Ron Angle's re-election as Council President was a foregone conclusion. I was so certain that I posted a blog making the call in advance. Why not? Angle was certain he had the five votes he needed, including one from Peg Ferraro.
Sure, we all knew that Tom Dietrich would be voting against Angle. But Dietrich gets lost in courthouse elevators.
What Ron failed to realize is just how badly Peg wanted to be VP. Ron had already told Mike Dowd that he'd support him for VP, and this enraged top vote-getter Ferraro. Although Ron thought she had given him her word, she made a deal behind Ron's back with a cabal willing to give her something in exchange for her vote. The Vice Presidency.
It apparently made no difference to Peg that under Angle, Council has been more productive than ever. Perhaps she hasn't noticed since she only attended 60% of last year's meetings, due to surgery ... and vacations. In fairness, maybe Ron misunderstood her. Or maybe Peg figures it's OK to break her word to a scoundrel like Ron. He doesn't rate too highly with the blue bloods in the Lehigh Valley Partnership, upon whom she regularly relies for campaign support.
Cusick's vote is a little easier to understand. Ron has been unfairly critical of him at times. But just two weeks ago, John Cusick was singing Angle's praises, calling him a "leader" who was moving forward with Gracedale, unlike Peg Ferraro. "If [Councilwoman] Peg Ferraro was there I don't think we'd be where we are right now with Gracedale." Cusick had no difficulty voting for Peg Ferraro as VP, right after she voted to make him President. Unlike Ferraro, Cusick had never promised Angle his vote. But it's a little weird to see him run for president right after he said he was too busy with his teaching responsibilities to stay on as Council's VP.
Cusick is even-handed, serious-minded, intelligent and a hard worker. But unlike Angle, he's hard to pin down on anything. I asked him about Gracedale yesterday, and had to pose the question about fifteen different ways before he agreed that he still supports moving ahead with the sale.
There was also something heartless about his election. Knowing that he had the five votes he needed, why didn't he approach Angle to tell him, and allow Angle to bow out gracefully? Why did he instead allow him to come to Council festooned in an LBJ hat and political buttons, only to shove him aside?
We play hardball in Northampton County.
Bernie you were wrong on Barron and I think you are wrong on Cusick. You praised and defended Barron up and down, claiming he was not a Long Dem. You condemned commenter's who tried to tell you they knew the real story. Bang, you learn he is one of the high ranking members of the Long kiddie Korps.
On Cusick I think you are giving him a big a pass. Ambition is an itchy affair and requires a good scratch sometimes. Every one knows Cusick fancies himself Executive and beyond material. Fascinating how he is already distancing himself form controversy, such as on Gracedale. It will not be the last time.
You make some valid points near the end of your tome Bernie. As to his open dialogue approach. I know a former County official you respect who tried to contact Cusick and he didn't even have the courtesy to return the call.
Maybe you should look a bit closer and see that Peg and Cusick are much more alike than you may think. The Republican leadership also wanted a change and you can see for yourself that it happened.
Of course just as the case with Barron, you can say this is all bullshit and dismiss it out of hand. On the other hand....
Maybe this time you should wait and see before your famous snap judgements?
Anon 12:48 AM,
Actually, I had first concluded, several years ago, that Cusick was someone I did not trust. He attempted to recruit someone to run against Peg, the VP he voted for yesterday. Over time, he has established himself as serious-minded, intelligent, hard-working and fairly even. I have to give him credit for that, and I do feel and have told Ron that his treatment of Cusick has sometimes been harsh.
But I am very aware that Cusick is extremely ambitious and has his sights set on higher office. I am very concerned that he will be inaccessible and remote as Council President and will not speak frankly.
So I pretty much agree with you. I don't know whether the R leadership wanted Ron gone but it would not surprise me.
O'Hare, the Country Club Partnership wanted him out and they needed an ambitious fellow who hopes for their future gratitude to do the deed!
From inside the wormhole
There's no doubt that few tears will be shed by the LVP and other blue bloods. That now have someone who is at least willing to pretend he supports bi-county health.
Cusick is part of the Gracedale for Public Health Debaclepartment conspiracy. No doubt about it!
I hope Ronnie Angle tests this guys leadership ability right out of the box. It was said he claimed he could keep Ron under control. I want to see that tested.
