closed; you just invoked Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies!


  4. The guy is a joke Bernie. He gives the real Rev's a really bad name. When is this hearing again?? Should be entertaining!

  5. Dowd has the papers to be a real Rev and he is a joke. He let people be berated when he was president of Council. he wants to use the money from screwing the elderly to create a Health Department for his Chamber buddies.

    Easy when throwing those Rev rocks. At least this rev is doing something for the poor and elderly, not trying to line his benefactors pockets.

    As to the Nazi remarks, its been used so much it means nothing and Goodwin's Rule is already passe.

    If it were stilll in effect Fox News would have won an award for most usage of Nazi analogies.

    Reality Jones!

  6. ". When is this hearing again?? Should be entertaining"

    9 AM tomorrow.

    At his once popular blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings, Bernie O'Hare (left) usually makes light of his unchangeable status as a disgraced ex-lawyer who is barred from practicing law. Who the hell are you to even ramble on about Gracedale? Aren't you barred from practicing law since 1978? What a LOSER. No kidding you are friends with that loser Ron Angle. You both are kindred spirits. How did you manage to get suspended from being a lawyer?

  8. you did not wiat quietly in a confrence room you paraded your way aroud the buildimg cuz i spotted you in the kitchen you lying no good piece of trash

  9. He was grandstanding at Gracedale

    hey 12:42
    I think we all know of BO and his misfortunes

    I think there is a website dedicated to it

    maybe save your fingers
    he is bad Ron is bad
    move on

  10. I laugh at the people who love to hate Howard Stern or Bill O'Riley, or Barney O'Hair.
    If they're not your cup of tea, don't listen to them, or read their stuff. If enough folks agree with you, eventually they will go away due to lack of interest.
    I don't always agree with them, but I find them interesting.

  11. Bernie is not a fake lawyer, but a disbarred one from stealing a clients money. He is waisting our time and taxpayer dollars with his lawsuit just to keep his name in the newspaper Henry Schaadt aka river

  12. O'hare.... you are giving Angle a bad name.... I like Ron Angle,but he stepped in sh@@ when he met you Gracedale actually makes money Henry Schaadt

  13. Must be hard going into a courtroom
    being a former lawyer
    I wonder how your peers viewed you today?
    The Judges, DA, and all the minions of the court, down to the lowly hall walkers.
    I know the Judge will render the correct verdict and not let your past unduly influence it,
    but doesn't it suck having to be there?
    Did you hold your head high?

  14. I'll bet the court viewed him as a wanna be that never was RIVER

  15. "Did you hold your head high?"

    Yep. I was doing the right thing.

    "I wonder how your peers viewed you today? The Judges, DA, and all the minions of the court, down to the lowly hall walkers.'

    One thing I've learned as a result of my suspension is that those lowly hall walkers are in many cases better people than the judges and other big shots who employ them. I was treated with respect because, notwithstanding my suspension, I am still a human being.

  16. "Bernie is not a fake lawyer, but a disbarred one from stealing a clients money."

    This is blatantly untrue. I did lose my license for unethical behavior, but never stole a dime from anyone. I never acted out of lucre or malice. My misbehavior was the result of alcoholism.

  17. Bernie

    You are now in favor of
    "Hall Walkers"
    I thought you and Angle tried to get them axed from the budget?

  18. The reference to "lowly" hall walkers was one I thought was aimed at the rank and file County workers. I'd prefer their company to yours, any day.

  19. My attorney for 32 some years (and my wife's and my attorney for 29 plus years), Gary Asteak was in the court room and treated Bernie O'Hare and Ron Angle with great respect and friendship as did all the attorneys, court officials, and county officers. Apparently they can agree to disagree without being spiteful or insulting. That's why there is chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream. Not everyone likes the same thing.

  20. Gracedale used to make money; it doesn`t anymore and won`t. It is the truth. Costs 6 to 7 million a year just for salaries and benefits that county taxpayers ante up. Those of you who want to keep Gracedale the answer is simple...advocate for a tax increase...problem goes awah ...until the next increase is needed .

  21. Gracedale still makes money. It's ability to perform as it has for twenty years was destroyed by Stoffa. This was a set-up. This sale was ordained two years ago and was a result of political gamesmanship.

    This Administration pursued a policy to make sure Gracedale would have problems.

    The 20% tax increase, like the $6 million operation costs are illusions purchased by Stoffa for public consumption. Smoke and mirrors.

    Sadly, the papers as usual just printed the press releases and this non-factual farce has run its course.

    Stoffa will retire with his 3 or 4 public pensions, Angle will demagogue another win in District four. The real losers are the new extremists on Council who are too inexperienced to realize they were conned and the people of Northampton County, they will be the true losers. The perpetrators of this crime will walk away unscathed.

    God Bless us all. Election do have consequences and I hope the thousands who opposed this sale or questioned the rush and the fear of a public vote remember. It is important that any remnant of this ill-informed, rash acting incompetent group be swept from office in the next election.

    The Tears of God

  22. Nah. I voted for them and I'll gladly do so again. Sell Gracedale.

  23. Bernie, you use your alcoholism as the excuse for cheating your clients and losing your license. Bottom line, you are a cheat and you defrauded your clients!

  24. Bernie is my hero. He will stand for the truth and what is right !

  25. Gracedale hasn`t made money in 4 years...ask your county controller to verify it(if he ever shows up at the office.)

  26. Funny how the worst years in Gracedale occur during the Stoffa/Angle Administration. The two guys who have wanted to sell it all along and want the cold cash from the sale.

    Interesting very interesting.

  27. anonymous 10:56
    Shame on you and your atrocious comment pertaining to Bernie's alcoholism an affliction that many have suffered. Some are able to become and retain being sober. Others fall back into this awful pit. Some die because they cannot stop drinking. This is true of those who have suffered from the use of illegal drugs. You should fall to your knees and thank the good Lord that you have not had to endure this disease. And yes, I have been there, done that and have the T-shirt. I just celebrated 29 years of being
    sober. I will continue being sober and you will contiune to be a moron

  28. "Bernie is not a fake lawyer, but a disbarred one from stealing a clients money."
    Bernie said quote:
    This is blatantly untrue. I did lose my license for unethical behavior, but never stole a dime from anyone. I never acted out of lucre or malice. My misbehavior was the result of alcoholism.

    1:18 AM

    same difference bub Henry Schaadt

  29. The Shrill Whine of Falsehood,

    Using alcohol as a crutch is no better than using welfare or poverty as a crutch or excuse. So many people cry, boohoo, I was a drunk but now I am sober, so what? You people want a medal. Most people chose not to be drunks.

    If someone is a crook and using booze as their excuse, they are no better than a gang banger crying that he didn't know his daddy.

    Real Freedom Without the Decals

  30. "Bernie is my hero. He will stand for the truth and what is right !

    1:10 AM" bernies right is pure
    socialist left, Just ask the Schickleguber RIVER

  31. Why are you serving subpoenas? What?


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