One of the Chairman Walt photos features him sitting with Not-So-Jolly Joe Timmer. Walt looks bombed and Not-So-Jolly looks enbalmed. Hey, that's what eating hot cauliflower and banana peppers for 800 years will do. Funny thing. Although I was overwhelmingly elected a Democratic Committeeman from Nazareth with one write-in vote, Garvin refuses to send me meeting notices and wants me to resign because I openly support LV Congressman Charlie Dent, a Republican. And I do. But guess what? Not-So-Jolly Joe is a Republican, too. In fact, only a few centuries ago, he was an unsuccessful Republican candidate for Bethlehem City Council, finishing dead last. On his daily polka show at WGPA-AM, he's even blasted President (bow your head) Obama.
So if Chairman Walter wants me to step down, shouldn't he lead by example and resign himself? He's plastered a Republican puss on a Democratic party webpage. Isn't that open support? I will ask the Democratic Committee to take formal action against Chairman Walt next time they meet, although unlike them, I'm more than willing to give people time to prepare a defense.
I have other reasons for asking him to step down. Instead of trying to open the party up, he has slammed the lid tighter than ever. Meetings of the Executive Committee are scheduled at times when only a certain few can make it. He's got some ridiculous hatred of Easton Democrats, probably because they won't post his pictures on their meeting walls. Unwanted committee members get no notices of meetings. Garvin even refused to provide an email list of Dem Committeeman to Joe Sestak's campaign. He did eventually did supply a list, but it was devoid of phone numbers or email addresses. He even chastised a few Committeemen who wanted to attend the opening of Joe Sestak's LV campaign offices because it was in Lehigh County.
No wonder Joe Long liked this guy.
Here's another reason he should go. Below you will see a Northampton County Democratic Treasurer's Report through the end of November. Notice that Walt has charged the party $1,189.19 for "utilities" this year. But unlike the GOP, Dems rent no office space anywhere and own no building. So who the hell does he think he's kidding? Is the Dem party paying Walt's phone and electric bills? Is that what they were doing with Joe Long? I sure would love to see those receipts.
The party is also charged ... twice ... for a "meeting place." $1,385.00. What the hell is that? Does the Nazareth Jacks club now serve caviar and cognac?
And as of the end of November, the party only raked in $4,436.05. Geezuz! Even Joe Long could and did do better than that.
With Dems like Walt in charge, Ron Angle is safe. Ironically, they seem to be obsessed with defeating him instead of electing Dems. "The Northampton County Democratic Party must close ranks and stand four square to his defeat! We must find a strong candidate to run against him and once and for all 'get him out'!"
Good! Instead of focusing on a race you can win, spend a boatload of money in the Slate Belt, get your ass handed to you again, and ignore the rest of the County. Sounds like a plan. That's a great way to make sure that McHale's seat goes Republican.
I'll make these points with Northampton County Dems at their next meeting. Should be fun.
Treasurer's Report for NorCo Dems - 11-30-10
Christ O'Hare. Give it a rst already. You have become the Lehigh Valley yenta.
Bombed and embalmed? One of your best.
Liked Bombed and Embalmed too.
how much money did the republicans spend in their closed door meeting where they worked with 6 council members to thumb their noses at the state's sunshine laws?
O'Hare B'rained,
Here we go again with degrading remarks because the soon to be jailbird friend of yours Angle will be behind bars! This blog is nothing but an attack on many peoples reputation and I'm looking into getting this site closed down and a suit of defamation of character started in Northampton county ! To bring Jolly Joe into this joke of what you call blog is despicable. You like the rest of local nobody's don't give all the facts, Timmer ran for city council as a joke and did not campaign not once and had no intention of winning, someone wrote his name on the ballot! "Bombed and embalmed" Your morals are that of a jackal I hope you you tell your five readers that post under multiple handles the true story of Angle how he is trying to cheat his family out the his fathers money and forged his deed that ultimately wil cost him a sentence and his barring from politics! You are a true bottom feeder with no talent but attack and belittle anyone or anything just to get a few hits on this pathetic site! I never come here but was notified by someone from the newspaper of the twisted propaganda you spew in this latest piece of garbage!
Nice. Freakin. Pants.
Wonderful story, Is this the guy behind the curtain that we shouldn't look at?
"he Lehigh Valley yenta."
I like that. It's a little more sophisticated than bottom-feeder. But a treasurer's report is what it is. 'Taint gossip. How the hell can a party with no office and no building claim utility expenses?
"how much money did the republicans spend in their closed door meeting where they worked with 6 council members to thumb their noses at the state's sunshine laws?"
You only know about that because this yenta told you. It might be one of two Sunshine Act violations. The first would be that meeting. The second would be the back door arrangements by 2 dems and 3 Rs.
hey anon 7:37 tell us what you really think
oh, and something the 5 of us don't already know
Theyll never lose McHale seat..Didnt they remove hanover from that district and add hellertown? That is the safest seat in the county...Never, ever , ever happen..The Zebrowskinator will be back and take it over forever!
BO, while you were crying over RA not being crowned, you missed the big story of McHale not running in her district in the next election! Stop with running your head up RA's ass and start getting back to reporting on the news and gossip. You missed this one completely. You must be slipping.
Yeah, by all means run Zebrowski. The Dem's always figure out how to take a safe bet and screw it up.
"BO, while you were crying over RA not being crowned, you missed the big story of McHale not running in her district in the next election! Stop with running your head up RA's ass and start getting back to reporting on the news and gossip. You missed this one completely. You must be slipping."
Actually, I have a link to the story about McHale on this very post. I know, reading is hard.
To 7:37 AM
First: I love the part about you trying to get Bernie's site "closed down". I think they tried to do stuff like that in Germany in the 30's and 40's. I understand that it was all the rage in the old USSR for a while too. Great stuff. I can really see where you are coming from. You like to censor people. Sadly, this has become the Democratic Party mantra: "when we want your opinion, we'll give you one." And don't even think about having an idea of your own. You see, that would be dangerous for party leadership.
Second, as for defamation and liable, the truth is always a defense. from what I have seen, I doubt that Bernie will have anything to worry about.
Third, I think if you have something to say - in any forum - have the guts to let people know who the hell you are. Only cowards post anonymously! Who are you afraid of?
I have to laugh at the idiot who scoffed at running Zebrowski..My point here was that the dems could run anyone who can stand from that district and win..It is the safest seat in the County..So whoever took the shot at Greg obviously knows nothing about elections.
I know little about elections, but greatly respect and admire the man who would delight in calling me a nattering nabob. He is a class act.
The rise of the forth Reich!
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