To their credit, Northampton County officials never interfered with this petition drive. A rally on nursing home grounds was permitted, even though unions and the Democratic chairs of both Lehigh and Northampton County turned it into a political event in which Charles Dertinger, a state house candidate, was allowed to speak and thugs handed out campaign literature for both Dertinger and John Callahan. Nobody from the county complained when, last week, Gracedale visitors were assaulted with petitions for two consecutive days. Nearly every Sunday, a notary takes over Gracedale's snack bar.
These Gracedale goons have responded with some really absurd allegations, including the claim that County Executive John Stoffa is on the take, not from a nursing home, but from Council President Ron Angle. ("[W]e actually believe that Mr. Angle has promised Stoffa something good for his retirement.")
Their goofy antics explain why they are 4,000 signatures shy. Absent fraud, it will be next to impossible for them to gather the remaining signatures.
Oh BO give it a break already!
Anon 6:40, If you dont like it, dont read it. But you should be happy that BO said this. With his track record on Barron and Angle retaining the presidency; his predication is all but a surity that the Gracedale petition will get enough names to be put on the ballot.
Or does he break his winless streak? Inquiring minds want to know.
Assaulted... Bernie you sure do know how to make up the lies. If anyone was ASSAULTED at Gracedale, I am sure it would be all over the press. Yup....you got it taking over the snack room. You should really look into a career of writing fiction novels, because you sure are good at making things up!
got the part about callahan and thugs right
The failure of the petition campaign is proof that most people want Gracedale sold. The voters' will is being done, for a change.
Actually they are closer than O'Hare pronouncement. That in and of itself is quite an achievement. Of the people asked to sign less than 2% refuse. The vast majority of all parties think it is a stupid idea. So the vocal minority of tea bags can scream but this is amazing even if they don't hit 20,000.
As to the wonders of John Stoffa. Allowing you to have a cigarette before he executes you hardly deserves a Nobel Peace prize. He has already made sure he has people "under the table" to challenge the petitions if 20,00 names are collected, as "you" are aware of Mr. O'Hare.
People are well aware of the untrustworthy and sneaky nature of John Stoffa
Where can I sign it?
Is there somewhere outside of Nazareth because it really smells north of Bethlehem...
with callahan in charge bethlum pretty much smells of rotting corruption that puts nc to shame as far as stink factor is concerned
Ohare do you really think this group is stupid enough to turn in every signature they have on hand knowing you snoop so eagerly. Could it also be that they don't want to overwhelm the folks at the election office???? What a waste of space!
it belongs on a referendum ... let the voters speak .... what are you afraid of ? never assume anything these folks have fought for what they believe in and have been ridiculed by you ... and for what reason ? because you simply disagree ? there voices count and they each and everyone of them deserve to be heard ... i say save gracedale she is a jewel to the county ...
There are very good long term policy reasons to save Gracedale but the Angle/Stoffa coalition have made sure the truth is marginalized.
The Gracedale for a Public Health Department is very well and alive. Mr. Stoffa and Mr. Cusick know all about it.
"There are very good long term policy reasons to save Gracedale but the Angle/Stoffa coalition have made sure the truth is marginalized."
Sure, there are some valid arguments to keep Gracedale in County hands, but instead of making them, you prefer to insinuate all kinds of nonsense.
it belongs on a referendum ... let the voters speak .... what are you afraid of ? never assume anything these folks have fought for what they believe in and have been ridiculed by you ... and for what reason ? because you simply disagree ? there voices count and they each and everyone of them deserve to be heard ... i say save gracedale she is a jewel to the county ...
the county must sell Gracedale
"the fake rev" shoved in front of Bernie at the courthouse
oh and were overheard saying
a-hole in front of Boy Scouts
We elect a council to make decisions. Not every decision can be put to expensive referendum. That's why we elect a council. The majority of voters elected a majority on council to do the will of the majority (including a majority of seniors). The petition drive's failure, despite its questionable tactics, reinforces what the voters' mood was a year ago. Gracedale needs to be sold and the county needs to get out of the union jobs program busines it can ill afford. The people's will be done.
Not one of the people elected in November of 2009 ran on selling Gracedale. Please spare the "they ran on fiscal conservatism" bullshit. They did not broadcast their position on selling Gracedale.
But rest assured when they run for re-election they will have ample opportunity ti defend their decision. Without Mr. Angle or Mr. Stoffa controlling the discussion they will have informed individuals questioning their judgement with facts they don't want to hear.
Hope they save those tea bag phone numbers they are going to need every one of them.
If asking someone if they want to sign a petition is "questionable" tactics than at this writing 18,755 people have been tricked into signing petitions.
Truth Meister
Gracedale's been debated ad nauseum for years. WTF.
