You see, Northampton County Council's Prez has no regard for the residents at our nursing home. Sure, he talks about a continued high level of care with a new employer who will keep many of the same workers currently on the public payroll. Yes, he has stressed that any new owner must agree to give priority to Medicaid (indigent) residents.
The truth? He secretly intends to use residents to plug up the next oil leak. Either that, or he'll sell them to some Arab Shiek, like the ones who are financing the nursing home in Dauphin County.
He has me fooled, but not the Gracedale Goons. In the latest rant from their fearless leader, fake preacher "Reverend" Mario Martinez, we learn the truth. "The end is definitely near, but it is near for Ron, not for Gracedale. Gracedale is destined by the Lord Jesus Christ to continue to serve the Northampton County widows and the orphans until He decides differently. It is His intended purpose...and His will."
So there you have it, folks. God is on their side.
During the Civil War, Yankees and Rebels were both infested by fake preachers and fake generals who claimed God was on their side. After hearing that claim for the gazillionth time, Abraham Lincoln said to one of them, "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”
The Lord Jesus Christ better get off his ass and start collecting signatures. Inside word is that "We, the People" only have about 5,000 of the 20,000 signatures they need to get a Gracedale referendum on the ballot. And time is ticking.
Sell Land, Not Seniors!!!
Thats funny I turned in nearly 800 signatures that I alone managed to get. I think you have been mislead. I started my 8th sheet today, and in all places Bangor, I plan to hit 1000 by Friday and the weekend will be knocking on doors in an undisclosed location that has yet to be tapped. The goal will be reached. If I have to get every last one myself. Question, is it hard to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner when November 30th is so close? I can't wait until December 1st.
"Thats funny I turned in nearly 800 signatures that I alone managed to get."
Sure you did.
Bernie I am heading off to start cooking for my business. Let me say I think you have made this issue to personal. I realize Mr. Angle and Mr. Stoffa want to do this and they have laid out their reasons. But I have heard from knowledgeable people who are neither union members or county employee's.
A couple former county officials gave a very compelling argument as to holding off on this sale and how the entire concept of a Gracedale sale may be shortsighted in the relatively near future.
I think it is unfair to characterize reasonable and knowledgeable people as "goons" and "kooks". You may not agree with anything they say but they have the right to their opinions that are backed by facts.
In my discussions with these people not once did I hear the names of Mr. Angle or Mr. Stoffa taken in vain, the discussion was about Gracedale funding and policy.
I realize you are very protective of Mr. Angle and Stoffa and agree with their policy decisions but I think you go too far in denouncing any person who has a knowledgeable opinion that differs with your friends.
Not every citizen who disagrees is a goon or a kook.
Now off to make the breakfast.
Those ARE fighting words by Pancho and really not well advised words. Leave Jesus out of this and concentrate on the issues. Does HE need to make these kinds of statements to motivate himself? If it IS his motivation that's fine but this is not a civil rights march and he is NOT MLK! A bit over enthusiastic. Just stick to the facts of the case. I give him credit for organizing and petitionong for redress. THAT IS..the American way. Remember..Jesus would never call Ron an AH!
The fact is Angle touted how great health care would be if the home was privatized and asked for proof otherwise. When it was suggested teh Coutny look into "Star" ratings of privatized nursing homes, he was quick to dismiss stating the studies are weighted. Did the County ever approach the State and inquire about complaints from private care.
Angle suggests that care provided by current staff will be no different than care provided by the same staff if privatized. I somewhat agree that these are good hearted people that care for elderly. However, in the next sentence Angle blasts the Union and then freely admits pay and benefits for these workers will be much less. A happy staff is a productive staff. How long will it take private care to demoralize the staff? How long will it take for private care to trim staff until care is compromised?
Gracedale is a safety net for our elderly and their families. A small price to pay for peace of mind our loved one will be taken care without financially stressing familes in the event they need extended care.
Put Stoffas work treatment center there. Thyere are plent of other servace that can be accommodated there to maximize the facility.
Move the Commissioners office there so everyday they can see our greatest Assets....our parents who scraficed for us, our vets, and the workers who built this great nation. Respect and Dignity is deserved.
"Sell Land, Not Seniors"
well that depends. what's the market value of an acre of seniors?
