To be fair, she did clear this gig in advance with the state ethics commission. She told them she would "identify business opportunities" and "provide consulting services" concerning contracts with "local government entities" with an unnamed company. Although the Ethics Commission gave her a green light, it was based on assurances that she would make no contacts with any state agency or local government entity, would not solicit business or use confidential information obtained from her public position to pinpoint a possible Vitetta deal.
Mann did tell me that she "may have reached out to some regional schools," although she did not make the initial contact. Doesn't that, in and of itself, put undue pressure on school administrators? Does it really matter whether the initial call comes from her?
I believe she has a conflict of interest, and has gone beyond what was authorized by the Pa. Ethics Comm'n.
But what really exacerbates an already dicey question is her position as a member of the Stimulus Oversight Commission. At the time of its opinion, the state ethics commission had no idea that there was going to be a gigantic stimulus package, to say nothing of some state oversight board. It was formed two years after the state ethics opinion, and"reviews, monitors and advises Pennsylvania on its plans for stimulus spending."
One of the outfits she is monitoring just happens to be Vitetta. According to the Pa. Treasury Department, Vitetta is involved in eight Pennsylvania stimulus projects involving the Department of General Services (DGS 575-3 PH 3 WO 1, DGS 575-3 PH 4 Amendment, DGS 575-3 Amendment 31, DGS 948-68 PH 2 WcO 32), Pa. State System of Higher Education (PASSHE-PROF-2005-43R2) and the Turnpike Commission (4400001072, 4400000696 - Supp 1, 4400000697 - Supp 1). This is over $79,000,000 in stimulus contracts.
As a Vitetta consultant, she is providing about as much oversight as a fox in a hen house. And she never cleared this arrangement.
She needs to step down.
"the Ethics Commission gave her a green light, it was based on assurances that she would make no contacts with any state agency or local government entity, would not solicit business or use confidential information obtained from her public position to pinpoint a possible Vitetta deal"
wow. so they pay her for essentially doing...nothing.
sweet gig.
She told me she alerts Vitetta to business opportunities. My problem is that she only knows about these because of her public office."
What Mann really does is be an informer for this corporation. How can any voter believer she votes in favor of certain economic funding that helps this company's competitors?
She is a disgrace.
Heard her this week on radio announcing some shallow legislation. Her voice weak and crackling. No wonder. Mann go away. Quit. We no longer believe in you. Allentown is not a city without limits like Pawlowski likes to say. Rather, it's
a city in crisis and needs honest and decent legislators.
What a scam. I will have to admit she was good. Thanks for bringing this over from the dark side into the light.
The fact that the state ethics comm. reviewed and approved it means that what she's done is completely legal and ethical. To be fair, the ethics comm. approval could have been mentioned in the original post, no?
The fact that the state ethics comm. reviewed and approved it means that what she's done is completely legal and ethical
Wonder if the ethics committee was told the whole story.
"She told me she alerts Vitetta to business opportunities. My problem is that she only knows about these because of her public office."
And this is different from Angle how?
The members of the stimulus oversight commission have no say, whatsoever, over how stimulus dollars are spent.
Anon 7:51 said, "To be fair, the ethics comm. approval could have been mentioned in the original post, no?"
Actually, he did: "In her defense, Mann did get clearance from the state ethics commission."
" To be fair, the ethics comm. approval could have been mentioned in the original post, no?"
As Alan points out, I did note this clearance in my original post on this topic. It's why I talked to Mann 3 years ago, although I had no idea she was working for Vitetta.
I decided that I should go into more detail about the ruling, which DOES NOT contemplate her service on the Stimulus Oversight Comm'n.
"The members of the stimulus oversight commission have no say, whatsoever, over how stimulus dollars are spent."
Then why do they exist? Either this is a completely unnecessary commission or it is one providing ovdrsight.
Where is the Morning Call Harrisbut\g reporter on this story. I hopw not siting behind Manns desk as was Gawlick.
The stimulus oversight commission reviews the money that has already been appropriated...they don't direct the money.
Do you honestly think that canges my argument. It still presents a problem and a potential conflict. Jenn Mann needs to step down.
Oh Bernie, it's just business as usual. Why does this type of thing surprise anybody? Why else would a politician BE a politician, if not to make deals that benefit friends and family?
