A gavel.
Now that's something that never's been used in The People's Republic of Northampton County. Cattle prods? Yes. Bullwhips? Of course. But except for member Lamont McClure, no one can remember ever having seen a gavel in a Council meeting.
Executive John Stoffa did bring in a piece of wood from one of his 6,938 birdhouse projects, hoping that Cusick could use that, but it's just not the same thing.
It just goes clop. In a test run, people just laughed.
Now Cusick may not know this, but he's going to find out sooner or later, most likely in the form of a contempt citation or arrest warrant. You see, nobody could find a real gavel, and the inside word is that somebody "borrowed" one from Judge Paula Roscioli, who's not exactly known for her sense of humor. But until he's dragged away by a Deputy, Cusick was having lots of fun with his new toy last night.
"This meeting will come to order," Cusick officially announced.
"I want silence. I'll have you removed," Cusick somberly warned the Gracedale goons during their usual catcalls.
Sometimes he just let it rip for the hell of it.
For gavel-banging lessons, Cusick should really drop in on one or two meetings of Bethlehem City Council. President Bob Donchez has it down pretty good. He bangs a gavel at the start and end of public hearings, bangs a gavel when ordinances are voted on, and bangs a gavel when the audience gets frisky. He's got different volumes, too, depending on the importance of the matter being considered.
Unfortunately, Cusick's VP, Peg Ferraro, missed the gavel-banging. In fact she missed committee hearings today and yesterday, too. She's off on another vacation while the County considers Gracedale's sale and a referendum effort. She's the VP who is supposed to fill in for Cusick, whose teaching job interferes with many of the responsibilities of a Council President.
Absent or not, Ferraro was re-appointed to the General Purpose Authority last night. Now she can continue to miss their meetings, too.
At the start of the meting, right after banging the gavel, Cusick asked Council member to lead everyone in a brief prayer. For some reason, Cusick has also failed to continue a nice tradition started by Angle last year, in which clergymen from throughout the County deliver an Invocation, followed by a brief description of their church.
"Gracedale Goons", it is really a shame that family members of Gracedale residents are subjected to your barbs and vicious attacks.
The Concerned Citizens, have debunked the $6 million dollar lie. It's not even close to $6 million dollars at this point.
Now the new spin is the horrible "four beds" to a room. Decades, and not one resident or family member complained but you Angle and Stoffa needed a new "hook" and "catch phrase. To sell this horrible scam.
So just to understand, a private facility gives every medicaid resident a private room with extra attention to go with the pureed fillet. Who do you guys think you are fooling. You really just repeat this bullshit because Angle and Stoffa want you to.
I really wonder if the council members who know nothing about the complexities of Nursing Homes really believe this nonsense. I guess I gave them more credit than that.
This is the worst decision of Northampton County government in forty years.
Saddened Resident
It took you a long time to speak the truth about Peg. Her heart is not in this job. Decency dictates she resign and fully retire, as she's doing while we're paying her to work.
With all due respect, I'd rather not have a government pray, support and/or endorse religious activities during a government meeting.
i think, right now, this council needs all the prayer it can get.
Always remember- a gavel is an extention for something else that is missing.
"'Gracedale Goons', it is really a shame that family members of Gracedale residents are subjected to your barbs and vicious attacks."
It is a well-deserved epithet, earned as a result of numerous interruptions and catcalls during Council meetings, which even included cursing in front of boy scouts. It did continue last night, and Cusick did have to stop the meeting several times and bang his gavel.
"It took you a long time to speak the truth about Peg. Her heart is not in this job. Decency dictates she resign and fully retire, as she's doing while we're paying her to work."
It took me a long time to see it, but I see it.
"With all due respect, I'd rather not have a government pray, support and/or endorse religious activities during a government meeting."
This is also the practice in Bethlehem. I like it when the minister is asked to talk about his church. It makes us all feel connected. But I understand the concern.
Where I live, the same few dozen people or so run the show. They are on mutiple committees or positions of power like school board, planning commission or council, but yet I am sure the census will show that the township population will show that the popululation has swelled to well over 10,000 people.
Despite what I learned in high school that I should do as much as I can so it looks good on my college applicaitons or resume, as I have gotten older, I prefer to pick a few things and concentrate on them. I have observed one committee in my township where members come to meetings continually unprepared despite knowing the agenda for the meeting well in advance. I recently spoke up to the township about this, especailly about how one meber of a committee never attended meetings. It was only becuase I said spoke up to the township administration that they just replaced that member with someone else who applied for the position. There should never be any shame for public officials to call it qutis because they get in over their heads and cannot handle all the duties.
