Both admitted their mistake on Friday. Both claimed to have little guidance or training. I believe Paisley, but not Ellen Weiss.
Outside of Gracedale, Paisley appears to have no interest in politics. But Weiss is another story. Every election cycle, her yard is full of signs. She and her husband, another union official, are Dem operatives. Back in October, Weiss thumbed her nose at a ban on partisan campaigning on County property, and used a Gracedale rally as an excuse to hand out campaign fliers for Democrats John Callahan, Joe Sestak and Charles Dertinger. You can see her at the beginning of this video, trying to wave me away. When I pointed out that partisan political activity on public property is illegal, one of her union pals retorted, "Show me a reason to care."
Let me give you a reason to care about the rules. A petition circulator has just been charged criminally for playing games in Pat Meehan's Congressional race last year. Weiss, who swore out 24 false affidavits, made a mockery of our election process.
Boy oh Boy I hope they charge this lady, her in-court admissions will be pretty good evidence to prosecute...
Come on Morganelli get on this bud!
Bernie, you look good in drag with your earrings,glasses and green Moomoo river
Bernie, I read the "criminally charged" link you had attached to this posting. Comparing apples to oranges.....he was charged with forging signatures. I believe that Ms. Weiss admitted that she herself did not obtain the signatures on certain petitions. The elections board verified signatures with what they have on file. Did not hear them say anything about signatures
being forged. Your postings are misleading!
Come on Morganelli get on this bud!
Yes and send the will forgers up with her
dj, Not a all. In both cases, we are dealing with election fraud. In one case, it is forgery. In the other, it is false affidavits. It's still election fraud.
Once again didn't you have your lawyer license suspended. Who the hell are you to go accusing anyone of anything you loser? It was an honest to god mistake on her part.
Anon 3:53
Name number address? We can discuss honest to god mistakes...
Your birth perhaps?
she isthe afscme president and a nurse why would she lie
Yet again another reason why this Gracedale issue has become a mess. Both sides have done questionable things, but this does not look good yet again.
"It's still election fraud."
You must admit that forgery would be a much more serious incident, although fraud is fraud.
The woman didn't sign for anyone, only mishandled them.
Which if what you are saying is correct would fall under election fraud.
"Both admitted their mistake on Friday. Both claimed to have little guidance or training. I believe Paisley, but not Ellen Weiss."
I certainly hope that you don't believe Weiss because it makes a better story for your blog. After all she does have a lot more contacts that make for a better story. I am not sure you can "hang" one and not the other. After all election fraud is election fraud.
I agree that forgery is more serious than making false statements under oath, but they are both fraudulent activity.
I don't believe Weiss bc she's no novice. She knew what she was doing, and has already displayed a disdain for the rules. In addition to her behavior at the Gracedale rally, she grabbed that subpoena out of my hand as though she wanted to throw it away. Also, her demeanor on the stand was not good.
I have no intention of pursuing this matter, but there is no doubt in my mind that she tried to pull a fast one.
her demeanor on the stand?!? Another misleading post
To Anon 7:16pm's credit, anyone who has had to testify knows it can be somewhat intimidating up there.
Was there any "intent" to deceive. O'Hare is still pretending to be an attorney. Remember when you lost your license and your family? Maybe not, that alcohol soaked brain is just ripe for the crazy cells that run it. You and Glenn Beck should trade conspiracy tales.
Ms. Weiss made a mistake, pure and simple. There isn't a court in sanity land or a prosecutor that would waste any time on this.
What they do love to spend time on are people who write fraudulent wills. They keep those investigations open for a long time and when they are ready they jump.
Congratulations O'Hare, you have again attempted to smear another contributing member of society for your benefactors. You were a good boy, maybe Stoffa and Angle will throw you a few more crumbs this week.
Sanity Over Crazy
There most certainly was an intent to deceive. That was the whole point of this petition, from the 1,000 duplicates to Weiss' false statements under oath. She was caught pulling a fast one, and that's why a criminal defense lawyer was needed.
"Did D'alessendro testify? And were there oxygen tubes coming out of his ass?"
He did, claiming to have spent 12.5 hours in one spot, taking no break at all, not even to use the bathroom. His oxygen supply was in the Courtroom.
"her demeanor on the stand?!? Another misleading post"
I thought her demeanor defensive and antagonistic.
I don't believe Weiss bc she's no novice. She knew what she was doing,
I thought this was the first petition in the history of NorCo?
If it was the first everyone was a novice. Everyone except the people who knew the rules and waited until they were handed in to inform them of the rules. Its like they keep moving the goal line.
And you lawyers or in your case ex-lawyer are good at seperating the weak and infirm from the herd. Congrats
Too bad you can't charge a professional fee for your services.
Or do you?
Weiss is no novice and is very familiar with what is required when circulating petitions. It makes no difference whether it is an initiative or a candidate. Nobody moved any goal lines. They are what they are, and they are designed to protect the integrity of the elections process, something for which you apparently have little regard.
Same goes for phony wills.
When you resort to the usual ad hominems, you've lost.
If your interests are running and bicycling, why are you so unhealthy looking, seems to me like maybe you enjoy bukowski more than you want admit. Simmer down on the drinking there guy. And slow down on those ham on ryes. And people , remember this is his blog, its one sided propaganda.