Obviously, Mann's relationship with Vitetta is inapproriate and unethical. But, who are we kidding? This happens ALL THE TIME with all politicians. It's hopeless. Mann is just a teeny tiny symptom of a whole system gone wrong.
"It still presents a problem and a potential conflict. Jenn Mann needs to step down."
Again I ask how this differs from Angle taking personal calls about Gracedale, and personally inviting a potential bidder to a meeting?
There is no difference at all, yet Berno will attempt to spin it that way.
If she has to step down then Angle must go as well!!
"Again I ask how this differs from Angle taking personal calls about Gracedale, and personally inviting a potential bidder to a meeting?"
Thi si reidulous horseshit, but if Angle were a consultant for this nursing home, it would be unethical for him to have them come up and make a pitch to Council on the difference between county-run and private nursing himes. The difference is they are not sending him a monthly check.
"This happens ALL THE TIME with all politicians. It's hopeless. Mann is just a teeny tiny symptom of a whole system gone wrong."
Mann may just be a tiny symptom of a more widespread problem, but she's pretty much alone among the LV House delegation. I looked into the ethics statement filed by all of them, and will be reporting on that next week. Chrs Casey is looking specifically at one of the state reps where there is a question. Between the two of us, we should screw everything uop totally.
"The difference is they are not sending him a monthly check."
Not yet, or that we know of anyway.
That's right, but you'll make a wild anonymous accusation without any basis in fact. That's why people like you are unpersuasive.
The thing about Mann is she acted like she was above the fray.
Now we learn she was right there in the midst of the ole boy network.
Appreciate the video. That guy is pretty good.
"That's right, but you'll make a wild anonymous accusation without any basis in fact. That's why people like you are unpersuasive."
FACT- As per your own words Ron Angle had to "field" a call from a possible buyer of Gracedale.
FACT- Ron Angle invited only one company (who happens to be interested in buy Gracedale) to a Council meeting then proceeded to say that it would not exclude them from the process.
So you claim that Mann should step down from her position....in FACT you said "It still presents a problem and a potential conflict. Jenn Mann needs to step down."
How does her having her mitts in these types of decisions differ? No where in here do you say she was personal trying to cut a deal the way Angle is (per your own words)
I know you will fight for Ronny boy, but for gods sake spare us the spin tactics!!
" To be fair, the ethics comm. approval could have been mentioned in the original post, no?"
As Alan points out, I did note this clearance in my original post on this topic. It's why I talked to Mann 3 years ago, although I had no idea she was working for Vitetta.
I decided that I should go into more detail about the ruling, which DOES NOT contemplate her service on the Stimulus Oversight Comm'n."
The original post was made on 9/20 and there was no mention that the state ethics comm. gave her the green light. All I'm saying is that it would have put the story in a different light. Really . . . in that context it's a non-story.
I did state she had clearance on 9/20 and did link to the opinion. Had I not done that, people like you would be throwing that up in my face. Here's an exact quote:
"In her defense, Mann did get clearance from the state ethics commission. She was warned against using her official position to solicit business."
To the Angle-hater:
Your initial point is that Man's situation is no different than Angle's. I point out that, inlike Mann, Angle is doing no conslting work. He did invite a hone to come here and give a presentation, and it does happen to be the same place that called him, but he has no financial interest in that company nor has he been paid any finder's fee or monthly payment. So you are completely full of shit. In fact, Angle is not even sitting on the committee taht will recommend an attorney to broker this deal.
If you had a point to make, why were you not at the County Council meeting, claiming theree is some conflict? Wht have you made no complaint to the PSP? You hhave not doe that bc you know you are full of shit. And you have not identified yourself bc you are a coward.
Get a life.
I have deleted two anonymous comments that are both OT and make personal attacks. I will continue deleting such comments. The topic here is Jenn Mann, not Gracedale or Panera Bread.
[From Anon 9:09pm]
My bad. You are correct, sir.
Nothing is beyond you Bernie O'Hare;
using "Dead Animals" as propaganda
for the big sell.
I feel that you care but your methods
are so discredited and views are so skewed, Mark Twain would have a field day with you and your ilk.
Great piece of investigation; you deserve much credit.
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