Local Government TV

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nepotism on Farmland Preservation Board?

You can blame the damn Catholics for nepotism. Popes named nephews as Cardinals, Cardinals gave lucrative parishes to illegitimate sons. The most blatant example in the U.S. is when JFK, another damn Catholic, appointed his brother Attorney General. "I don't see anything wrong with giving him a little legal experience before he goes out to practice law," he said.

Accusations of nepotism were hurled at last night's Northampton County Council meeting. County John Stoffa named Andrew Thierry as a citizen-member to the Farmland Preservation Board, which consists of seven people. Thierry's wife, Barbara, is a member of Council.

"It's called nepotism," snarked Ann McHale. Lamont McClure said there's nothing wrong with a little nepotism, but said Thierry is unqualified. Peg Ferraro stated she was unable to recall any instance in which the spouse of a Council member sat on an authority or board. Neither can I, but I do recall that McHale's husband wrote several insurance policies for the County in years past. And when Marilyn Lieberman sat on Council, she got into a bit of hot water when she inadvertently failed to inform them of a business relationship her husband had with the County.

This is an unpaid position. Board members do pay farmers who agree to preserve their land, and decide how much to pay. Neither Thierry nor his wife owns any farms. There's no conflict of interest I can discern. Neither can Bruce Gilbert. "In this case, I do not see any perception of impropriety, nor do I see that impropriety would occur.

When Easton Mayor Sal Panto lobbied for his wife's appointment to City Council, I thought that was a bad idea. "A decision to put that much power in the hands of one family should be made by the voters, not four city council members." But this is the frickin' Farmland Preservation Board, which is about as exciting as watching laundry dry.

"I wish I could tell you and Mr. Stoffa could tell you that we have people jumping over backwards to go on there. He and I for months have chased every farmer in the County to get one or two farmers to be on there. ... People don't want to serve," said Council Prez Ron Angle.

Council did approve Thierry's appointment. Barb Thierry abstained while McHale and McClure said No.


  1. thanks for sharing the information...
    really impressed...

  2. Actually, Bernie, think Kennedy was quipping with reporters.

  3. Bernie,
    Unfinished Business:
    Something about Fridays that brings attention to unfinished business, ie., Mann's main squeeze and possible paygate, Callahan's bro in law and police cell phone records, and now, corny loveboat appointments and farmgate. How you get to brush your teeth is beyond us. Awaiting yours, bloggies

  4. Morning Bernie, when I was Mayor and Tom became a borough council member, I had to break my one and only tie vote and it was against Tom, ethics are in place for many of us. Carol


  6. "Nothing wrong with a little nepotism, but said Thierry is unqualified. Peg Ferraro stated she was unable to recall any instance in which the spouse of a Council member sat on an authority or board."

    Although apparently not illegal,
    what about people like Kurt Derr
    working for Boscola and sitting on L.Cty Commissioners or Pat Browne's new wife acting as his assistant or Peter Schweyer, Allentown council member, working as executive assistant to Jennifer Mann.
    Shouldn't there be some type of legislation--perhaps titled One
    Pension First--that forbids anyone from working in two government entities at once.

  7. "Actually, Bernie, think Kennedy was quipping with reporters."

    He was. Loved his humor.

  8. Was McHale complaining when Carol Cuono's husband got a job as a 'court security officer?' That job actually paid a salary.

  9. I'm surprised anyone would want to be on this Board. Maybe he was the only guy that was interested.

  10. The allegations are laughable coming from McHale whose daughter worked for the county and McClure whose wife is a county employee.

  11. And Grube's daughter working for the County, and on, and on ...

  12. Bullshit. If this were Reibman, Angle would be blowing a gasket and having a press conference. Bullshit, Stoffa was told to do this by Angle as a favor to Thiery and that is that.

    Christ's sake O'Hare, don't you have an honest bone in your body.

  13. If you want honesty in county government, go to Luzerne County.

    All you need is $1,000.00 dollars for a job.

    Guaranteed. Honest.

  14. 12:13 favor usually involve an economic benefit to those favored. What does Mr. Thierry have to gain from serving on a commission of vomunteers? He should be praised for his willingness to serve the county on a board or commission, an act that very few citizens are willing to do. This is much ado about nothing.

  15. Many citizens have asked to be on different boards but Stoffa won't return their calls. he helps who ever Angle tells him to help.

  16. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life - Jesus Loves you Bernie

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