Not all that long ago, Senator Lisa Boscola's chief of staff, Bernie Kieklak, was a regular on this blog. He often had insightful and generally funny things to say, but had a tendency to go overboard, especially if he commented late at night. For example, he made
this remark about then Congressional candidate Sam Bennett.
"Sammy Bennett is a phony political whore who gives good head and makes cheap, blatant political opportunists look like Mother Fucking Teresa. Even her pussy is made of plastic." Turned out he had a drinking problem. Neither Kieklak nor his boss
apologized to the numerous women he insulted. In fact, she eventually gave him a raise. Now it looks like her chief legislative aide, Jeff Warren, has a drinking problem, too. What's disturbing about his drunk driving prosecution is his
failure to come forward, or to
admit he had a prior.
Warren, who is also an Easton City Council member, has disgraced his office and should resign. It is not the drinking that bothers me. I am an alcoholic myself and, if truth be told, should have been arrested a few times for DUI. I'm a bad enough driver sober. What bothers me about Warren is (1) his failure to come forward and admit his problem; and (2) his unwillingness to divulge that this was his second arrest.
What bothers me even more is that State Senator Lisa Boscola, who claims to be a reformed drinker, surrounds herself with people who are not. It makes me wonder what she learned in rehab. At the very least, she's an enabler.
They must have one helluva' Christmas party.
Why do people keep electing Lisa Boscola. She's awful. Imagine a staff member writing those kinds of things about a woman and allowing him to remain.
bo with a cheap shot showing a picture of jc with this blog. jc has nothing to do with this.u r showing your butt bo.
If it bothers you that Johnny Casino is standing next to a red-faced Lisa, then perhaps he should not be with her. She was aside him as he threw dice out onto a craps table, too. Maybe I should have used that picture.
again your butt is showing. you r dent's handmaiden and will use any trick to smear jc by association. u r correct - ur a bottom feeder
Every family is touched by a loved one suffering from alcoholism. We agree with you, Boscola must create an environment of acceptance for this type of behavior to continue, staff member after staff member.
We agree with the writer's Callahan image concern. Why not cut him out. He hasn't been "caught" with alcoholic charges, has he?
I can easily find 20 or 30 pictures of them together. I think it's fair. If Johnny Casino does not want to be smeared by associaton, then perhaps he should not associate with people who can make him look bad. If he is willing to stand aside Boscola in the hope that he can grab some of her votes, let him take a little of the heat for her goofy behavior.
Using Callahan in this comment is like one of us leaving a grocery store and walking next to another shopper who turns out to be a
convict and you happen to take our photo and post it..."Gal Pal of..."
It's not fair nor decent to do.
He hasn't been "caught" with alcoholic charges, has he?
7:49 AM
To this point, Casino's only alcohol related issue is that he ran interference when his gooned-up B-I-L totaled a cruiser.
Whatever happened with that, Bern?
Except that Callahan knows damn well just who he is standing next to, has accepted money from her, and appears in numerous photos with her.
What I have done is far more fair than taking an American soldier with blood dripping down his face (probably photoshopped) and then using it an a campaign ad.
"Whatever happened with that, Bern"
Nothing. Different rules for the brothers-in-law of Mayors.
Dent doesn't like seeing the blood on his hands for the wars he participated in creating? And he doesn't like to be accountable for his treatment of the families of fallen heros? Dent is for one thing: corporate America.
The main problem is that Boscola is STILL a drunk.
Boscola a reformed drinker? She still drinks alcohol.
Permission to Post:
During the past year we have had the pleasure of reading your fellow blogger Betty Cauler's posts regarding her professional career at the Morning Call. Perhaps she will comment about the following posted today on the Huffington Post:
"Tribune Fires CEO Randy Michaels: NYT"
Are people certain Boscola is still drinking? Pretty serious charge if only a rumor.
I try to be an independent when watching our top election this fall, namely Governor, Senator and Congressman. After watching the debates between Onorato and Corbett the choice is easy -- Onorato without a doubt. same is true of the debates with Callahan and Dent -- Callahan by a mile. Toomey is a whack and I knew that before the election campaign.
But my point is that placing Callahan in this picture was purely political and has nothing to do with this story.
I live in Bethlehem and have come to despise Dent for the picture he is painting not only of Callahan, but our city as well. Callahan has done an admirable job. Just loko at the various awards we have gotten. And Charlie, please stop lying -- my property taxes haven't gone up in years and Callahan doesn't set his own salary. As a matter of LAW, City Counci must set it before election petitions are even circulated.