Ok..Have to comment on some of the dumber things said here...The worst was "the failure of the petition drive shows people want gracedale sold". Yea right..Even if they collected "only" 16,000 signatures that is an incredible feat..It most certainly shows that people aren't interested in selling Gracedale...Next is the "WE elect Council to make decisions." Yes we do..However, we have referendum for when we have critical issues such as Gracedale that haven't been debated or addressed during the election and are issues too serious to be left in the hands of part time legislators...Had this been an election issue, my guess is that we'd be looking at a completely different council now. So enough of the "this is what we elect people for" argument..It's weak! It's no skin off my back no matter which way this issue goes, but let's be serious when debating the issue .
Your side was soundly defeated in theast election. You can't gather enough petitions to gain a referendum. Keep pretending yours is a majority opinion. Ignorance is bliss.
Ignorance sure is bliss..Why dont you put out a petition that asks to close gracedale..See me in ten years when you reach the 16,000 mark....You must be drowning in bliss...
Ignorance sure is bliss..Why dont you put out a petition that asks to close gracedale..See me in ten years when you reach the 16,000 mark....You must be drowning in bliss...
No need for side door petition drives using questionable legal tactics when you've already elected a legislative majority.
"Elections have consequences."
Barack Obama
Your side was soundly defeated in theast election. You can't gather enough petitions to gain a referendum. Keep pretending yours is a majority opinion. Ignorance is bliss.
Why not tag along for 1 hour or a day and see how many refusals to sign I get. Selling Gracedale will be the downfall of those on council who supported the sale. MARK IT .The problem isn't support to keep Gracedale, the problem unfortunatly is the lazy workers who won't help get the signatures. In a way I hope they do sell it, because of that, no not really I continue to collect signatures for those who refuse to get involved for whatever reason. And I don't even work there.
There is an old song whose lyrics are
"I could have been a millionaire
I have myself to blame
I had the check but was too lazy to sign my name"
This type of attitude transends the entire country
a sorry state of affairs
and the politicians sieze this as an opportunity to ram their tried and failed agenda on us.
We deserve to fail under the NEW/OLD REGIME
And so it goes in the
Unfortunate State of America
or is it
The United States of Amnesia
I do have a question.
How do you think those people who have signed the petitions (and I'll use your number 16,000) will feel by being disenfranchized by the NORCO council when they move forward to sell? Do you think they will say "oh well", and cast a vote for whoever was responsible for the sale? Now combine that with the tens of thousands (yes tens of thousands) who haven't had an opportunity to sign the petition, who would sign however can't find one to sign. Who do you think they will be voting for?
Keep telling yourself you are a majority that favors the sale.
Talk about bliss!!!
I saw some of the petitions. Never knew that Phillipsburg and Saylrsburg were in Northampton Count.
I just visited the Gracedale blog
My wife and I have 2 petitions not turned in
each half filled
and a week left
I average 30 signatures in 2 hours everyday I go out
oh! no! Mr Bill!!!
I saw some of the petitions. Never knew that Phillipsburg and Saylrsburg were in Northampton Count.
you sure do make it hard to be nice to you
Mister (fill in the bad word)
so some are invalid, we will prevail
and the new head "dude"
said he'd move forward to honor the petition
Will you and Ron move out of the county when he gets fired next year?
You know to annoy a fresh group of people.
I have a special suitable for framing petition for you and Ron with my version of John Hancock on it. Only 1 signature invalid but with special meaning , you will enjoy it. How about I present it to you at a council meeting, the one where it is moved to honor the petition drive. LOL. Then we can meet (again).
How would that go for ya?
<Palinesque and Gay
Oh I see. "We, the People" can blabber on about their signatures, but no one is allowed to point out where the people signing really live. Or the fact that the petitions sit at American legions and other bars, unattended for days at a time. Or the stickers over the Gracedale question, making it impossible to read the question. Or the fact that one of the biggest notaries is the wife of one of the persons heading this movement.
I look forward to expressing myself as one of "We, the People," at the appropriate time.
"Side door politics", really? You baggers want to go there? You moan about "shoving things down peoples throats" and back room deals.
Where and when during the campaign did the Council members, other than Ron Angle, make it clear they wanted to sell Gracedale?
Oh yeah, that's right they meant that by fiscal responsibility. Is that code like "death panels"? Well then I guess they forgot it when they didn't ask that the assistant Directors be canned since they are really just patronage jobs. Or maybe when the caseworkers were given 7-9% pay increases. That must have just been a slip up.
Seems like a "side door" tactic to accomp0lish something like selling the County Nursing Home that has been around for decades and worked well up until the last three years.
In with the new crowd, same as the old crowd. Oh, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
A little testy today BO?
I don't blame you
It looks like another loss in Rons belt, get used to it, it is only the 6th of JANUARY it seems like 2011 will be tough on the both of you.
A valid signature is a valid signature
an invalid signature is...well invalId
You huffed and you puffed and you blow your head off?
You appear to infer there are tthousands of signatures from outside NORCO, infer away.
Like you say
Fly on shit.
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