Local Government TV

Monday, October 25, 2010

Obamanomics v. Reaganomics This Thursday at Lehigh

Lehigh University's College Democrats and Republicans will debate the virtues and vices of Obamanomics and Reaganomcs this Thursday at Packard 101, 7 PM sharp.

I met the Republicans' champion, William Thode, at Pizza Joe's in Nazareth. He's in training.

I gave him a few clever retorts he can try on the Dems, like "Oh yeah?" Also, there should always room for at least one Yomama joke.

The loser will be fed to the University Mascot.


  1. Reagan? Really? That was thirty years ago. None of these students were even born. Were there parents even born? How often are the Republicans going to dig up that poor man in an effort to pretend the Bush dynasty never happened? Next debate: "The cell phone vs. the cotton gin: Which invention has changed your life more?"

  2. The only problem with Reaganomics is that it relies on private industry leaders to be responsible stewards of the economy.

    Theoretically, it is the best model. But the pigs basically clear cut the forest while their enabling trough-feeders failed to reign in spending, and gave the left a club to use for generations.

  3. William Thode. Is he related to the cool professor in charge of Lehigh's real estate department

  4. Yes, I believe he is, and his Dada is also a Planning Comm'r in Bethlehem who was just re-appointed.

  5. Clem said...

    "The only problem with Reaganomics is that it relies on private industry leaders to be responsible stewards of the economy.

    Theoretically, it is the best model. But the pigs basically clear cut the forest while their enabling trough-feeders failed to reign in spending..."


    Clem -

    1) Not just theoretically, but in practice Reagan had the best model. If you doubt that, compare the results to Obamanomics or the Western European socialist governments (I guess that's really the same thing).

    2) Regarding the "enabling trough-feeders" who "failed to reign in spending", the Republicans NEVER controlled the House (where spending bills originate) when Reagan held office. So you can blame the lack of fiscal restraint on the Democrats.

  6. Patrick -

    Bob Michel, Bob Dole and their clique were enablers at best. Reagan had it right, his supposed fellow conservatives were just Washington insiders making deals and having drinks with their "friends" across the aisle. The civility Bernie is always talking about.

    Dems are dems, and are to be expected to act like dems. I expect better from those who are supposed to be on my side, including those who champion deregulation and low taxes, then pocket the bounty for themselves. If not for those types, we'd never have to worry about class warfare or lefty promises to stick it to the man.

  7. Clem said:

    "If not for those types, we'd never have to worry about class warfare or lefty promises to stick it to the man."


    Clem -

    The left will always use class warfare, because that is how they view people. Even when it is their policies that make things worse for the "working man", they will always blame someone else.

    Look at what is happening this election or in the Western European socialist democracies (like France).


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