"Not every citizen who disagrees is a goon or a kook."
That's true and very fair. There are people I respect, like Rich Grucela, who wold like to keep Gracedaale and have not resorted to personal attacks.
My epithet of "Gracedale Goons" and "Kunkletown Kooks" is reserved for the people who have engaged in mean-spirited an vicious personal attacks, being inflammatory. Pauline Schmoyer comes to meetings, tells me to shove my flip cam up my ass, shouts our, calls Angle and "asshole" and other vulgarities while boyscouts are sitting next to her. Some goofy idiot named Frank Dallarosa makes snide comments about Angle having side deals and Thierry sitting in his lap, and screams out about Kuwait so loudly that the breathing tubes jammed up his nose are ready to explode. Donna Barney breezes in from Kunkletown, takes the pdoium for ten or fifteen minutes, and makes all kinds of venomous accusations about "coverups". Fake Rev. Mario Martinez is one of those people who cuts in front of you in line. After that, he wags his finger in my face, tells me I'm lucky he's a man of God, and compares Angle to Hitler. One union hack comes to Concil and claims they have no balls and then wonders why Angle won't talk to her. Then we have other union thugs who pass out campaign literature on Gracedale grounds.
Those are goons. The epithet is well-deserved, and Ill stick to it.
"When it was suggested teh Coutny look into "Star" ratings of privatized nursing homes, he was quick to dismiss stating the studies are weighted. Did the County ever approach the State and inquire about complaints from private care."
With the notable exception of Cedarbrook, the top-rated nursing homes are ALL private. Gracedale id below average, and Angle claims that means nothing and Gracedale is much better than that.
Here's another quote from the fake preacher:
"We the People, the taxpayers who actually pay the bills, will prevail in Saving Private Gracedale, not because we are smarter than Ron, but because the Sovereign Lord says we will, for with him on our side, who would dare be against us?"
I wonder what the Sovereign Lord has told Real Revrend Mike Dowd, who thinks Gracedale should be sold.
Does Rev. M actually PAY taxes? With what income?
Dowd is bullshiter who sits by while good people are harassed. You are more a man of god O'Hare than that mail order Rev. Dowd. What a joke, even God is laughing, for now!
Anonymous said...
...mail order Rev. Dowd.
Is not!
I thought we agreed that personnal grooming was paramount?
Anon 9:12 is right. Dowd is a phony. He may have the paper but his neglect of decency on County Council has shown him to be a hypocrite. When Angle has attacked innocent people Dowd sits with his shitty smirk. A real man of God would confront the rolling evil known as Angle but he plays along for the sake of politics. Hardly a man I would respect as a "man of God".
Christ Wayne, can you ever think for yourself or must O'Hare feed you every idea.
Thank you for your compassion.
You should thank Dowd for his, he is the Reverend. Or better yet have compassion for the people humiliated by Angle while REV Dowd, got a chuckle out of it.
Anonymous said...
Christ Wayne, can you ever think for yourself or must O'Hare feed you every idea.
You gotta be kidding. I read a slur on somebody's credentials and simply post a link showing how absurd it is. How about people discussing actual issues? It does happen once in while around here.
And for the record, Mr Dowd's ordination credentials don't really impress me anyway. I was raised in that denomination and... well let's just say that it's not my church now.
If you would look at my posting history here you would see I'm not afraid to stand up to Bernie. Especially when I first arrived.
In fact you're behaving exactly as he did to me back then. So no, Bernie's not my "leader", un-elected or otherwise. Agreeing with someone is not following them except when somebody thinks they can weaken you by claiming that.
I worked closely with Mike Dowd in NorCo for six years. Despite the fact that all organized religions, and in particular, the abrahamic ones, give me the willies, Mike is a good and decent man.
The anonymous cowards who are attacking him here either need to put their names out, or back the fuck off.
I heard yesterday from a fairly good source that they have 12K notarized already with a ton of petitions still in circulation. I also want to let petition holders know that they can bring them to Gracedale to be notarized on Sunday from 2 to 3 pm in the main break room off of the entrance lobby in the towers.
