Despite what you may think, I gave everyone but Karen Dolan very high marks. Karen was absent that night, or I'm sure she would have scored just as well or better than everyone else.
Hey, I'm easy.
Well, The Morning Call's Matt Assad has run a story about this rating system. It's not administered by a skinny Santa Claus, but by activist Stephen Antalics. Looks like Willie Reynolds finished dead last with a D.
That could be because he's been a rubber stamp who asks probing questions of Mayor John Callahan like "How great are you?"
But you gotta' love Wee Willie's reaction to his grade: "“I’m sure I’ll lose lots of sleep tonight next to my hot girlfriend.”
Here's my question. How the hell does this

end up with this?

Maybe she's a registered lobbyist.
She is betting that she is sleeping with the next mayor of Bethlehem. She is a smart girl.
Of all your posts, none depressed me as much as that photo. There's nothing quite so frustrating as a tool w/ a 10.
Willie was handed his Council seat by virtue of his name. A proud Bethelehm tradition.
Is that quote attributed to council member Reynolds? I'm sleeping next to ahot girl tonight.
Who is this Willie guy. What's so special about his name? Thanks.
He's got to be large in the trousers. He's otherwise out of his league.
Any bets?
Willie will not be the next Mayor of Bethlehem...
I disagree that Mr. J. William Reynolds is a typical politician because he is not typical at all. He is a wannabe who fancies himself the next mayor of Bethlehem and honestly does not have the intestinal fortitude or the intellectual capability to achieve the title of politician. His history speaks for itself, a substitute teacher (remember that old saying "those who can do; those who can't, teach"? He can only do that part time apparently) who can't string together a cohesive sentence to save his life. The former lackey of a State Representative, Willy's ambition was to run for State Senate, but after being told he needed to work his way up the ladder decided to start small in local politics.
The current mayor funded his election, mostly so that he could have a rubber stamp to anything that the administration wanted to do. (Willy "rubberstamp" Reynolds as I've heard him referred to a number of times) If you ever attend a City Council meeting you'll usually find Rubberstamp Reynolds looking distant, bored, annoyed to be in the meeting, or laughing at the serious issues of citizens. That of course in between his constant rubbing of the face, and texting while votes for millions of dollars are taking place. He is also famous for talking just to hear himself talk and for political theater (both are painful to watch because of the elementary level of discourse spewed by Willy) which usually ends up with Rubberstamp Reynolds confusing even himself.
Other members of City Council are forced to "sidestep Willy" as I've been told by the few who actually attempt to govern instead of being Karen Dolan's lap dog.
As far as the hot girlfriend, perhaps Mr. Rubberstamp didn't realize that most men of his caliber who have "hot girlfriends" are homosexual. The "hot girlfriends" are usually their "fruit flies" and almost always more than happy to serve as a "beard".
I guess that Mr. Rubberstamp Reynolds does not see past his own ego and personal ambitions, which directly reflects in his grade.
Bernie......gotta love when you lighten up the mood a little.
Just goes to show, yet again, that women are far less superficial than men.
It is, quite honestly, refreshing and heartwarming and should give pause to fatsos, balding middle-aged men, and the otherwise "aesthetically-impaired."
We can do it too!!!!
Bernie, FYI, that's not his girlfriend. See the LV With Love post for a pic of the actual girlfriend.
9:10 AM is a pathetic troll. Call somebody's integrity into account, but sign your name. Call somebody's sexuality into account and I can see why you wouldn't sign your name.
Anonymous said...
9:10 AM is a pathetic troll. Call somebody's integrity into account, but sign your name. Call somebody's sexuality into account and I can see why you wouldn't sign your name.
Glad to see you take your own advice. Hypocrisy is never wasted around here!
nope. also nice to know that I didn't question your intellect or sexuality.
Anon 9:10
I'm not a huge fan of Willie's either but when you ridiculously question his sexuality, you lose ALL credibility.
Bernie - the picture is NOT his girlfriend. But the best part of Willie Reynolds IS his girlfriend. She's great and I'm glad he clearly appreciates her.
For those of us who do not know Willie Reynolds, is he the son of some famous city family?
9:10 fornicates with farm animals and infant children. He doesn't pretend to have a smokin girlfriend. His palms are too hairy to "pull it off."
Anonymous and Accurate
", FYI, that's not his girlfriend"
Tell me it's not his sister.
Nobody ever called him a homosexual. It was just stated that it is typical for closeted gay men to use "hot women" as a "beard". I pointed that out because in all honesty; how many straight men do you know who would give that answer to a question which has nothing to do with his masculinity?
Also, I could care less what people say about the 9:10am comment. (Even though I find accusing someone outright of being into beastiality or child molestation to be classless) I know for a fact that I'm right about Rubberstamp Reynolds being a non hack lackey who wants to ride all the way to Washington D.C. on Callahan's coat tails.
Chew on that for a while Willie!
Whether or not Mr. Reynolds is gay is not the issue. The issue is that his response to being very poorly rated by those who attend the City Council Meetings was repugnant. I guess his girlfriend is supposed to be proud that many city residents now know that they have good sex. His comment was typcial of the lack of respect for city residents that he routinely shows and his arrogance.
what is this place coming to?.....Isnt his sister in high school?