Mr. Cusick just keep on using your gavel. What these people have to understand is that Ron is not the president any more. it isn't about him any more, what he did is in the past you move on.
And the gavel - bang- is alot better than the big mouth we did hear and unfortunately at times still do.
Hey Bernie, why no story on the fact the parking deck is again over budget. the total over budget now is about 80% of the original estimates.
That's the Stoffa Administration for you. Those guys believe in the horseshoe and hand grenade method of figuring cost. Throw out a number and hope it sticks. what an incredible group of incompetents. What a bunch of maroons
This gavel thing is a non-issue, nothing more than an excuse to revoice sour grapes about Angle losing the presidency. Who cares if he has a gavel? If the "Gracedale Goons" are half as bad as Bernie portrays them, Angle should have gotten a gavel months ago to keep them in line during meetings...
Is that a gavel in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
If the "Gracedale Goons" were as bad as you say, BERNIE.....the deputies would have had them removed from the meetings! Just like people have started to see through Ron Angle, you are the next one they are going to start realizing that you spin the truth and lie!
Bernie, what's Peg's motivation to continue to play this charade? Does she need the money? Is she like an old ball player who doesn't know when to hang up the spikes? I don't understand those who run for office and do not do the job. Taking any money for her spotty attendance is simply dishonest.
Bernie give the GD cursing in front of Boy Scouts a rest already
The word was ASSHOLE
they here it on TV and
I'm sure the Scout leaders have
familerized them with it as a term of endearmant
Why were boy scouts in attendance?
I have nno sympathy for the boy scouts, an organization that is legally allowed to discriminate. Boy scouts should not be allowed to do communtiy service projects that benefit eveyone in the communtiy if they discriminate.
Bernie you lie like a rug and believe it. The truth is that lady said to you after you stuck that camera in her face for the third time " you know where you can stick that camera don't you".
She never said what you said she did. I was sitting right by her that night. And the Gracedale koons are not that bad no worse than the tea baggers. Bernie you act like you lived a sheltered life.
This person (I won't call her a lady), Mary Ann Schmoyer, was repeatedly calling Angle an ass during that meeting, and in the presence of boy scouts. She can curse all she wants in front of me, but should have a little more respect for other people's children
This person (I won't call her a lady), Mary Ann Schmoyer, was repeatedly calling Angle an ass during that meeting, and in the presence of boy scouts. She can curse all she wants in front of me, but should have a little more respect for other people's children
"I have nno sympathy for the boy scouts"
I see, and that's a justification for cursing in front of the kids who happen to be members? Regardless of your feeling for the organization, dot take it out on the kids.
Anon 4:51, Yes, people curse on TV, but it should not be tolerated in front of children or during a public meeting. It is the work of goons.
"If the "Gracedale Goons" were as bad as you say, BERNIE.....the deputies would have had them removed from the meetings! J"
They would not do so without direction from the Chair. Angle let yo run on. Cusick was ready to have a few of you dragged out last night.
Bernie what about the widow and her kids when you riped them off.
"Cusick was ready to have a few of you dragged out last night."
That must not have been portrayed very well on the webcast, as I watched the entire thing and didn't see any of what you speak.
Also you failed to mention how Angle objected to the deputy positions, when said positions were in "his" budget to begin with.
If my post was about Angle and the deputies, I would have written abut it, but my post was about Cusick and his gavel. And he most certainly did threaten to have some of you removed.
If my post was about Angle and the deputies, I would have written abut it, but my post was about Cusick and his gavel. And he most certainly did threaten to have some of you removed.
I don't like to be cursed in front of and I am an aduit but it happens and I get over it These so called innocent children as not so innocent. Children of today are not as sweet and innocent as we think they are. Just look at all the problems with bullying.
Bernie, which is it ?
First you say this maryann told you to shove your camera up your
Now you say she was calling angle an A-- during the meeting ?
Like I said before I was sitting near her and none of this is true the only thing I seen her do was talk to the boy scout sitting by her. I am not on there side . But
the truth is the truth.you get caught up in your own lies.