Anon 7:51, Rev. Dowd is a fine and decent man, but is being attacked because he is a Republican who must run next year. Idiotic LongDems think these kinds of attacks help their cause notwithstanding overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Miks Dowd allowed personal attacks on his political enemies while on County council. He also sits silent while Angle attacks other innocent people.
He may be many things but he is no man of God. I have met many men of God and they share humility, love and a sense of fairness and compassion. Again, Dowd is no man of God.
BOH 1125
“With the notable exception of Cedarbrook, the top-rated nursing homes are ALL private. Gracedale id below average, and Angle claims that means nothing and Gracedale is much better than that.”
Interesting. What is your reference? A review of CarePathways ratings of 711 Nursining homes in PA. Below are CarePathways rating of the privatized homes referenced in CHRs report to NorCo.
2 Star - Privatized - Laurel Crest - Cambria
1 Star - Privatized - Lacawanna Healthcare – Lackawanna
1 Star – Privatized – Mountain View Manor – Northumberland
1 Star – Privatized – Weatherwood – Carbon
4 Star – County Owned – Cedarbrook - Lehigh
2 Star – County Owned – Gracedale - Northampton
Thank you 4:50, Bernie much like Angle and Fox News will call any "facts" that are not their facts, biased. People in the "care" business know full well the care for Gracedale residents will deteriorate once the Arabs run it. The bottom line is money.
Angle, Stoffa and their puppets on County Council have made it clear. Sell the seniors to make themselves look like financial geniuses'.
It also protects them from charges of squandering the biggest cash surplus ever inherited by a County government. In five short years, Angle and Stoffa have squandered millions of taxpayer dollars.
The fed's pay well for old people if you know how to skirt the Reg's and the privates do just enough to ensure they can stay open.
Sad time for Northampton County and its senior citizens.
It is closer to 14000
As I approach 1000 this week
I've turned in 7 full (749) and
(1) partial (63)
almost 400 on election day alone
I have (1) half full and (2) blanks
This weekend and tomorrow makes me think of Jimmy Buffett
"The weather is here
wish you were beautiful"
My goal 1000
go on BO
make an comment
you will end up
eating crow
Good Luck on the ballot work for Gracedale. The residents are so very thankful. I visit my mom and she and her friends are literally getting ill over the treatment by the County Council.
Please give us a site to go to to check for going out and getting signatures. I know a lot of people who want to collect signatures but they don't know who to contact to get petitions.
Do you guys have a website or email address.
Thanks a family member and supporter!
I'm not sure but I think a group titled COAF..Coalition of Alzheimers Families..is where you can get more info..try googling them on the web or come to Gracedale this Sunday between 2 and 3 pm at the main lobby area of the towers to pick up a petition as they will be notarizing filled petitions at that time or contact a Gracedale employee and I'm sure they will accomodate your wishes.
You are correct that the daily news items about a pending sale are stressful to the residents as well as staff. Just because they are aged does not mean they are unaware of their political position in this issue and they deserve representation as much as anyone else and are entitled to their opinions and choice of action. They are not children and deserve our respect and assistance when asked. Thank you for your concern on their behalf.
FYI Anonymous BOH
Medicare has now upgraded Gracedale to a 3 star. Take a look at Silver Creek, the once owned Dauphin County - 1 STAR. Also another site I found with violations for them that have increased since they privatized. This is Black & White statistics....not just someone's observation!!
link, please, so i can analyze the bullshit.
So Bernie, since the information isn't the information Angle or Stoffa want to hear that makes it bullshit?
You do see the irony in you comment, right?
I asked you for the link so I can analyze your bullshit, but tyou can't even perform that basic task.
Why link to something you already declare bullshit? Seems kind of silly, right? No matter what is laid out you will find a way to discredit it. I am not Dave but I am interested.
I know you're not Dave. I respect him.
try the Medicare site Bernie.....its a NO BRAINER!!! It has been mentioned enough at meetings and we all know you attend them ALL!! also, check out any other nursing home rating system webisite out there. But I guess you're gonna say that they are all bullshit right!
As I suspected, you have no link and are talking out your ass. Quelle surprise.
When you say things Bernie doesn't want to hear you are talking out your ass. Yet when Angle speaks he is always talking out his ass but to Bernie it is the aroma of sweet perfume.
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