Stick to the facts Charlie (and Bernie) -- oh that's right if you do that you won't win.
Again you find a way to print sexist and offensive remarks aimed at women.Their was no need to print in its entirety BKs remarks in the context of this story.You claim you will delete personal attacks at your discretion.All women should be offended.
OK Bernie, be fair. Please post all photos of Charlie Dent standing next to the red-gilled potty mouth drunken enabler.
Callahan's associations with scandalous local politicians are germane to any discussion about his judgment. All of our moms told us to be mindful of those with whom we associate.
As a friend of mine says: "Hang out in the barbershop long enough, you are going to get a haircut".
Goes for Ms. Boscola as well.
What you see is what you get. Really, there are no surprises here.
"Their [sic] was no need to print in its entirety BKs remarks in the context of this story."
Yes there was. Inless I reproduce one f those statements, in all its glory, people wll downplay the severity of what was being said and will excuse the way Boscola reacted to it. Let's not forget.
bernie 7:49
actually bernie your behavior is worse than a bottom feeder blogger.
I would describe you as 360 degrees below whale crap
bernie you are as unscrupulous and fickle as an easton street whore. you of all people should not be criticizing someone for being "scandalous" look at yourself in the mirror before you start throwing your malicious half truths
Bernie, I am deeply disappointed that you would repost this highly sexist, misogynistic quote - AGAIN - on your blog. And to use it to damage a woman State Senator is even more disappointing. Bernie, this type of posts demeans ALL women, and should be taken down immediately. When I ran for U.S. Congress in PA-15 against Charlie Dent in 2008, the sexism that came my way was absolutely breath taking. And it motivated me to make sure no woman running for public office in this country would ever have to go through what I did. The national campaign created to achieve this goal www.NameItChangeIt.org, in my role as CEO/President of WCF, the oldest organization financially supporting women running for office, has had a powerful effect on women's races across the country in the mid-terms -- with partners Women's Media Center and Political Parity. Sadly, my race is now infamous as one of the most sexist this nation has ever seen - Bernie you owe me and State Senator Lisa Boscola an apology for re-posting this unforgivably awful quote. Take down this post, apologize and sign our Equality Pledge at www.nameitchangeit.org. You'll be a better man for it. You are better than this.
Sam, I appreciate your points, but as neither Senator Boscola or Bernie Kieklak ever offered an apology to you or to me for his comments, I don't think its offensive to remind the readers of this blog that his behavior was not only tolerated, but ultimately rewarded by an elected official.
Obviously Bernie O. can post or not post whatever he likes and that doesn't always reflect the wishes of his readers, but I personally don't prefer that those comments be forgotten or put in the past. If I were still a political blogger, I'd be posting those comments 7 days a week until Senator Boscola's next election.
Sam, he has to be a man FIRST. Then he might try to be a better one,but honestly..............
Hope all is well with you and your family. That comment does indeed demean all women. I chose to repeat it. I could have reposted the specific remarks made about Capri and another female blogger as well.
Senator Boscola ignored the pleas of several of these bloggers, asking that Kieklak apologize to them, something he refused to do. In fact, he was rewarded with a raise. Her behavior in this matter is as bad as what Kieklak did.
I could have avoided using the exact words he used, but really think voters need to know exactly what Senator Boscola was willing to tolerate from her own staff.
She owes all of us an apology.
As for the sexism visited on you when you ran for Mayor and Congress, it is truly unfortunate that many men are so unwilling to accept that an attractive female might also be intelligent or have some good ideas.
Now, I was merciless during the Congressional race and I believe you at one point pointed to "regressive" bloggers like me as a contributing factor in your loss. That may be true, although I doubt I had little to do with your loss. I was very careful to discourage any comments that had anything to do with your sex and deleted quite a few.
I hope you understand why I felt repeating those exact words was necessary. It was not done to demean women, but to call attention to the very practice you condemn.
Capri said it far beeter than I, and in far fewer words.
I will take your pledge.
Donovan was slurring attractive women long before Bernie posted factually. And he was given tenure by a college full of apparently self-hating feminists. Lisa's boozing and poor behavior has nothing to do with her private parts (except where she's made public statements about them). It has to do with her lack of personal responsibility and restraint.
Let's see a pic of Dent and George W. There must be hundreds of those.
Lisa has as much right to drinking and sexual freedom as the male members of the legislature. I don't see O'Hare attacking men who enjoy fellatio.
Good for Lisa if she can do her job, her private enjoyment is her business. It is none of our business what she does and who she does it with.
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