The comment was not said publicly at the meeting.
It appears that Assad overheard Reynolds saying it to someone as they left the meeting.
Frankly, who cares about some regular gadfly's ratings. It is votes that matter.
This kid used to walk around HS saying "you know who I am? I am Willie F'ing Reynolds". 12 years later I still use this line and laugh at what a tool bag he is. Once a tool bag, always a tool bag.
These so-called "gadflys" are citizens who care deeply about their city. Many of them are very active in the community with a large circle of professional friend and acquaintances. Among them is a Lehigh University Professor, the Managing Partner of Hotel Betlehehem, an attorney, a former Wall Street CPA and other professionals.
He may not have made the comment during the meeting but he said it in a public hall with members of the administration, city council, the press and the public being present. The gadfly comment shows an arrogance and disrespect for involved citizens that mirros the words and actions of Mr. Reynolds so closely as they could be his own.
When I go to council meetings, these people appear to be against everything...a "Group of No." Some of them rambled and appeared not to be informed, and just went up to criticize.
I am not sure why I, a voter in Bethlehem, should care about their rankings of elected officials. Why did Antalics make feel it necessary to make these rankings public? The only ranking that counts it the one on election day.
Also, which of these learned group of graders is an attorney?
Tool bag -
[tool bag]
a loser who thinks they are cooler than they actually are. they think they are the focus of everyone's attention or are better than everyone when in fact they are not. They try too hard and are almost always in situations that are far over their head, yet too self absorved to ever even realize it.
That John William Reynolds has been a tool bag as far back as anyone can remember.
I can't speak for Mr. Antalics, but perhaps he felt that the rankings of the citizens who take their time to show up and participate at the meetings might be of some interest to a voter who doesn't have the ability to do so.
He could not control that a reporter thought it was a story. He just made the comments as he has for a couple of years now at the "courtesy of the floor" part of the meeting. It appeared as if he was primarily concerned with the members of City Council knowing this information. He never claimed he endorsed the numbers or that they reflected a larger opinion in the community.
If you don't care about the results of his "survey", that is your right. Just keep in mind that the survey is not the issue here. It is the lapse of judgment of an elected official to make such a comment.
It is interesting to note that the comments made by those that are defending Mr. Reynolds don't address the issue, rather, they primarily attack those making the comments.
There are a few members of the group you call "gadflys" that are lawyers who attend the meetings on a fairly regular basis. And, as stated previously, many of the others are highly successful, educated and respected members of the community even if the members of Council and their supporters don't like them or respect them.
Who should be attending these meetings, if not those that take the time to show up and address issues with the council as members of the community with various life experiences? It seems like you'd prefer it to be only those that either will say nothing or that will fully support Mr. Reynolds simply because he won an election three years ago. It is true that not everyone that speaks always makes sense and it is true that there are those that seemingly speak every meeting just to speak. No matter how stupid or unnecessary you find these "gadflys", that doesn't change the fact that Mr. Reynolds once again showed himself to be arrogant.
I am not sure why I, a voter in Bethlehem, should care about their rankings of elected officials. Why did Antalics make feel it necessary to make these rankings public? The only ranking that counts it the one on election day.
You should care because these are the people who attend the meetings on a regular basis. They are (or consider themselves) the eyes, ears, and voices of the community. They really do care about the community and get involved on a regular basis. These are the people who fight for you whenever a vote for spending comes up. They fight for you whenever someone wants to destroy a piece of city history. They fight to keep you safe by pointing out where crime happens.
They are not the "group of no" they are people who know what they are talking about. And a good number of them have supported many of the items that have come up for votes.
If you don't like it, fill out the paper the "skinny Santa" hands you and give your opinion.
I will agree that some individuals speak a little too often or make remarks which have little to do with anything city council is responsible for. However, it is their right to do so; that is what makes this such a great country!
One thing I will point out about the constant comments which support J.W. Reynolds is the fact he once stated in the middle of a council meeting, "it is so refreshing to have people here with such positive comments instead of the usual negative people who speak." If you ask me that is Rubberstamp himself posting!
Mr. Rubberstamp, shouldn't you be in bed with your "hot girlfriend"?
Point of clarification anon 6:35. It was never proven they have "great" sex. I will reserve judgement until I hear from the young lady in question.
The Will Meister was a star basketball player at liberty and has an extensive connected family.
As to sexual prowess, most women do not prefer basketball players since they dribble too much before they shoot.
Here's what the results were for 2008...
J. William Reynolds: 1.1. Antalics ran out of his five-minute speaking limit before he could give the reason for Reynolds' score. I called him for it today. "He's clueless, he looks bewildered. He says things that have no consequence," Antalics said.
Sounds like Reynolds is an Ann McHale in training.
There's a video of his reaction. Notice the look of anticipation like his name is going to be the next one called and not the last. The whole time he's got an arrogant look about him.
J Dub has a Nosfersatu look goin on.
I found a photo of J Dubs with his hot girl.
I'm glad an anonymous blogger finds the high school sister of a City Council member "hot." Way to establish ethos!
Actually, that was me, and it was in my post. I better turn myself in.
I'll really worry about it when I'm sleeping next to my hot boyfriend in jail.
LMAO @ jail bf!
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He looks like a q tip
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