Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boscola v. Connolly Tomorrow

Northampton County's LWV will host a tête-à-tête tomorrow night between incumbent State Senator Lisa Boscola and challenger Matt Connolly. In a recent radio interview (you can hear it here), Boscola called Connolly a "tax cheat." "I'm going to win this election, and I'm going to win it soundly because people get it, Bobby. They're not gonna' pay for a tax beat and somebody that puts out rhetoric out there and can't even back it up."

The forum will take place at 6:45 PM at the Northampton County Courthouse, 3rd floor meeting room.

I'll be selling popcorn.


  1. At the debate, hope someone asks Connelly why he didn't even arrange partial property tax repayments to demonstrate his good will and responsibility towards his government duty. Not crazy anymore about Boscola but at least she pays her taxes.

  2. As taxpayers funded Boscola's supposed rehab, she should be asked if she continues to drink alcohol.

    She should also be asked why she continues to employ a drunk driver on her staff.

    She should be asked what her plan is to keep people safe from her own staff.

  3. You can't have partial property tax payments. They are due when they are due and after a certain time if you don't pay them the property can be sold subject to existing mortgages. You can make payments in advance but there is no payment plan available once they are late.

  4. Hey Pal you are late - what if everyone in the state, municipality, county or school district did the same thing? Be real and stop making excuses. Be like some of us --- work a second job or third. But don't make excuses, it doesn't fly with this voter.

    My vote goes to Boscola -- say what you like she does a great job in Harrisburg and represents us well.

  5. "there is no payment plan available once they are late."

    The exact opposite is true. You can only have a payment plan if you are late, and so late that your property has been scheduled for tax sale.

  6. I see that Connolly has been attacking the personal property tax by being someone who knows what he is talking about. We should all be like Matt C and stop paying our property tax.

    I also like his stand on casinos. We don't need them. All they do is break up family after family. I bet Matt is a family man as he does not believe in those evil casinos. We need someone who understands what it took to make America into the great country it is. Matt is it.

  7. The County allows you to pay property taxes throughout the year.

  8. Connolly plans to go after Lisa on her alcohol use and sexual life. If she were a man this would be off limits but I guess he thinks he can pull this crap because she is a woman.

    her life her business.

  9. I don't like Lisa, but what do we really know about Mr. Connolly? A "lehigh valley businessman" who makes a living driving racecars? Kind of hard to relate to in my mind, someone who touts "fiscal responsibility" and says the government has a "spending problem" when he makes a living driving racecars and not paying his own taxes.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I can't allow that comment unless you identify yourself.

  12. I left the comment last night - I am a female relative of his wife. That is how I know about the divorce, taxes, and child abuse.

  13. You will have to identify yourself so you can be sued fr defamation..


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