Hank Chernowski
I'm not the person who took the stand and admitted I swore out 38 false affidavits. That's the real issue here.
"When you resort to the usual ad hominems, you've lost."
Although I have my own beliefs about the Will, I must say it has nothing to do with this argument.
The "Will" people have said is a forgery by Angle, is part of the inherent O'Hare hypocrisy.
On a former thread O'Hare claimed that even if the Angle produced will is not upheld, it doesn't mean it was a forgery. Very legalese for saying that you have not proved it a forgery, merely that the other will is recognized. Make that slimy legalese.
In this case he claims that the statements by the individual to the effect she didn't understand the rules or law are immaterial and she committed election fraud.
Just about every candidate for office has had people take petitions for them. Sometimes those petitions end up in Bingo Halls, Bars, etc. Some of Stoffa's were in a local club. Fact is "technically", that is a violation even though willful misconduct was not intended.
O'Hare cannot prove despite all his words that this lady committed fraud. She even stated she was unaware of the rules. He can surmise, he can claim she did it before, he can claim she is lying, he can claim Angle is King of the Moon, it all amounts to nothing more than a mouse fart.
For example Mr. Stoffa ran for office while an appointed cabinet member. He violated the Federal Hatch Act. Now he definitely violated the law but did he do so knowingly, probably not but as O'Hare claims, "the law is the law".
Bottom line don't throw stones when you live in a glass house. Also when you do throw stones don't be surprised if others do the same.
Real Time
Angle's will dispute has nothing to do with the Gracedale Initiative petition, or the 38 false affidavits that were admitted to here. By Weiss' own testimony, she committed election fraud. The only question is whether she should be charged.
Interesting points by 12:01am. I would love some rebuttal to the points made, but I assume they will be dismissed as OT. Interesting points none the less.
Fact is they have nothing to do with this particular case.
The notion that candidates allow petitions to languish in bars, or play games with circulators, is laughable. The law is very clear, and so are the consequences.
I am not going to discuss Angle's will contest bc it is just an attempt to distract attention away from the real issue - 38 false statements admitted to by Weiss and Paisley.
Assuming that this is just a "mistake," shame on them. Their actions betray a real contempt for the elections process. The Court has an obligation to uphold the integrity of our elections, and cannot allow fraud, whether it is a "mistake" or criminal.
Ellen made a mistake. In her zeal to protect the residents of Gracedale from this disastrous political decision to sell them, she made a mistake.
She is a long-time caregiver who actually can honestly say she truly cares about what happens to the residents. Unlike the proponents of the sale, her concern does not ring hollow.
She made a mistake and her greatest punishment is that the judge will probably rule the petition is off the table. She will suffer because she knows what the future is for Gracedale's residents.
Of course if five County council members want to put a hold on this action they can stop the mad rush to sell and allow more "independent" reviews of the information.
Ellen's actions, though allegedly flawed portray a real concern for the poor, sick and elderly of the County. Sadly the current County leadership has different priorities.
Seniors Sell
Her zeal wasn't to protect union jobs and her own compensation? OK.
was it legal for you to be representing ron angle ?
Another attempt to deflect attention away from the reality that there are 38 false affidavits.
it is not a deflection , it's a question , it is my understanding you illeagly represented ron angle which once disbarred is against the law .
Awwwwww look who was proved wrong. Left you speechless huh Bernie.
I am by no means speechless. I have to read this decision before commenting,.
WOW...the petitions stand!!!! Now this is going to get real interesting.
good for you
Try Maybaline next time
I am by no means speechless. I have to read this decision before commenting,.
Why not quit commenting and let the people comment in May
you and the baggers (the silent majority) will win...good luck
like it has been said a million times before in here
let the people vote
you really ought to be doing damage control for your friend "the pest"
he should now be worried that after this prevails the COAF will focus their attention on his losing his seat in the next election
color me a newly minted volunteer
oh and maybe a challenger will evolve from those people he uninvited to his
"lets see what is best for Ron Angle and the 700 acres "
meeting he is holding
It can't be true
We The Silent Majority who love Ron and all that is good, truth justice, and the American way apple pie and mom wish to void this verdict
Maybe you should scrub this site Bern...
your commentary might indict in your up coming
Another battle won........Are you getting the hint yet BERNIE!!!
I agree Ellen do the Angle thing and sue his ass. Mr. Otter please take her case. O'Hare doesn't have a pot to piss in but you can get his crappy jeep and the laptop Stoffa and Angle bought him.
Go for it Ellen sue this slime-balls butt. he defamed you and now a court decision has given you creedence. Show these slime-balls that there are consequences for their slander.
Be my guest. To be clear, Ellen Weiss engaged in voter fraud. Sg=he swore false affidavits. Nit one of her petitions should have been allowed.
You go Ellen. You are just the latest victim of the Angle slime machine as pursued by Bernie O'Hare.
God Bless you Ellen. Everyone who knows you, knows you do more in a day to help the poor and sick elderly in this County than Angle, O'Hare and Stoffa have ever done in their lives.
God Bless you!
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