I think you are the A--
you should have used your camera to get a picture of you sitting there at the meeting with you barn door open. you are too worried about others you can't take care of yourself right.
and you run every body else down
look in the mirror once in a while
and mite see what others see
Say what you will but the truth is that the Gracedale advocates generally have been rude and obnoxious during Council meeetings when Gracedale is at issue. They actually embarrass themselve and attempy to intimidate the speaker with moans and groans...typical union like behavior. Not all but many are disrespectful and uncitizenship like.
John Cusik is the new President of Council and has the responsibility and right to run the meetings in his own style. Frankly takng an hour and a haf in the past on occassion to listen to the public speak on non agenda items was a waste of time and delayed attending to important agenda items while exhausting Council -- a Council that only meets 2 times per month, Give him a chance before judging him....
The Save Gracedale Coalition has been treated like second class citizens by the Stoffa Administration and by Angle's orders.
Sadly, Bernie has no problem with Angle swindling widows but attacks a family member who's mother is about to be sold to the highest bidder By Stoffa.
The baggers are fine with that since half the founding fathers bought and sold people.
"First you say this maryann told you to shove your camera up your A--. Now you say she was calling angle an A-- during the meeting ?"
She was doing both and some Council members could hear some of it, too. I only caught her with the u yours remark, but she cursed repeatedly in front of scouts. People who condone that kind of behavior will also lie about it, so its no surprise that you would do that. Mary Ann Schmoyer was cursing at me, at Angle, at comments, making catcalls and generally acting out. It is something she does at every meeting. She is a Gracedale goon.
If you look at the video at her remark telling me to stick my flipcam, you'll see a young scout sitting behind her, disgusted by her behavior.
That's why I call you folks Gracedale goons. You've earned the moniker.
"John Cusik is the new President of Council and has the responsibility and right to run the meetings in his own style. Frankly takng an hour and a haf in the past on occassion to listen to the public speak on non agenda items was a waste of time"
With that attitude, I don't feel hopeful. I go to nearly every meeting and probably have a better attendance record than most council members. Yes, I get annoyed at peple who just ant to hear themselves talk. But the whole point of the Sunshine Act is to bring the government closer to the people. Listening to the people actually is part of the business and should not be viewed as something that has to be endured. And that is a difference between Cusick and Angle. Angle wanted to know what others thought and would talk to them. Cusick suffers them. It's a big difference.
I should add, as one reader has noted, that not everyone acts out like this. The Fake Rev, the DAllessandros, Mary Ann Schmoyer have all been guilty of acting like an unruly mob instead of citizens. There are others whose behavior is also outrageous.
But I have no problem with and will respect any person who supports keeping Gracedale in County hands, so long as that person is willing to use reason instead of threats. Rich Grucela, Ron Heckman and some of the employees were able to make their points without threatening behavior or calling people crooks. That I can respect.
"you should have used your camera to get a picture of you sitting there at the meeting with you barn door open."
Yes, that is a fair criticism. I was unaware I had failed to zip up after using the facilities. I apologize. I'll presume you've never done something like that.
"hese so called innocent children as not so innocent"
This is rich. People like Mary Ann Schmoyer will do anything to justify outrageous behavior, to the point of disparaging children.
I saw those kids that night. I saw the looks on their faces. Some laughed. Others looked shocked. iT was a terrible lesson to give them.
Bernje you shoved that camera in my face and I waved at you. You confronted me you confromented the Rev. you stuck that camera in every one face trying to start some thing, now you sit on the other side of the room you can side with us we have no ill will for you. But if you come to the meetings where a shirt that fits your gut and but were hanging out for every one to admire. Great show for the ladies, or were you advertising?
You have the BALLS to call SAVING PRIVATE GRACEDALE a hate blog.
Mr D'Alessandro,
I shoved no camera in anyone's face. You were one of the people cursing and making catcalls that night. And when you did so, I would turn the camera to film you. Then you would stop and wave, like a little kid who got away with something. But I never had the camera in anyone's face. In fact, it would not film that close. I have to be a good 3 to 5 feet away to get a shot. You, your wife, Mary Ann Schmoyer are definitely part of the Gracedale Goon squad.
You, in particular, love to scream and shout during meetings, especially when someone disagrees with you. You, and people like you, are an embarrassment to those who would like Gracedale to remain in County hands.
I'll be seeing you again.
Did any of you mental giants thnk that the snow may have kept her a way. Some people do not handle snow well.
