It's official. Assistant City Solicitor Joe Kelly is now Bethlehem's Director of Community and Economic Development. His appointment by Mayor John Callahan was unanimously approved by City Council during their January 4 meeting. "I've grown to trust him over the last seven years," explained Mayor Callahan. "He's hardworking, capable and I have great confidence in his ability to do the job."
Dave DiGiacinto, perhaps Callahan's harshest critic on City Council, echoed the Mayor's endorsement. After interviewing Kelly three times and speaking to other employees, DiGiacinto stressed that Kelly has already had some experience in economic development issues over his seven years as an Assistant City Solicitor. He added that the Mayor "has first dibs on picking his direct support, so to speak."
Karen Dolan voiced some concerns over the $89,868 salary. That amount was budgeted for Kelly's predecessor, Tony Hanna, who served as DCED Director over the last eleven years. Noting a "disparity in experience" between Kelly and Hanna, Dolan will introduce a resolution to reduce Kelly's salary by ten per cent.
Callahan, however, explained that he prefers to pay all department heads approximately the same salary. "We worked hard to get the department heads' salaries level." Callahan also pointed to Kelly's law degree, seven years of experience, and the $30,000 pay cut Kelly took when he first started working for the City.
If Kelly needs any pointers, Tony Hanna will only be a stone's throw away, as the new Executive Director of the Bethlehem Redevelopment Authority.
Kelly's position as Assistant City Solicitor will be filled by Christopher Cooper, a lawyer who had been working for the City as a paralegal. Cooper resides in Ambler, which bothered some Council members, but they still unanimously confirmed his appointment.
Pols helping Pols.
God Bless Bethlehem
Kelly is absolutely NOT qualified. A lawyer running the daily planning, building and zoning functions of a city? Give me a break. There are way, way more qualified people out there and within the Department that could have taken on this job. Another unqualified political hack being rewarded for being the Mayor's lacky.
Kelly most assuredly IS qualified. He's been defacto chief of staff, and knows the in and outs of city hall and DCED very well.
Kelly is a 35 year old wet behind the ears lawyer. He hardly has any direct managerial and supervisory experience to command a 90k salary. I would also want to know if he knows the difference between building codes and zoning codes and how each are applied on a daily basis when it comes to the residential or commercial applications. I bet he doesn't. This is no time for the city to have a boots on the ground OJT session for a pol.
bernie, I'm surprized you didn't mention your lackey Grubb's silly comments about Kathy V.
Karen Dolan is trying to get as many sound bites as she can. She knows she is on the way out.
"I would also want to know if he knows the difference between building codes and zoning codes and how each are applied on a daily basis when it comes to the residential or commercial applications. I bet he doesn't."
Are you serious? Do you know what a City Solicitor does? He represents the City's interest before both the zoning hearing board and building code appeals board. I am sure he knows the difference.
Joe Kelly has been very involved in the economic development department for several years. He will do fine.
What did Grubby say about Kathy?
Joe Kelly is a good man. The real issue is who will replace him in the City Solicitor's office.
Why anybody, especially a young professional would want a promotion into a grease fire of municipal government during a down economy is beyond me. I suppose "a" job is better than no job. At 35 though, why are you going all in on a city job that more than likely be a negative long term, than a positive?
It's not like you will put out that fire, or get kudos or a raise for doing a good job. Hell, before you even start on the job, somebody is looking to cut your salary. It's a grinder of a job. All you get is complaints from every direction, burnout and not finding too many things great about humanity.
It's going to be years before the economy recovers, and in the mean time, Bethlehem will continue to sink under debt and pension.
People don't work for Allentown because they don't want it on their resume. Bethlehem is quickly approaching that status. You are found guilty by association.
"Joe Kelly is a good man. The real issue is who will replace him in the City Solicitor's office."
He's been replaced by Chris Cooper, an attorney who served as a paralegal there for some reason.
Hey bern....Here we go again..another Callahan cronie...just learned that the fight is on again at the Parking authority...Its been said that Callahan wants to finalize crippling the city finacial status altogether but in order to do so...YEP!!!! you got it...He needs to force Hector Nemes out!!! Comon people stand up for the people who care about yOU!!! its time to IMPEACH THIS USELESS!!!!!! MAYOR
I've learned some interesting information myself, and this is before filing my RTKL request. I told a friend about some things i wanted to do before reporting to you on this topic again, but what you're telling me changes that dynamic.
2 faced dolan cut non union salaries as she accepted her union pay increase
isn't that a little whorish?
These attorneys are just a bunch of guys who can't make a living doing what they went to school for so they grab these jobs.
there was a time lawyers didn't become magistrates. Once The pay and benefits went up the place is overflowing with lawyers running for these district seats.
More lawyers than lawyering out there to do. Good lawyers are the ones that are making the money and would scoff at working for the government.
Stop the bullshit already. You guys are worse than O'Hare with Angle and Stoffa. Kelly needed a job and now he has full-time gig thanks to politics.
Good for him. It really is just that simple. There was no second gunman!
Anyone who thinks a lawyer can't make more money in the private sector is a moron. We need more educated people who care about the city and knowing the ins and outs of the law is a huge bonus. I guess the poster above thinks the world needs more lawyers...lol, thats a new one. Oh and I love the idea that Hector is the champion of the city finances and somehow replacing him will allow some drastic changes in how the cities budget operates. The posters obviously do not know any of these people and take the pablum they are fed. This site is usually good for a laugh, today is no exception. BO go ahead and request what you want, you lost all credibility long ago.
How could there be a "fight" in the parking authority. Its simple Hectors services are no longer required, the board (not the mayor) makes such decisions and have decided. By by, thank you for your services now move on and enjoy your retirement. I for one cant wait to see what a new person heading up the authority can do. Maybe actually look at cost basis of activities and make sure there is some return on investment. I would venture to guess that Hector does not want a competent individual to step into the role for fear of identifying how things have really been run.
"impeach this useless mayor" you mean the one who ran unopposed in the last election? The overall electorate knows he is doing a great job. The City of Bethlehem is a great place to live and will continue to be so because of the hard work of these people. I mean look at the "rubber Stamp" council that just went against the mayor. A few vocal minority members try their damnedest to cast dispersions, but that dog don't hunt. We have good checks and balances going and considering the environment that we exist in, things are going quite well.
So You think things are going quite well here in the Great City ...huh! Maybe You should talk to the city employees who were told this week they can't cash their paychecks until Monday or hey maybe Tuesday now thats great goverment!!! Oh and far as the parking authority issue, it is perhaps the only operation in the City that is making money..mmaybe thats why the Mayor is so intent on getting someone in there so He can get his hands on that money to cover some of his other activities that have yet to surface maybe Mr. Reichard was wrong when He said "It's not like anyone is going to jail"....Maybe they don't realize how close they really are to just that!!!!
Anon 1:54 what you are saying is a complete lie. The city has no problem meeting payroll this week. It must make you feel better about yourself to outright lie like that. Is this Hector, you trying to pitch yourself, thats got to be it.
Actually, I did check into this, and was told that a memo went out to employees informing them that checks won't be available until after 10 AM on Friday and those on direct deposit may have to wait until Monday. I understand that the explanation was something about the new year and a system. But given the administration's dishonesty to Council and the public on so many matters, I can understand the reluctance to believe this explanation. I can't write a story about it bc I don't know enough and was unable to do more than make two calls about it today. But you can't blame workers for getting angry when you hold up their pay, even when the explanation is legit.
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