We found out last night. Administration Director has told two "meet and discuss" unions at Cedarbrook that their step increases and wage hikes are being eliminated, starting next year. This will affect 173 people, most of them at Cedarbrook, and will save the County $357,500.
For other unions preparing to negotiate new contracts, it's a shot across the bow.
Thw whole idea is to eliminate what amounts to 9% payraises for union members while nonunion workers get 1.5 to 2.5%.
The Morning Call's Jenna Portnoy has a detailed and well-written report, which you can read here.
if don cunningham hadn't unionized cedarbrook, as one of his first acts as executive in 2006, we wouldn't have to play defense now. cunningham encouraged a cardcheck, which will put cedarbrook on the same path as gracedale. good speeches and guitar playing aside, his legacy is the destruction of cedarbrook.
This is exactly what has happened in Northampton County. You deny the facts Bernie. After stopping the practice for over a decade, Mr. Stoffa brought back the practice of giving steps plus cost of living increases to union employee's.
Members of the Social Services union receive a 4 to 5% "step" in pay plus the cost of living raise of up to 2 to 3% a year.
some of these folks are pulling down around 8 to 9% yearly.
You and the Administration can deny this all you want but the contract is public and all you have to do is read it.
I think it is shameful to give unions step increases added to another increase.
You sweep this under the rug in Northampton County. By the way your buddy Ron Angle voted to approve these contracts. It's all public information, freely available to those interested in the facts and the truth.
Makes the entire Gracedale dance just a wee bit disingenuous.
Couldn't agree more with both previous posts.
over in bethlum karen dolan wants to eliminate pay steps, longivity and pay raises equal to the union for non-union empolyees. YET she will accept her 3.9% increase from the school district and WILL NOT cut council members pay. AMAZING!!!!!
Anon 3:25 AM:
Why don't you give us the details of the union contracts, before and after Stoffa?
I'll bet we don't hear from you again on this matter, because you just make thing up!
Prove me wrong. Give us the facts.
Anon 5:10, you know the details. Check out the PSSU caseworker contract. Please try to be factual even if Mr. O'Hare covers for you by deleting the embarrassing truth!
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