Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Politicio Lists Charlie Dent Among Possible Casey Challengers


  1. D's won't cross over for Charlie statewide like they do here, and social issue/pro-lifer R's will be only to glad to do so for the otherwise dumbest man in the Senate.

    Dent gets that, and will stay where he now is pretty much assured an easy life on our dime.

  2. Wrong, wrong, right and kind of right.

    Statewide R's won't even nominate a pro-abortioner like Dent.

    Few R's will cross for Casey as his Obamacare support funded abortions.

    All can agree Casey's mildly retarded, although all life has value.

    Dent won't run because he knows he won't get out of the primary.

  3. No way in hell Charlie would give up his safe seat here to take on Casey..Alot more voters come out in Presidential years and they sure arent teabaggers..Casey will be reelected handily.

  4. has casey done anything since being elected?

  5. Anon 8:34:

    "Teabaggers"? What does that term mean?

  6. I will say this. If Charlie Dent decides to run, it's because he can

  7. Anonymous said...
    Anon 8:34:

    "Teabaggers"? What does that term mean?

    It is a slang term for for a particular sort of oral sex that some like to use when referring to Tea Party members.

    I'm not sure what this anon means here. Does he think Tea Party members will not vote in every election? Or does he assume that Dent appeals to the same people that the Tea Party does?

    Charlie is a Main Street Republican, like Specter was. A moderate/liberal against Casey will not excite the conservatives that he will need to win the general, let alone the primary, election in this state.

  8. Please oh please run....

  9. Unlike a high percentage of registered Democrats, who are easily distracted from voting by oversleeping, being burnout after too many bong hits, being busy watching Oprah, being tied up at the welfare office, getting tea-bagged, etc., Rs and Tea Party types will crawl over broken glass to vote every single time.

  10. Anon 9:19,

    That's very funny but maybe you werent around in 2008..Apparently not..

  11. It will not be too long before this Country has buyers remorse. That will benefit Casey.

    During the July 4th holiday weekend we had a moratorium on offshore drilling, a hurricane threatening the Gulf and gas was $2.60. We have an election and Republicans win big and in no time gas jumps to over $3/gal.

  12. With the successful GM IPO we now see the bridge loan to "government motors" was the right thing to do in order to save over 1 Million jobs. So far two thirds of the bridge loan has been paid back to the taxpayers. Conservative campaigned against it while supporting bonuses for Wall St. To consider the alternative, let's do the math. 1 million collecting 10K in unemployment benefits equals 10B. Thanks to government motors, we have 1M taxpaying, working Americans supporting there families and a profitable American icon, GM.

  13. Anonymous said...
    To consider the alternative, let's do the math.

    Bankruptcy does not = vaporization

  14. Anonymous said...
    ...Conservative campaigned against it while supporting bonuses for Wall St.

    The only "support" I remember was the outrage expressed over an administration that would consider itself above the rule of law and bully businesses into breaking contractually obligated bonuses. Stunts like that, interfering in bankruptcies, "too big to fail" (ie - the gov't picks the winners) is what has destroyed the trust and good faith that made America a good investment in the world economy. That was the edge we had over 3rd world cheap labor - and this administration has thrown it all into doubt.

    And before an anon goes into a rant over evil conservatives supporting business... it's support for rule of law and contracts. A few month's ago Bernie was complaining about union employee's "gaming the system" by working so much OT to build up their pensions. I confronted him with the fact that the county has contractual obligations and that the workers were entitled to get whatever they could squeeze out of that contract.

    Just as the county or other business can't get out of it's obligations short of filing bankruptcy neither is the federal gov't above the law. The law is king.


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