Interested bystander
When Ron is on the outside looking in in November he will be under control. This all could have been avoided. I voted for him everytime he ran. Up until next time, due to the Gracedale issue, this among others that I won't mention because they are personnal in nature. We in NORCO simply cannot have that type of person in power, he makes the voters and the county look bad, sorry Ron you had me right up until Gracedale, and even with your personnal demons I would have supported you. Most voters are one issue oriented, color me oriented.
Most of these county "leaders" don't get it. The vocal minority is screaming for Gracedale to be dumped, tossed aside. However, the vast "silent majority" finds the rush to judgement and shaky "facts" of the sale suspicious. They are the backbone of Northampton Conty. the slat of the Earth of both parties and they smell a rat.
In a true show of bipartisan support, people of both parties throughout the County are upset over the dumping of Gracedale and see it as a failure of current County leadership.
They don't believe the Angle or Stoffa spin and both Republicans and Democrats contacted in the canvassing, state not one of the candidates ever mentioned selling Gracedale during their campaigns.
The "silent majority", is making itself felt in the leadership of both parties.
Enough of the nonsense. If you don't know how to do the job, leave. The facts are others have managed well. The real problems at Gracedale have been over the past three years. The "coincidence" of that has not been lost on informed voters of both parties.
The hoax is exposed and the jig is up. Why do you think Cusick is becoming less than adamant about selling Gracedale.
The great Angle/Stoffa hoodwink is coming undone.
Facts over Faux!
It is amazing how many people in NORCO have their head up their ass. In one year as council president, Ron Angle accomplished more than his five predecessors. People don’t like his bark, but he saved a tax hike, with the sale of Gracedale will again save a tax increase and is not afraid to speak up. People will be surprised as the next few years unfold. Prediction, the LVP will support Mr. Angle for County Executive and the political has benz like Peg Ferraro will be long gone. I learned a long time ago, you can’t trust her and her band of thieves.
RA's ouster has nothing to do with Gracedale. It's all about perception and retribution. The Republican Party of Norco did not want to be embarrassed with a County Council president under investigation during an election year. Even if RA is innocent, there is a perception of embarrassment. Cusick is squeeky clean in their eyes. Peg has been there a long time, deserving of VP or not. Dowd was Pres and VP back in the day. The Republican Party wanted something new. RA's behavior went a little to far for some folks and retribution was in the air. Whether he gets things done or not, you can't trample over people to get it done. There is payback when you do that. Yesterday, was Payback Day. And who's fault is it? Everyone of them on Council.
Your picture of Angle is worth a thousand words , as they say..You really think the Republican bluebloods can stomach a guy like this? Be serious...
It is amusing that you bemoan the fact that his fellow Council members weren't civil or decent but fail to note the irony of including both words in the same sentence as Angle?
Apparently the master tactician underestimated the cumulative effect of his behavior and character traits on Council and in the Courts.
Will he now return to his attack mode to make Cusick's tenure a living hell or will he continue to wear the mantle of statesman you have bestowed upon him?
Any one giving odds on that bet?
You expected Dietrich to support Angle after the needless vicious public embarassments he heaped upon him over the course of the pax anglecana.?
Sure he is a goof but apparently he fell outside the control of Angle. But he is no longer Angle's bobblehead doll.
Not to worry. Angle still has his female bobblehead mesmerized. Did they have identical votes on every issue before Council?
As for his accomplishments,the avoidance of a 1 % tax increase this year will only require twice the increase a year from now. Well done.
And lest we forget, what happened behind the scenes that lead to Angle's election as President in the first go round? Surely Angle was selfless then when he was in the smoke filled back rooms usually occupied by the elite blue blood republicans he so despises getting the votes including that of the good Reverend Dowd to get elected.
How will the County ever survive without this great man at the helm.
Lead in prayer to our heavenly father.....
The allegation that Peg Ferraro voted for Cusick for her personal gain is agaist everything she stands for. Angle has been abusive to her,I have seen it. The constant drumbeat that Dietrich is an idiot (which he certainly is NOT) because he disagrees with Angle is abusive also. It appears to me that there were those who may have been Angle's pinatas who voted against him. That is natural.That is what can happen ina Democracy. What it does NOT mean is the allegations being tossed about that Cusick, Ferraro and Dietrich are now or will ever become puppets for the Dems. They are merely exercising their right to vote independently from Ron Angle. Only if Angle turns county council into a grudge match will it be counter productive.
