Local Government TV

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"We, the People" to Exclude Dissenters From Gracedale Meeting

Northampton County Executive John Stoffa, himself a former Human Services Director, believes Gracedale must be sold. But he is willing to allow a small group calling itself the Coalition of Altzheimer Families to circulate an initiative petition that will stop any sale. And that's as it should be. Stoffa has apparently even agreed to permit this gang to conduct a public meeting somewhere on its sprawling campus today. But guess what? They have refused to respond my repeated requests, asking them exactly where. Instead, I'm told nobody reads my blog, I'm a liar, etc. So basically, this crew is using public resources to promote its agenda, but is doing its best to exclude other members of the public with different views.

Although nobody eleced them, they like to call themselves "We, the People," and claim to speak for you. Even some lady from Kunkeltown has apparently been Divinely inspired to represent you. This is the same crowd who disrupted Thursday night's meeting with catcalls and vulgarities in front of about forty boy scouts. It's the same gaggle who tried to silence other speakers wth different views. It's the same faction who abused their Sunshine Act rights on Thursday nght to call Angle a liar and bigot.

That's why I call them the Gracedale Goons. Despite their attempts to exclude me, I'm going.


  1. The sale of Gracedale is the result of a deal between Angle and Stoffa. Proof of its viability has been ignored by this Council.

    You are a lying hypocrite. You call the families of concerned patients "goon". You are a vile and evil man.

    By the way, Stoffa didn't "allow" the people to move on this initiative. Despite what you believe Angle and Stoffa aren't dictators,, yet. Only in their minds and yours.

    You are a sick and pathetic creature. You need serious help.

  2. Give em hell O'Hare and don't forget to take a cigar and flashlight!!!

    Your friends in open government,
    Eckville Press

  3. This is a scam!!!!

    Stoffa wanted Gracedale for an admin building, but couldn't find a way to get rid of the residents. Now CoAF is giving him legal reasons to close down the home. Here comes the John Stoffa County Administration complex!

    So who is CoAF? Who is funding them? Why do they get 'special' treatment by the county to use county property? Was the meeting in a smoke filled back room with angle?

  4. Mr O'Hare,
    You aren't getting any younger, do you have enough money for a private nursing home? If you do, you are lucky, most of the "baby boomers" are living pay check to pay check, not putting money in the bank for nursing homes! Where are all of us to go when we get old? Oh that's right, you don't care along with Mr. Angle and Mr. Stoffa, not everyone has a $100,000 dollar income!I know, I work for the county and don't even come close that! You are an obnoxious person, and your day will come!

  5. Listen people...(and this will be deleted) why are those of us who disagree and complain about what O'Homo says here keep commenting on this one sided blog?

    Here is what we do...don't comment at all!!!! You know why? Because without US!! He has no forum!! He only post subjects which he thinks will get him great "hits" such as Angle and Gracedale.

    Most of the post on those topics have responses from people who disagree with O'Homo. In fact I would say 80% of the responses are against his one sided hypocritical views. So why should WE play into that?


    Do not respond to any of his topics if you disagree, and he will go away..he has only a few followers and a ton of people who disagree. I will lead the boycott...you follow me!!

    All of you "goons,trolls, and kooks" DON'T POST AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sick and Tired said...
    "Listen people...(and this will be deleted) why are those of us who disagree and complain about what O'Homo says here keep commenting on this one sided blog?"
    Really wrong way to go about this with Bernie IMHO.

    Since you have upright motives and intentions why wouldn't you let the sun shine on your meetings? Let Bernie in, let anybody in, especially since you're meeting on public land. If you want to plot in secret at least have the decency to do it in your own living room!

    Bernie's initial postings on our local Tea Party was very unflattering and even a bit confrontational. But we never hid anything from him or anyone else who wanted to check us out. Let the chips fall where they may...

  7. "Really wrong way to go about this with Bernie IMHO."

    I respect your opinion, however why give him the forum if he isn't going to be fair about the topics.

    This is my final post outside of getting people to stop commenting on here.

  8. Wayne,

    I, for one, will be delighted when anonymous cowards like "Sick and Tired" either stops posting hate-filled rants or takes responsibility for them.

    I particularly like the "O'Homo" reference from clowns who insist Angle is bigoted. I also have to laugh that an anonymous coward would expect others to follow. But I do hope he stays off this blog.

  9. I see the phony is unable to resist coming back. Just go away. Don't let the Internet door hit you on the way out.

  10. Families of Gracedlae residents have every right to protest the sale of Gracedlae. They are not a political action committee like the Republican operated tea party. For future reference don't be fooled by Stoffa's "kind" gesture of using Gracedale for a meeting or activity. Stoffa only did that to set you up so his butt buddy O'Hare could attack you. Meet privately in your own location as you are not a function of government and have the right to meet privately.

    The "only" issue the independent residents are interested in is the preservation of the county Nursing Home for the well-being of its current and future county residents.

