Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will Eckhart Get Zero Budget Increase in Lehigh Tonight?

The fur is flying as Lehigh County Commissioners squabble over Executive Don Cunningham's proposed 16.1% tax hike, which they'll be voting on tonight.

According to a news release from the LV Tea Party, Commissioner Glenn Eckhart will propose a "ZERO" budget increase, eliminating the need for a tax increase. It also eliminates the need to decide exactly where cuts need to be made, which is why Commissioners are elected.

Tonight's meeting will take place in the meeting room at 7:00 PM, and the local tea party plans to descend en masse.

Republican Chair Dean Browning has previously stated he will support Cunningham's budget. Last year, he was called a barbarian. This year, he'll be called a spendthrift. But he's right, and so is Cunningham.


  1. This is grandstanding at its worst. Eckhart has really never understood County government.

    Hopefully he will not just make this about personal vendetta's.

    Peace out!

  2. eckhart should be nicknamed "slappy"

    he looks like a slappy.

    or maybe "flounder"

  3. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "Commissioner Glenn Eckhart will propose a "ZERO" budget increase, eliminating the need for a tax increase. It also eliminates the need to decide exactly where cuts need to be made, which is why Commissioners are elected."


    It's also why the Executive was elected.

    We all know that there are still more cuts that can be made. But the Democrat Commisioners (and Cunningham) fought against EVERY cut that was proposed.

    I'm sure Cunningham would be happy to let the Republican commissioners take the blame for HIS tax hike, the same way he campaigned against Ervin's tax hike and did nothing about it once elected.

    I applaud Eckhart for standing up and fighting for the taxpayers.

  4. But is it Eckhart or is GOP Chair Wayne Woodman pulling the strings? If he is, he will be doing EXACTLY what was condemned in Joe Long. Party chairs should concentrate on getting members of their party elected, not involve themselves in policy issues.

  5. The republicans are acknowledging that it takes a Democrat to do the republicans' job.

    They couldn't get it done so they punt at the 11th hour. Cowards, all of them, abdicating their responsibility.

  6. Anon 3 AM:

    Get some sleep!

    If causing a discussion of a budget without an increase in taxes is grandstanding, we need more grandstanding!!

  7. Bernie -

    I will entertain your - and the County executive's notion - that some tax hike is necessary. But it is certainly not in the 13-16% range. We all know there are more, non-critical areas that can be cut.

    If we're honest, we can admit that the Democrats have become experts at playing the budget game. The Executive knows that he can present a budget and the Dem commissioners will not support any cuts.

    This leaves the Republican majority with the unenviable choice of approving the budget with a tax increase or approving the budget with a slightly smaller tax increase. Again, Mr. Cunningham is well aware of the politics of this.

    If nothing else, Eckhart's proposal puts some honesty and balance back into the process. I'd much rather see the Executive and Commissioners working for the next month to find an acceptable alternative than passing either of the abominable choices currently on the table.

  8. Bernie O'Hare said...

    But is it Eckhart or is GOP Chair Wayne Woodman pulling the strings? If he is, he will be doing EXACTLY what was condemned in Joe Long. Party chairs should concentrate on getting members of their party elected, not involve themselves in policy issues.


    Bernie -

    Woodman is merely standing up for what his Party supposedly stands for. Hardly a crime.

    To remain silent while the majority of your party votes for bigger government would be a far greater sin for a Chairman of the Republican Party.

    Also, it's about time that someone countered the pressure the unions put on elected officials. Someone needs to advocate for the taxpayers.

    Most importantly, Woodman is not doing this behind the scenes. He was down there in the open letting people know where he (and the Republican Party) stands. I'd be happy to see Rick Dougherty down there advocating for higher taxes.

  9. We all know it is woodman that is pulling the strings. he ran eckhart's campaign.

    I wonder if dean browning now regrets making so many contributions to Eckhart and Creighton. Bunch of boobs they are. What is most disappointing is Daughtery's participation. This was the biggest backer of the regional health department, but now he is playing this game. Roman isn't a surprise: he hasn't had a critical thought since he got elected.

  10. County government doesn't understand the private sector, the people who pay for government, isn't getting a raise this year. Seniors on social security aren't getting a raise this year.
    Last year Cunningham produced a 0% tax increase, for his re-election, knowing this was coming. He needs to make the proper cuts. Browning needs to do the right thing, and Eckhart needs to be commended for trying to do the right thing.
    This could be the end of Brownings political aspirations.

  11. I think Browning's need for approval from the other side is impairing his judgement. He should send it back to Cunningham and force his hand. Isn't that why you run for office?

  12. No, you run for office to govern and that is what Browning is doing. The biggest flaw I see in sending it back is the lack of any meaningful alternative. Criticism is great, but the lack of any meaningful solutions reveals the fallcy of this ploy.

    Browning is interested in doing the right thing, and I respect that.

  13. "Woodman is merely standing up for what his Party supposedly stands for. Hardly a crime."

    Wayne Woodman's job is to get Republicans elected, not to set policy. If he wants to do that, then he should run for office himself. This is no different than Joe Long, and in some ways, worse.

  14. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "Wayne Woodman's job is to get Republicans elected, not to set policy. If he wants to do that, then he should run for office himself."


    Not quite correct Bernie. Wayne Woodman's job is to get Republicans elected who support Republican principles. Otherwise, what's the point of getting anyone elected?

    When one of the party's elected officials goes rogue and supports a tax hike, it is Woodman's duty to do everything possible to remind that official of the values of the party.

    Woodman certainly does have the right to speak out on issues and influence policy, and he should be commended for doing so. He has added his voice to the PUBLIC discourse, and I find nothing wrong with that.

    Republicans will surely take the blame for Cunningham's tax hike, unless they do all that is possible to fight for the taxpayers. Sending the budget back to the executive is part of that process.

    Again, there might be a need for a tax hike, but 13-16% is not acceptable.

  15. Looks like someone needs a zero increase in burger consumption.

  16. I vote Eckhart as the biggest idiot in Lehigh County Government. Eckhart looks like a turtle. Although the burger consumption line is a really funny one.

  17. I guess personal attacks on Eckhart are acceptable here despite astonishment to the contrary.

    At any rate, forcing more debate to help taxpayers avoid a shockingly high tax increase amid 10% unemployment and mounting home foreclosures is the right thing to do.

    Cunningham hid his mess in an effort to get easily re_elected and begin his march to the governor's mansion. Something happened on the way to politics as usual.

    County taxpayers have been cutting their budgets and trying to hang on. It's time for this gang to do the same.

  18. "I guess personal attacks on Eckhart are acceptable here despite astonishment to the contrary."

    No, they're not, but what I've seen is mild.

  19. Eckhart is trying to position himself as a leader. While his wife left him and he lost his home. What a joke. He is a big, fat loser. He is the campaign manager for tax dead beat Connolly. He will lose his next election. Wayne Woodman has a home in Beverly Hills, CA. Has anyone checked his voter registration in both states? Another liar. Is he commiting voter fraud?

  20. "Looks like someone needs a zero increase in burger consumption."

    A compelling argument.


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