"You have the BALLS to call SAVING PRIVATE GRACEDALE a hate blog"
Yes, I do, and yes, that is what it is. That anonymous blog, penned by the Fake Rev, has even claimed that John Stoffa is on the take. Incredible. It delighted in the arrest of Ron's son. It is a hate blog.
"Did any of you mental giants thnk that the snow may have kept her a way. Some people do not handle snow well"
It was not snowing the day before, when she blew off committee hearings. I asked and learned she was on another one of her vacations. That's become more important to her than doing her job. I think that's fine. She should go out and explore. But she cannot remain in leadership.
Bernie you are a loney bitter man, You spend days looking at petitions. So you can get paid by Someone to protest them? Angle at the councel meeting said you were his attorney.
Mr. D'Alessandro,
Unable to rebut what I'm saying, you resort to personal attack, accusing me of bitterness and claim that I am paid to look at petitions. This is just more hate.
Do you think that only people like you care about what they are doing? Have I suggested that any of you are being paid by the union.
I am doing what I am doing because I believe we are a nation of laws, not a nation that is ruled by the whims of some lynch mob.
You do what you're doing because you are a hateful person, just like your wife, Mary Ann Schmoyer and the Fake Rev.
BERNIE THE GRACEDALE GOONS INVITE YOU ON A TOUR OF GRACEDALE , Have you ever been in the place? Here is your chance to see it first hand, Bernie put your feet where your mouth is.
Mr. DAlessandro, I have been inside Gracedale many times and only live 1.5 mi. away. I don't need a "tour" from people who threaten me and others, as you have done on your hate blog. You are not a county employee and should not be giving tours to anyone. It is not your personal fiefdom.
Bernie I was sitting where the camer for meeting was on me, and the rev. neither one of us said anything you had that camera in my face I saw you turned and waved to you no cat calls just attending the meeting. Check the vidio now you sit on the other side of the room. If your going to use my name HAVE THE knowledge to spell it correctly. It is all on film YOU can not spin this any more. We are the bad guys and you are an angle, get a life. Leave a little space between you and angle when you leave the meetings if he stops short they will need a bar to pry you a part.
It is nice to see that 9 people bother you so mutch that you have to inflate the lies about them, this must be the only thing you have you been going on about this for weeks, nothing new to report?
Mr. D'Alessandro (Anon 7:35),
You are 500 lbs. of pure lies, hate and breathing tubes coming out your ass. You were screaming out at that meeting, making catcalls, interrupting speakers, calling Angle an asshole. I did catch one of your outbursts. Most of the time, I missed and you laughed and waved at me. If I am spelling your name inaccurately, give me the correct spelling.
HEY bernie I mever threatened you I would not do that .
Mr. DAllesandtro (Anon 7:41),
Yes, what I can report is that you have just admitted who you are and that you are too cowardly to sign your name to your hate.
Bernie you used the breathing tubes line when I spoke about the outfit from fro the middle east, you did not notice I had to stop several times. I was not using my oxygen, I was not using my oxygen thursday night It is not required when sitting. Another one of youe lies, My weight is less than your bulk, and does not have anything to do with anything.
Mr DAlezander,
Yeah, With your breathing tubes blowing smoke out your ass, you billowed about a nursing home that takes money from Kuwait, an American ally and a country we defended in a war. Rarely have I heard such xenophobia and bias against another ethnic group. And then you blindly attack Angle as a bigot. Maybe you should wait until some of that oxygen gets to your brain before braying.
I'm no fan of Stoffa and believe his mismanagement has led, in part, to this point. I've never voted for him and would never. Any suggestions he's on the take, however, marginalizes his opposition to the crackpot flank. I question his competence. I've never questioned his personal integrity.
Bernie again I did not have my oxygen with me when I spoke you are still on the same lie ,or spin, check the video of that meeting ,same lie. Now I am prejudice against people, I worked with all races and got along good.In
the last 2 hours you spelled my name 3 ways make up your mind how to spell it. You made a judgement about me and never talked to me, just more filp flop print what makes you look good and drags everyone else down.
Bernie again I did not have my oxygen with me when I spoke you are still on the same lie ,or spin, check the video of that meeting ,same lie. Now I am prejudice against people, I worked with all races and got along good.In
the last 2 hours you spelled my name 3 ways make up your mind how to spell it. You made a judgement about me and never talked to me, just more filp flop print what makes you look good and drags everyone else down.