    The only "open" government Mr. Angle or Mr. O'Hare ever supported was the kind that helped them and got at their enemies. Angle is about one thing "money", ask the Snyder family. Or read what his late fathers housekeeper said about Mr. Angle sticking his fathers feet with a knife. If his father was still alive, Ron Angle could be charged with elder abuse regardless of what "sick" relationship Ron Angle claims he has.

    Just remember folks don't let O'Hare or Angle get you down. Their combined past history is the stuff of legend. Legends of infamy that is.


  11. To all the disgruntled anonymous posters:

    If Mr. O'Hare has no audience, yet you are here braying and fabricating away?

    This has been an ongoing topic placed on the county's agenda for a whole year. And now you do your disinformation and smear actions? What purpose do you think you are serving by acting the way you do? You demean what little creditibility you HAD by your lack of civil discourse. Your grassroots efforts are a pitiful because of your attitude. I would never lend my name or services to your cause(s) with the positions you have taken.

    Lest I remind you, if your enemy is needing of water, offer them some cold water. With this action you will be reaping burning coals upon their heads. This is not a bad position to hold, if your cause is credible.

    I wish you good luck on your journey. Hopefully, you will seek the higher and upright road.

    Peace be with you, ~~alex+

  12. "Lest I remind you, if your enemy is needing of water, offer them some cold water. With this action you will be reaping burning coals upon their heads. This is not a bad position to hold, if your cause is credible."

    Lest I remind you "father" little boys are not for your pleasure.....if you use them for your pleasure you will be reaping burning coals upon their heads. This IS a horrible position to hold as a "as a person of "god""

  13. "I would never lend my name or services to your cause(s) with the positions you have taken."

    Last I checked no one asked for "your name or services" for their cause. Probably because people these days don't look fondly upon the "church". And after all because you wear a white collar does not mean you are any more credible than any of us, in fact with recent reports it seams as though those with the collar are far worse than those without.

    So take your "god" speaking and shove it up your O'Hare like hypocritical ass.

  14. Thank you my friend. You effectively demonstrate your position(s). May God have mercy on your soul.

    Peace, ~~alex+

  15. I might add that Father Alex was a Gracedale barber in a former life and wold really like to keep it in County hands if that is at all possible. So basically, you have insulted a real cleric who is actually attending a seminary as well as a natural ally.

  16. I have a question...

    Is this group composed of families of current Gracedale residents? If so, have you been informed by someone on how you are going to be negatively impacted by a sale?

  17. Anonymous said...
    "Families of Gracedlae residents have every right to protest the sale of Gracedlae. They are not a political action committee like the Republican operated tea party."

    Your local Lehigh Valley Tea Party is incorporated as a non-profit and is not a PAC. We endorse no candidates. We receive no money from political parties. Neither does our membership have any interest in being an auxiliary to a political party.

    And yes, you do have a right to protest the sale of Gracedale. Has anybody said that you don't have that right?

  18. "Families of Gracedlae residents have every right to protest the sale of Gracedlae. They are not a political action committee like the Republican operated tea party."

    Actually, today's rally was a thinly disguised effort by local Dems to promote their candidates this November. They engaged in blatant political activity. Film at midnight.

  19. "May God have mercy on your soul."

    I don't need, nor have I asked you or "god" for mercy.

    "So basically, you have insulted a real cleric who is actually attending a seminary as well as a natural ally."

    None of that impresses me....I could care less what he is attending, so long as it has nothing to do with children.

  20. Ahhh. The compassion of the Gracedale Goons.

  21. Reverend Mario Martinez loves all the little children.

  22. Hey Wayne, just how many Democrats are the Tea Party guys supporting. I know of numerous Republicans who have said they have your support but no Dem's. Why is that?

    Never mind

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Hey Wayne, just how many Democrats are the Tea Party guys supporting. I know of numerous Republicans who have said they have your support but no Dem's. Why is that?

    Never mind

    As a non-profit the local Tea Party is forbidden by law to endorse any candidate. People have claimed that both Dent and Towne are the "tea party candidate" --- how can that be true since they are two candidates for the same office?

    Because it's not true, we don't endorse. You go out and vote for the candidate of your choice.

    The local Tea Party has decided to focus on the issues.

    My personal observation is that there are generally two kinds of voters this election cycle:

    1) The issue oriented voter who is worried about the future of our economy and the rule of law.

    2) The voter whose main issue is which candidate can promise him the most irregardless of future economic consequence.

  25. Funny how you only equate Republicans with the first and Democrats with the second. Very convenient for a "non-partisan" group. Of course we know the money supporting the American "treaparty movement" is donated by the Corporate America.

    Yea! You guys are real non-partisan.

  26. irregardless?
    Is there such aword Tea Person ?
    I normally do not enforce the grammer police rule, however in your case I'll make an exception. This due to your ignorance of other issues and who's calling the shots for the teapeople
    it started as taxed enough already and has morphed into

    god guns and gays

    because the corporations will get their breaks with the pubes in charge

    Bye the Bye

    who do you tea people plan to caucus with if you win

    don't tell me


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.