Can you explain the hat and buttons? I don't get it.
This man seems nutty. Thank goodness someone took the reins from him.
LOL....so great! I was laughing when I saw your post because I knew he was out. I thought you were more plugged in than you are. If Angle or Dent doesn't give you the news your out of the loop.
Bernie, what did Peg Ferraro have to say about your allegations when you called her to give her the chance to respond?
Angle did a good job as prez. But the GOP majority can do even better. One can't go around threatening and making enemies, and then expect continued support. Now, his true colors will be revealed. I hope they are the colors of a fiscal watchdog and responsible steward. I hope he is not vindictive. His early comments are understandable, but not encouraging. His most daunting challenge to lead just began. I hope he rises to the occasion.
"His most daunting challenge to lead just began"
What a crock! You just rejected his leadership and have replaced him with people who will spend a year floundering around. But at least they are willing to carry water for the blue bloods.
"Bernie, what did Peg Ferraro have to say about your allegations when you called her to give her the chance to respond?"
I have had 2 email exchanges w/ Peg, so your insinuation that I did not seek her out is FALSE. I do not want to publish her exact words bc it was a private conversation.
"I was laughing when I saw your post because I knew he was out."
Good for you. Start a blog.
"The allegation that Peg Ferraro voted for Cusick for her personal gain is agaist everything she stands for. Angle has been abusive to her,I have seen it. The constant drumbeat that Dietrich is an idiot (which he certainly is NOT) because he disagrees with Angle is abusive also."
This is complete nonsense. PF was angling to have herself made VP, and if that had happened, everything would be fine. It was very much about her personal gain.
As for Dietrich, he is one of those who uses the maximum number of words to say as little as possible. Having listened to him ramble on for a year, I can say without hesitation that he is a intellectually deficient, and I don't see any room for improvement. He has also established thqt he is thin-skinned to boot.
No, they are not going to be pawns for the Dems. They will be pawns for the blue bloods in the LV partnership pulling the strings, as they do with peg, McHale and numerous others. They detest Angle bc they can't control him, but love Peg bc she will do their bidding, as she has with Bi-County Health.
"I have had 2 email exchanges w/ Peg, so your insinuation that I did not seek her out is FALSE. I do not want to publish her exact words bc it was a private conversation."
What insinuation? It was a simple question. (Touched a nerve though, huh?) If she had something to say in her defense, it would only be fair to convey it. If you asked her and she told you to pound sand, that too would be worthy of note. Your post includes nothing to either effect.
Who angles to be VICE president of council? How is that "personal gain?" Sounds more like "meaningless formality" to me.
Anon 12:25,
Try as you might, I am not going to publish a private email exchange. Suffice it to say that I saw nothing in Peg's reply to counter anything I wrote here or that even directly addressed them.
Anon 12:27, I agree that VP is pretty much meaningless, but Peg wanted it. Bad.
Dateline 1/4/11
Northampton County Courthouse
In 2 words:
"imminent charges"
from a source close to the case
Well, I bought both papers today, watched the video, and the WFMZ report.
The High Road does not intersect with Million Dollar Highway
Ron's and your hurt feelings notwithstanding, he clearly wasn't sharp enough to sense how tired his own political allies were with his boorish behavior. You had a lot of fun with it, but clearly underestimated how tired good people grow of annoying assholes under potential criminal investigation. I thought you were both more savvy.
Angle will now make his enemies pay for embarrassing him. That's what he does. Nothing new here.
This council needs to clearly start conducting themselves in a professional manner. The last meeting of the year was a total embarrassment, as a spectator I was embarrassed for them. We need intelligent, sensitive, sensible leaders not a ring master. Hope the new leaders are straight shooters and listen to the people not worry about their political party.
I remember an episode of the Andy Griffith Show.
There were cows being rustled.
Barnie thought three people were doing it because there were three sets of footprints in the mud.
Andy, as usual, made the observation that ,yes there were three sets of footprints, however noted there were no prints from the cows. It seems the lone perp put shoes on the cows feet.
I have a question;
Bernie, why doesn't Ron comment in here? Or are there anon shoes on the Bulldogs feet?
"Bernie, why doesn't Ron comment in here? "
Because he does not use computers and there's little reason for hm to want to use them to read vicious anonymous attacks. That's like asking why doesn't Ron bang his head with a hammer.