Mr. Dallyzandrio,
You are a bigot, and like most bigots, don't realize it. You act all horrified that one of the financiers of the Dauphin County facility is a Kuwaiti company and have twice complained to Council about that, and even during the informational meetings, you were ranting about the towel heads. Never mind that Kuwait is a strong American ally. Never mind that we went to war over that country and American loves were lost to keep that country out of Saddam's clutches. And right after your own bigoted remarks, you'll claim Angle is a bigot.
You are also a pig. At the informational meeting in Northampton, you claimed that Council member Barb Thierry was sitting in Angle's lap, and made some remark about her crawling there. It was a disgusting misogynistic remark by an ignorant slob with breathing tubes fuming out his ass.
After watching you in action, i know what you are. I know what your wife is. I know what the Fake Rev is. I know what Mary Ann Schmoyer is. Collectively, you are the Gracedale Goons.
Go bray on your hate blog.
Bernie I mever called anyone a towel hwad, do not like that refrence
Mr. Allesandro,
You did not use that exact term, but you may as well have. Your message as clear. You are a bigot, a pig and a Gracedale Goon.
You all should calm down
Bernie you too
sounds like a bunch of 4th graders
According to deep thinker
Sean Hannity
we should invade our (as you decribe) good friends in Kuwait and simply take their oil. That would render them enemies. I'm sure as President Palins Secretary of Defense Hannity will encourage that endeavor.
I think it is not bigoted to worry about dealings with Muslim countries.
They have a tenet in their religion; If their enemy is your enemy they even though you might be their enemy now they will align themselves you you.
(Can't make that convuluted shit up)
I happen to think that is a crock . As well as ALL OTHER RELIGIONS that go overboard on the "rules" this makes it impossible for me to engage with Muslims on any level. This for fear we might offend them at anytime creating tensions with something as miniscule as a Mohammad cartoon.
You also said
"Yes, I get annoyed at peple who just ant to hear themselves talk."
Does that include Ron
as he seems to have a comment on everything
Bernie I am second in line at the trought. I HAVE FRIENDS OF EVERY RACE, YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS A PROBLEM.
Anon 12:33, You sir, are a bigot, and like Mr. DAllerario, don't know it. All of the major religions, including Islam, are altruistic. Your demonization could just as easily be made against you, based on some of the more kooky Christian sects.
Instead of all the ugliness and BS, how about something like the truth for people like me who don't understand the issue, but are being asked to vote on it.
Rude and obnoxious? You call it a virtue when he whom you slavishly praise displays this boorish behavior on a regular basis. Interrupt fellow councilmen. Not a problem. Talk while others have the floor. Not a problem. Constantly impugn the integrity of all who oppose him. Call your fellow councilman an idiot and explain his support. Brilliant. All in the lastest instance because he didnt get what apparently has been denied him is entire life, the approval of others.
We know the new directive. DESTROY THOSE WHO EMBARASSED ME. Cusick, Ferraro, Dietrich you have been cast into the darkness for failing to follow the one and only man who can save the County. Is it still politically correct to use the "carry them out in body bag" metaphor which he has bragged about so often?
Who cares is he has now managed to someone place himself in the minority when the Reps. have 7 of 9 seats on Council. Brilliant move. He will work with Council, but not with THEM. The wail of a little boy in a 50's sci fi movie. Them! Them! Save us from Them!
Gavel this!
Ron Angle does engage in rude and obnoxious behavior, although I have never heard him cursing in front of boy scouts. But his occasional outbursts is no excuse no excuse for the disruptions of others, who have not been elected and represent no one.
The body bag remark was entirely appropriate and is exactly what was needed. NC was corrupt when Angle first came to Council, and two people went to federal prison largely as a result of his efforts.
As far as Cusick, Ferraro and Dietrich are concerned, the made the mistake of being more interested in what was good for them than in what is good for the County. And they were willing to lie to get what they wanted. Now, an absent Ferraro is VP of Council. She has what she wants, but it does the County no good to have a VP who doses not work. Cusick will miss every function conducted during normal business hours. He will see his name in the lights, but is not helping the County. And Dietrich, to be quite frank about it, is a village idiot. Truth is a defense.
Council is much weaker now that he is no longer president, and people will be less likely to trust each other because three members are proven liars. Do you honestly think, for one second, that Stoffa will trust Cusick. And Peg Ferraro changes her opinion as often as I change my underwear. Dietrich is off somewhere in la la land.
And amazingly, you criticize Angle.
