When I saw the two of them together, and the obvious regard they have for each other, I started thinking these two would make a great Presidential ticket. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, whose tough stance on government spending is sending shockwaves through the nation, insisted about a gazillion times that he has no interest in running for the Presidency in 2012. OK, what about 2016? By that time, the Guv' and then Senator Charlie Dent might be ready.
Affable Chris Christie was in Allentown's Four Points Sheraton yesterday to promote Charlie Dent for Congress. "I am not here by coincidence," he stressed, noting that he only campaigns for a few candidates that he really believes in, and Dent is one of them. He wants to be able to "look you in the eye" when he endorses someone. On November 2, he'll be watching election returns, and won't be happy until he sees that check mark by Dent's name. "Don't make me come back here," he joked with a crowd of nearly 200 Dent supporters.
Dent introduces Christie as a "natural hero," a New Jersey Governor who actually believes it's time that "government live within its means" and who is "accountable to the people."
As New Jersey's U.S. Attorney, Christie went after public corruption, winning pleas or convictions from 130 public officials without losing a single case. He then went after 45 Bloods gang members, and prosecuted 1,500 child pornographers. He also led the team that stopped a terrorist plan to mount an attack at Fort Dix.
Dent noted that the VEEP had been in town to raise money for John Callahan. "He can have Joe Biden, I'll take Chris Christie."
Christie, who looks a lot like an offensive tackle with the NFL, told the crowd he had an Irish father and a Sicilian mother. "This is what gave me my skills at dispute resolution," he joked. He described his dad as happy-go-lucky, but said his mother was the "enforcer."
He learned about fiscal responsibility from her when, as a boy, he'd tell her he wanted something.
"Christopher," she'd say, "Go in the back yard and grab some money from the money tree."
"But we don't have a money tree in the back yard."
There is no money tree, and it's time that politicians stop pandering to voters. "Treat them like adults," said Christie. "Tell them the truth."
Instead of vilifying Democrats, Christie said the only way to accomplish anything is "in a bi-partisan way." But he claims his entire political philosophy is based on four basic Reagan principles: smaller government; less spending; less regulation; and lower taxes.
He said this might make him unpopular, even within his own party, at times. But he added, "I'm not here to run a charm school."
How did I end up there? Dent Campaign Spokesperson Gregg Bortz caught me with a piece of paper that said "Pull" instead of "Press." Reporters got press passes while bloggers got pull passes. Anyway, Gregg had a special spot all picked out for me and even gave me a National Enquirer. After sitting in the boiler room for a half hour, I realized that Gregg must have been confused and just started wandering around, opening doors, until I found the right spot.
Governor Christie told everyone they should move back to Jersey so they won't have so far to drive when they go to the shore.
funny... dent taking on casey in 2012 results in dent no longer in congress. dents opportunity for the senate is in 2018 if casey runs for gov or 2016 if toomey loses this year. otherwise, casey is senator for a long time and a very middle-level congressman is left looking for another option to move up.
Sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little bit
They WOULD make a great ticket!
We agree. We've listened to Christy since he first ran. He isn't afraid of the unions which most politicans are. Charlie could a vp. He has that kind of "everyman" gentle appeal that for the most part doesn't offend others.
You know what Geeting, Ya don't have visit here.
My NJ relatives are very proud of their governor. After yesterday's talk by Gov. Chrtistie, I understand why that is. He is an exceptional person and in it for all the right reasons.
Thanks, that reminds me to get my passport in order and work on my German.
That combination will destroy what little is left of this once great country.
Geeting go write your blog that nobody reads. You are one sicko
A NJ candidate would never pick a PA running mate.
I could picture Geetings head spinning around and green pea soup spraying out of his mouth everywhere just reading this headline
Yesterdays event was very motivational. All walked away with a feeling of "we need to get our country back" and with Gov Christie at the helm in New Jersey and Congressman Dent in both Pennsylvania and Washington we have a chance. Both men have a very strong family value system. Both speak from their hearts and are down to earth.
All you need is to walk in their shoes for a day or two and then you will get an understanding of the hard choices they have to make.
Christie shared a snipit of what it is like to walk in his shoes.
It was a very inspiring!
A couple of question for Bernie or anyone else who knows the answer:
First, what has Charlie Dent actually achieved during his year's in Washington? I ask because I have yet to receive a mailer or see a commercial where Dent discusses his record? Why is that?
Second, what does Dent actually stand for? I ask this because when he was originally elected, he was considered a moderate Republican. Looking at his voting record (which I have) he appears to be every other Republican looking to hold onto his well paid, free healthcare providing, job.
Thanks in advance.
Al Neuman
I wouldn't laugh. You're looking at 36 electoral votes. Say Dent develops a statewide profile that filters into neighboring (and unelmployment ravaged) Ohio and Christie's reputation sits well with the Jersey transplants in Florida (where there are more ex-Garden Staters than from NY), that's 82 electoral votes from solid blue states that might not go to Obama. All the republicans would have to do is flip North Carolina (15 electoral votes) and any combination of the western new blue states (Colorado and Nevada or Colorado and New Mexico) and Obama can't get the necessary 270 for re-election.
Do yourself a favor and look over his congressional and campaign site, then look at his ENTIRE voting record. You will see a centrist who tilts right. You will see a man who has reasonable explanations for every vote, even when you disagree. You will see that he is the coChair of the Tuesday group, which challenged Bush on Iraq and other positions.
jon geeting,
Can you tell us who is running city hall for the absentee mayor? Will he return a portion of his salary since he is out campaigning? Is the asst solicitor now the asst mayor? your defense of the defenseless should make you sick. certainly there are those who are sick of the boy mayors behavior
Governor Christie told everyone they should move back to Jersey so they won't have so far to drive when they go to the shore....yeah bc his bullshit "u have to live in jersey in order to work in jersey" joke of a bill is gonna get shot down i suppose he would try to lure people there with the most disgusting beaches on the east coast...hey, why doesnt he just build a moat around jersey to keep all of us lowly pennsylvanians out?
I have a deal for you Bernie. I will vote for Dent as opposed to my leanings towards Callahan if you vote for Sestak.
While I am no real fan of Dent, the thought of that lunatic Toomey being a US Senator is just plain scary.
You've got a deal. You've just given me the best reason I can think of to vote for Sestak.
Other than the clock-cleaning Sestak handed Toomey in the debate the other night? Wow, that was embarrassing.
Dent on a national ticket is a pipe dream. He would be mincemeat on that stage. Dan Quayle was better qualified than Charlie and I doubt he would make it in this era.
Charlie should not aspire to positions above his abilities- nothing worse than being a poster child for the Peter Principle.
I do not want to downplay Christie's approach. We need to take a hard look at government and make informed decisions about what our tax dollars should fund. This is not easy.
I have to say that after viewing Towne's video via Bill White's blog, this lifelong Republican is tempted to vote for an independent candidate for the first time.
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