"Try as you might, I am not going to publish a private email exchange. Suffice it to say that I saw nothing in Peg's reply to counter anything I wrote here or that even directly addressed them."
I'll have to take you at your word on your latter statement. But perhaps you can understand why it seems suspicious when you are unwilling to publish a supposed "private" email exchange with a PUBLIC official about PUBLIC matters (even though she knew perfectly well she was talking to a BLOGGER), yet don't hesitate to jump to rather large conclusions about a back-door deal you allege she masterminded without explaining how you obtained that information.
Why doesn't Ron bang his head with a hammer?
Whether someone is a public official or not, it would be extremely ungracious of me to publish one of their private emails to me w/o their permission. Yes, I am a bottom feeding blogger, but even I know that would be wrong.
And I know damn well that she orchestrated this so she could be VP because I was told that by 3 or 4 different Council members.
"Dateline 1/4/11
Northampton County Courthouse
In 2 words:
"imminent charges"
from a source close to the case"
One word - bullshit.
Given the will decision, it's necessary to investigate the origin of the copy determined not to be genuine, and to punish any attempted fraud being perpetrated on the court, which expended considerable resources after being called upon to decide the matter. Draw your own conclusions.
hey BERNIE....take a look at your own blog..... 99% of the comments are glad your buddy is falling. You don't seem to get it do you! You are like some overbearing, protective mother hen when it comes to Ron Angle and honestly....you are really looking like a fool.
"Whether someone is a public official or not, it would be extremely ungracious of me to publish one of their private emails to me w/o their permission."
Well, I'm glad to hear you are so respectful of the privacy of a person who you are trashing on your blog with unattributed allegations.
This is Bernie O'Hare the guy who will publish facebook posts, old letters, things said in confidence. But he has a conscience.
Haha. O'Hare you and Angle wouldn't know a conscience if you tripped over it. It is amusing that your famous flipcam was closed for the Angle tantrum.
Sure I'll publish F/B posts sent my way if I think they are relevant. But I won't post the comments of someone on F/B who I have friended. I believe that would be an abuse of trust.
Sure, I'll publish old letters that are intended for publication, and have done so. But I won't post a letter someone sends me w/o permission.
And no, I do not publish things that are said to me in confidence, but I don't care what you think.
"Well, I'm glad to hear you are so respectful of the privacy of a person who you are trashing on your blog with unattributed allegations."
I love Peg, but she was dishonest. There's just no getting around it. I know from several council members that she was really haring about VP. I know from two council members that she promised Angle she would vote for him. She broke her word, plain and simple. There simply is no excuse for that kind for behavior, but it appears to be the norm among pols.
Landsakes!!! Gadzooks!!!
I just got the vapors!!!
A politician broke their promise!!!
I wish I had her address I'd send her a box of candy.
I work at the courthouse
scuttlebutt is
what anon 1:23 said
from informed sources
Yes, you like to smear a guy anonymously. If this will is a forgery, then it was a forgery when Dot Cole spent the time she spent taking testimony. But in all that time, no charges. No nothing. You are full of shit. If you want to make this claim again, identify yourself.
Frankly, I hope the old Ron Angle returns. The Ron Angle that kicks ass and takes names. He is much better as a part of County Council where he can observe and ponce. I hope he holds Cusick and the other members of Council accountable.
Because of his defeat, some say we will see a calm, submissive and laid back Angle. I hope not.
I believe the people want the fire-breathing Angle. Without his constant scrutiny this Council will just be a weak kneed sister of the Administration.
Power to the Peeps
It's a safe bet your wish will be granted.
I echo anon 10:30. I don't know if Angle reads this stuff, but I also hope Angle returns to his tried and true methods. If the pols don't like it tough shit. I know people who don't particularly care for Angle but respect him, that's fair enough.
The Republican blue-bloods and wannabe blue-bloods(listening Cusick) were willing to let Angle carry the banner for controversial issues for a year. They let him run the interference and now they feel they don't need him, so he gets the bum's rush.
He is good enough to clean up the kitchen but heaven forbid he eat there.
They still think you are underneath them Ron, I hope you never forget that.
Be yourself and don't feel any sympathy for these clowns. Some claim Angle is a beaten man by this event and will slide into the background. I guess we will see.
There are times I think some Dem's treat Angle better than his fellow Republicans. At least they are open in their feelings about him. Some of these R's seem to like to play Angle to their advantage.
Curious Lloyd
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