Again, Mr.O'Hare you were challenged once before and now again. As an alleged purveyor of facts. What factual evidence do you have that Mr. Angle was largely responsible for people going to jail. It is true a former county official was convicted of mail fraud and income tax evasion as was his accomplice who was never a county employee.
They were found out by their own actions as investigated by a Fed. prosecutor. People remember how Angle claimed many people would go to jail. he is like the goofy psychic who claims everyone will fall and when someone falls screams, "I was right". Angle ran against all this"corruption" in 2001 for Executive and he lost. People know best.
Angle loves to take credit for things that never occurred, if he took credit for the things he has actually done he wouldn't be elected dog catcher.
When a moron constantly fires a shotgun while spinning in a circle, I guess he may actually hit something now and again.
As to the corruption, please provide the evidence that anyone "paid" for any job or anything else for that matter. Solid evidence.
While phony numbers are used to sell Gracedale, while cost overruns on a simple garage repair project are pushing 100%, you still sing songs of a past that is a creation of you and Angles fertile imagination.
Given the crowd that has bankrupted the County and destroyed Gracedale, many folks wish we had the competence of past leaders as opposed to this Administration and the rubber stamp council now in the county.
Just the Facts!
The feds prosecuted on the basis of information discovered by Angle. And yes, it was a pay-to-play culture. I have heard this from many people and have very solid evidence, including the former Sheriff. I can list many more, and will do so if we start heading in that direction again. What bothers you about Angle is he rained on your parade, or more appropriately, pissed on you.
How about JUST THE FACTS for us lowly taxpayers about the sale so we can make a less uneducated vote is it comes to that.
I have posted numerous blogs on the topic, have written an op-ed for Patch. Angle has written an op-ed as well. There have been 4 informational meetings and numerous discussions at County Council.
My most recent piece, "The Best Way to Save Gracedale? Sell It" is on
Comments posted by Dallesdrio have been deleted. I will continue to delete him until he uses his name to take legal responsibility for his venom.
Thanks for deleting my comment Bernie. I use to think of myself as one of your allies, now I am not so sure, especailly since you sent me a nasty email several years back telling me how much you disliked me. I am not Mr. Dallesdrio.
That's why anons are asked to give themselves monikers. A lot of crap came in from D'Alexander, much of it childish, and I just deleted everything. If you have a point that involved no personal attack and was on topic, I would welcome it.
Why should I stay on topic when no one else does. I had an idenity at one time and you rarely engaged me in conversation.
In today's Express-Times there is a letter to the editor by a Lamont McClure from Bethlehem Township that talks about how Gracedale has made money over the last twenty years.
It is the truth that County Councilman Lamont Mc Clure posted on your blog a few years ago and you outed him.
You should give yourself a name so you are not confused with others.
McClure deceptively tried to pretend he was a man off the street who had read about a Council meeting in the newspaper several years ago, and I caught him in his little lie and outed him. In fact, he had started anonymously calling me names at the time, a "goo goo" or something like that.
Here is an on topic comment for you Bernie.
Cusick is a school teacher right? Then how does he keep order in his classroom? Does he make threats to his students with large pieces of wood too to get them to behave?
Sounds like he is not the person for the job to be president of council. When in charge you have to be cool under pressure and be able to deal with the commotion that surrounds hottly constested issues like Gracdale, deeply personal issues that affect people's lives. If Cusick can't do more than bang a gavel to control an unruly crowd, then he nneds to step down as President. Her is where both calmn assertiveness and an ability to think on your feet are needed.
Yes, by all means please resign John. We need Angle. Just as Germany suffered under the enforced democracy of 1918, it needed a real leader.
Finally they got their leader. He suffered no opposition. He ruled with stern obedience.
Yes, let us reinstate Ron Angle, he is needed now more than ever. The County will surely fall without his leadership.
Reinstate Angle!
If you wish to accuse Angle of criminal behavior, you're going to have to sign your name, troll.
Bernie, let me get this right...it is okay for you to trash people for any reason you so desire because this is "your blog", but it is "character asassination and degradation" for someone else to voice their opinion of an individual regardless of it being warranted. C'mon, be fair Bernie.
I am being fair. I sign my name to what I write and accept responsibility for my words. If you wish to engage in a personal attack, sign your name like I do. Don't be a coward. If you want to contribute to this blog, stay on topic. If you can't do either, you;re going to be deleted eventually.
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